
IMDb member since May 2005
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    19 years



What a complete surprise!
I saw this movie at a screening in NY. One of my friends had a small part in the movie. I thought this movie was about a crazy serial killer but that was only half right. The movie is actually about the relationship between network news and its audience. The filmmakers used the serial killer motif in order to tell that story. I was shocked at how good the film was because I know this is their first film. I loved, loved the editing! It was kind of like that Oliver Stone movie, U-Turn. I recognized a couple of people from the cast. Lauren Velez was the star and I've never seen her portray a character like this before. She's usually a cop, lawyer, or doctor. This time she was the reporter who seemed like she would do anything to get the story. Maybe I like it so much because I thought it was going to be bad or amateurish but I was wrong. The directors are really funny and it also shows in the film. This movie's tagline reads "Twisted Dark Comedy..." and that's pretty darn accurate. Some moments I was laughing, others I was scared, and the end of the movie is meeeeeesed up! I truly am a fan of these two directors. One of them is really cute! I don't know how much the movie cost but I think the budget was comparable to OPEN WATER. I hope everyone sees this movie and they make it big! I can't wait to see what they do next!

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