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Leave the World Behind

Ignore Bad Reviews, No Doubt Here Because of Obamas
This film was produced by Barack and Michelle Obama. There's the reason for the slew of negative reviews who are no doubt spamming this site due to their political agenda. This is a good, old fashioned, psychological thriller. Reminds me a lot of the film Signs and of Alfred Hitchcock. Like most films like this, it features a young child who is super sensitive almost to the point of clairvoyance (or autism). Julia Roberts is quite hate-able here. Weird to see her in this kind of roll. Ethan Hawke is as Ethan Hawke as always. Mahershala is handsome and cool and struggling to keep the peace. There are plenty of summaries here and online so I will just say that I was caught in its grips. It's a thoughtful film that's terror lies in its plausibility. The cinematography is excellent. Yes, this film is slow at times but I wasn't bothered by that. The way it ends leaves it open to a sequel, which I would welcome. Well worth your time. Chilling all the way through.

A Walk in the Woods

A Nice Film But this Isn't Bryson
Bryson is one of my favorite authors. I've read A Walk in the Woods twice and listened to the audiobook. It is the funniest book I've ever read. I laughed hard and frequently to the point of tears. Bryson's writing is imbued with a wry, warm charm. His trademark gentle, self-deprecating wit imbues every paragraph. Somehow, they managed to make a film adaptation that largely strips it of its humor and charm. As the film woodenly plodded along, I started to squirm, incredulous that they could've had such stellar material as Bryson's book to work with and then have turned it into dull mush. Redford was way too old to play Bryson, who was in his late 40s when he did the hike. His performance was charmless and he rendered Bryson a narcissistic, preachy bore, which is not at all how he comes across in the book. Nick Nolte saves the film, gives it an air of authenticity but the essence of Katz has been sweetened here (yes, really). Bryson DID actually finish hiking the AT, albeit without Katz and there's no mention of that in the film. Ugh. I'm so disappointed. Even the cinematography was boring and bland, like they had to work on the old man schedules and missed the best light of dusk and dawn. I mean, at least give us some scenic B-roll shots! Anyway, I could go on and on. There's a reason I waited years to see this, knowing it's a beloved book and that reviews were not kind. I want my hour and a half back. Now I have to reread the book again, wipe my brain slate clean, to remind myself of the genuine charm and eloquence of Bryson's writing.

Daisy Jones & the Six

Music Nerds Rejoice!
Shocked by all the negative reviews here. Ignore them if you're a fan of 60s/70s rock. As a music nerd and musician who was the product of a Hollywood recording artist, I watch this series knowing which way the wind will blow. But it doesn't matter because it's fun and engaging. The soundtrack is killer and any show that opens with a Patti Smith song will hook me. Riley Keough is a scene-stealer, exuding charm and charisma. It's hard to take your eyes off her. I wasn't sold on Billy at first ( he looks like he spends too much time in a gym for starters) but he and Daisy together are magic. I am concerned by the fact that no one seems to know how to hold a cigarette properly and some other minor quibbles but I can overlook all that. It's paced well, never boring, always engaging.

The Hangover Part III

Like a Zany Breaking Bad
I enjoyed this film, despite the scenes simulating animal cruelty (which were mercifully brief). Ken Jeong gets more airtime here and that's a good thing, because he's hilarious. This movie has nothing to do with a literal hangover and is more like Breaking Bad meets the Marx Brothers. It's good fun with star turns by the likes of Melissa McCarthy and John Goodman. Lots of exciting stunts, and an especially scary one on the roof of Caesar's Palace in Vegas. If you liked the other Hangover films then you'll enjoy this one, too, even if it's a tad darker in tone. A quality production by the same team that brought you "Joker."

Community: App Development and Condiments
Episode 8, Season 5

Logan's Run Redux
When I was a kid in the 70s, I remember watching the film Logan's Run on TV and being very freaked out. This episode of Community is brilliant in its faithfulness to the look and disturbing feel of the film. I grew up believing that in the future, everyone would wear flowy robes in primary colors. The appearance of Mitchell Hurwitz is brilliant as Community owes a debt of gratitude to Arrested Development. One of Community's best episodes, In my opinion. A funny, freaky homage to a great 1970s sci-fi flick that I love so dearly. I've said all I want to say but IMDB is forcing me to continue until I meet the minimum.

Bad Vegan: Fame. Fraud. Fugitives.

She's Not Dumb, She's Autistic!
I just finished watching "Bad Vegan" and have never felt so angry after watching a docuseries. I had to hold myself back from yelling at the screen. Everyone involved has completely missed the point. There's a huge misunderstanding here that I'm compelled to speak out about.

The case of Strangis and Sarma can be summed up thusly: A narcissist cons a beautiful, successful, emotionally vulnerable woman who is clearly on the autism spectrum. He initially showers her with positive attention - communication - the one thing that is hard to come by when you are autistic.

Autism in women is severely underdiagnosed, primarily because women are raised to be social so the autistic female child learns how to "fake it til you make it." Nod and smile, nod and smile. Therefore, women don't fit the stereotype of autism - Rainman, Sheldon Cooper, etc. Sarma exhibited all the classic signs of autism throughout. She talked about feeling like an outsider as a kid. She always found it hard to make friends or intimate connections. During her interviews, she is constantly fidgeting - stimming - to self-soothe. She has halting speech. She is an intelligent woman, capable of building up a successful restaurant with a unique twist. So how can someone so smart and successful fall prey to a lowlife conman? Easy. Because autistic people are gullible. Autistic people - even pretty, blonde female ones like Sarma and myself - can be easily swayed because we don't understand the rules of social interaction. Having a simple conversation with another person outside of work or family, can be a herculean task. So why did she stay on the lam with Strangis for a year? If my assessment is correct, then she may have been paralyzed with anxiety over the situation. Autistic people can feel so overcome by anxiety, that it paralyzes them, numbs them, and affects their judgment.

All of the commenters calling her a "dumb blonde" should be ashamed of themselves and have probably never established a successful, popular restaurant, either.

I, too, fell prey to a conman once. I met him one afternoon in 1993 when I was feeling blue and he talked me into hanging out with him. Before I knew it, I was being handcuffed to a tree in a park and raped. Long story short, this man was a serial rapist/murderer. And do you know how people in the legal system viewed me? Like a temptress. Like an uncredible witness who probably wanted consensual relations (for the record, I did not). That man is currently languishing in San Quentin. Forever.

Obviously I feel for Sarma and relate to her a bit. But I'm so disappointed in everyone involved in her story and in the making of this series that they were not able to "get it."

Sluga narodu

Excellent Political Satire
If I were to have watched this before the Ukraine/Russia war, I would have thought this was very clever and well-acted. But viewing it within the context of the day, my opinion changes only slightly. That slight change comes in the form of admiration for Zelensky, who is clearly a skilled actor. If you enjoy such shows as MASH or Veep, or are interested in seeing Ukraine's president in his former job, then I highly recommend checking this out.

The Alpinist

Excellent, and I'm not a Climber!
Beautiful, moving film. You don't have to be a mountain climber to appreciate the story of the amazing man that was LeClerc. He was truly one-of-a-kind. Inspirational and gripping, wonderfully paced, never a boring moment.

Ultimate Treasure Countdown

Mostly Great, But...
In our short attention span, Buzzfeed world, how do you get people interested in ancient cultures? By making a list! Fun and lightweight, just when I'm starting to get really intrigued about an artifact or site, they've moved on to the next one. Especially annoying is how the presenter has to be in every frame. There are many pointless closeups of her face gazing at something thoughtfully while I'm wishing she'd move over so I could get a better look at the Roman road behind her or even at the artifact she's so mesmerized by. And if the show's premise isn't enough to stir you, maybe the zaftig host's barely clad bosom will interest you, which she goes to great lengths to display constantly. All in all, not a bad show (it is Nat Geo, after all) just wish it was less about the presenter and more about the antiquities.

The Queen's Gambit

Gripping, smart, visually beautiful, not one wasted moment. From start to finish I was all in. This series is going to go down in history up there with Mad Men and Breaking Bad, although it's really in a league of its own. Simply one of the most original shows I've ever seen. The acting is excellent. The script, clever and sparse. Every frame is a painting. I watched with a critical eye but could not find fault. Quite possibly, the most perfect series to come down the pike.

Cougar Town

Not TOO Horrible
Not a complete waste of time, but not for thinking people. I watched 6 episodes of season 1 and LOL'd all of twice. Overly broad, stereotypical characters in implausible situations. Not much heart, not much soul. I watched this because it was created by the same people behind "Scrubs," which is perhaps my all-time favorite sitcom. I've seen the whole series 4 times through. The character development in Scrubs is unsurpassed in TV sitcom history. So I guess the creators were all tuckered out by the time they got to Cougar Town and decided to just rest on their laurels. Hard pass.

The Midnight Sky

Confused by Bad Reviews
Did I just watch the same film all these commenters saw? Where they saw tedium, I saw minimalism. Where they saw a lame plot, I saw an elegy. Yes, it is slow but every moment meant something. Yes, there are holes in the plot but they don't affect the overall narrative. I couldn't help but think of one of my favorite films, Signs. Clooney is Gibson and young Iris nearly looks identical to the young girl in Signs. But long story short, if you like Sci-Fi and contemplate how it all will end.


Just as Fresh in 2020
I've seen every episode a half dozen times and it's always funny and fresh with each viewing. This show has it all - it's clever, real, authentic, with moments of surrealism thrown in to shake things up. Just one of the best series ever to come down the pike.

Beyond Survival with Les Stroud

Excellent Look at Vanishing Cultures
Seems this series has flown way under-the-radar, which is shocking to me. But then, if it wasn't for the pandemic and a lot of free time, I may not have discovered it! Beyond Survival is an in-depth, non-sensationalistic look at indigenous cultures of the world. Speaking as one who studied cultural anthropology, this is very well done. It's beautiful to look at, engaging and informative. Stroud simultaneously immerses himself in their ways while keeping a respectful distance as they go about their days. From the San Bushmen of the Kalahari, to Incan priests of the Andes and so on, this series gives us a peak into the ways of vanishing tribes and their customs. This series should be required viewing in all freshman level anthropology classes. I highly recommend it!

El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie

A fun thriller that neatly wraps up the story of Jesse Pinkman (albeit leaving it open for more). There's a noticeable lack of gore here, which I appreciate, as I never did like that about the series. But the story very much stays concentrated on Jesse, from the time of his breakout away from his captors until he is set up to start a new life. Nice BB references and flashbacks featuring some of your favorite characters. Well worth it. So good I've seen it twice!

Selling Sunset

Relax, People. It's Only a Show.
There's a lot of amusing hysteria in the reviews here of "Selling Sunset." Please, people, calm down. Don't be threatened, don't take it personally. It's just a reality show. I watch it through an anthropologist's lens and take everything with a large grain of salt. So why watch at all, then? Maybe because my parents were real estate brokers with their own business in Orange County when I was growing up and I know this world and have met people like these. That being said, the majority of people living in L.A. aren't spoiled, entitled, vapid and rich. I watch it to see the houses, to understand how the other half live here in L.A. It's quite mind-boggling to anyone with an IQ over 75 but late at night with a bottle of wine, when you want something totally undemanding to look at, this scratches that itch. A ringing endorsement, I know, but not worthy of the anger it has fomented amongst the commenters (though that French Ramen guy is a narcissistic sociopath who needs to get thrown to the curb...)

Echo in the Canyon

Worthwhile for Hardcore Music Fans
Being generous & rating this film a 7 here, simply because so many of my musical heroes were present in it. But this "movie" is really a promo piece for Jakob Dylan. I actually like Jakob - well, mainly gazing at his blue eyes - but this was hardly a comprehensive look at the Laurel Canyon scene. No mention of Joni Mitchell? Judi Collins? The Flying Burrito Brothers? How about some modern day reigning heirs of the scene like Father John Misty & Lana Del Rey? Watch this for the anecdotes from the old guard - Roger McQuinn, Tom Petty, David Crosby, Stephen Stills, etc. But keep your expectations low in terms of meat. It won't go there.

Expedition X

Oooh, a Spooky Shadow!
I wanted to love the episode I watched (Mammoth Cave) but it was thin on science & facts & heavy on spooky sounds & shadows. As a geology buff & overall science nerd, I shouted possible reasons for the spooky events at the TV screen - a fungus growing in the cave that when inhaled could cause visual and/or auditory hallucinations; minerals in the rocks that could influence the atmosphere (for eg: the mysterious goings-on at the Bermuda Triangle have been all but proven to be due to the presence of magnetic rocks that interfere with airplane & sea vessel instruments); shifting wind patterns due to meteorological events on the surface that make it feel like someone is brushing up against you; rocks small and large, that when they shift or break off affect the wind pattern, cause spooky sands and so on and so on. I gave this show a 6 just because it's better than a lot of the crap out there (cough**The Bachelor**cough) and because Josh, though I don't think I'll be watching again. I'll stick with the fabulous Expedition Unknown.

BoJack Horseman: The View from Halfway Down
Episode 15, Season 6

Unexpected. Beautiful. Tragic.
This. Was. Devastating. I did not see this coming. It was devastating in its rendering, devastating in its frightening beauty. This is animation as high art. When I realized just where he was I caught my breath. The ending had me in tears, just speechless. Utterly powerful, this is Netflix at its best. I'm going to sorely miss this show.

Marriage Story

I Wanted to Love it, but...
With all the critics raving & such a stellar cast, I thought "how could it go wrong?" But go wrong, it did. I gave up after an hour, most of which, saw Nicole in tears. The pacing is off - odd & disjointed. This film doesn't seem to know whether it wants to be a comedy or drama, so there are scenes of one or the other, slipping ungracefully into the next. The parents are borderline abusive towards their son, who is used here as a prop whom they can haggle over. The farcical scene leading towards Charles being served was cringe-inducing and overly long (since when does an old lady leap into the arms of her daughter's husband? Yes, I know wine was involved but everyone in the room acted like it was Tuesday). If Nicole stopped mid-way through explaining her story to her attorney to exclaim about how yummy the refreshments were one more time, I was going to throw something at the screen. Stop it, just stop it. Only crazy people act like that. Nicole is bratty, whiny and a couple sandwiches short of a picnic. Charlie is hang dog, wooden, stoic and largely unpleasant. I don't want to spend 5 minutes with these people let alone 2 hours! The only thing I can think of that would explain why film critics are raving is the cast of luminaries & the self-referential Hollywood/TV production sub plot. Critics eat that stuff up (see La La Land & Once Upon a Time...). Depressing, charmless, visually uninteresting. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go watch Joker to life my spirits...

The Polka King

A Must-See for Jack Black Fans
Shocked by all the low ratings here. I enjoyed it although I do think people will get more from this film if they or a loved one is a musician. As a semi-retired musician who has been through the gig grind, I can appreciate their desperation. Black turns out an excellent performance and the film as a whole is engaging and entertaining. Worth viewing.

Modern Love: Take Me as I Am, Whoever I Am
Episode 3, Season 1

The Best Depiction of Bipolar Disorder I've Yet Seen
I was once married to a man with sever bipolar disorder although neither of us knew it at the time as he had yet to be diagnosed with it. It was only after I divorced him when he was diagnosed. But this episode displays both the charms and devastating effects of life with someone who is bipolar so beautifully. When my ex was "up," he was incredibly charming & lively. When he was "down," he was bedridden for days. Sullen, monosyllabic. Hathaway deserves a boatload of awards for her incredible portrayal of life with bipolar disorder.


Not a Perfect Film but Damn Close
What do you get when all the elements of a film - acting, dialogue, cinematography, score - come together wonderfully? You get near-perfection! I've now seen this film in the theater 3 times. It's the only film I have ever felt moved to see a 3rd time in a theater. There are plenty of reviews here which go into detail about the substance of the movie, so I'll let you read those. Meanwhile, I will say that this is the most interesting, moving, scary, beautiful, darkly compelling film I've seen in years. I go to the theater for total immersion. The score itself is so hauntingly beautiful, so evocative. But ultimately what has kept me coming back is the mystery and Phoenix's incredible performance. I'm feeling confident I have most of it figured out now but I have no doubt that sometime in the future, I'm going to watch this again!

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