
IMDb member since April 2014
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Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption

A defense for being bad.
I wouldn't put this film in the league of Troma as I'm not sure if its to be taken serious or not, but I did get some enjoyment from what I'll call a C-horror movie. There are subtle (and not so subtle) references to Snake Plisken, Star Wars, From Dusk til Dawn, and other low budget zombie movies throughout ZA:R that I found entertaining. That being said, the acting was pretty awful from the lead female character, and the villain, Rome. Though, I suspect with Rome it was intended to be bad. I can't find any excuses for the lead female, however. She just seemed out of her element here. The fight scenes were playful instead of violent, almost comical if you don't take them too seriously. If you have a few hours to kill and you really enjoy low budget films, you may find this one entertaining. However, if you're looking for high quality then look elsewhere because you won't find any appreciation for this one. I can't say that it was all bad though. I got some laughs from it, and even enjoyed it from time to time.

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