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Anatomie d'une chute

Anatomy of a modern day relationship
The scene where they had an argument was the climax. I felt as if we are doing it with my gf. It felt very genuine and real to me. I easily put myself in the main character's shoes. It's also the anatomy of a modern day relationship to me.

The movie's begining is very captivating. Perfectly done. I loved the directing and the whole script. As for the whole tragedy of the husband killing himself and the mother being the one who is getting blamed for murder, they barely dramatized it, there was no unnecessarely tragic agitation of a story but they rather told the whole thing very as it was supposed to be told. I felt for the characters, never felt anything cheesy. Perfectly was emphatic with every character except the prosecutor who usually took the matters way far with ridiculous attempts to make the woman as the killer but that's just what they do anyway...

All In all, I think it was perfect. Maybe could do without the last few mins of ending but still a perfect movie.

Kus Uçusu

Almost there but not quite...
I have no problem with actors, directing, cinematography etc. In fact, I think it was nicely directed, visually offered some great scenes, actors portrayed the characters as good as possible.

The show and the theme had so much potential. I loved the idea of newer gen fighting with older and try to have his/her own ways by utilizing the power of social media. I like how delusional a young person or even a older one can get with all the social media, instagram drama of our days. But the scriptwriter went too far with it. At times it seemed very unrealistic with the way they let characters and events evolve. The bad villian of the series had nothing that we can relate to unfortunately which made her feel very unrealistic even though the actress portrayed her so well.

In overall, I think a very promosing, great theme, actor / actress squad and nice directing performance were all wasted with very very poor writing and story.


Provacation is the way!
I can see why one might find this one hard to watch. It was made to disturb the audience, it had very provacative scenes, music and more. But I loved how he told the story backwards and without using any cuts in his own unique way. I can't say you gotta like it, but he had something very unique, authentic and responsive. I'm not gonna talk about all the deeper meanings you might find and read into about this movie but rather just simply celebrate its greatness as a unique piece of art as a film.


Amazing cinematography, visuals and writing.
This is not your average Netflix mainstream show. So, don't expect generic introduction, development and result to the story and characters. The story exists in a complete different universe so, don't try to point out some of the stuff that don't make much sense for our world and today's turkey. The constant fog is also there to remind the viewer of that. But the show still contains very clear post modern day criticism towards the Turkish politics, problems of stereotipic modern white collared workers, relationships and inability to communicate etc. The story telling might seem as dull and unfluent at times but in overall, it's enough to keep the audience interested. The director onur Saylak once again proved he has talent as a director and provides the show an amazing directing and cinematography. The way he told the story, the way he created the show's universe is really the most special thing about this show.

Trilogia: To livadi pou dakryzei

20th century Greece through a love story...
I doubt I have ever seen such movie so perfectly describing and telling a wider range of history. It almost like a history documentary of 20th century Greece told over a 2 child's love story. I loved it. It was flawlessly done.


First 4 Seasons are classics, rest is meh...
The title says it all. First 4 seasons are really enjoyable to watch, a bit slow pacing but characters are really strongly built, story is captivating. After 4th season, it starts to feel like it was being continued for commercial purposes or something and kind of loses its touch. Last season barely offered any story that I was actually interested. If they would have ended it in 4 seasons, this would have been a 9/10 or maybe even perfect 10/10 show. Unfortunately, they almost made like 30 more episodes after that which were mostly filled with filler scenes, dull war scenes, less relatable characters with less captivating story...

9 Kere Leyla

Don't let the ratings fool you!
It's not as bad as they made it to be. Movie has its' unique style of telling it. It was good nevertheless. I can see how Turkish people might have missed the deeper meanings, the fun in the way the story was told etc... Just keepin it short. I think it's worth watching plus it's at least 7/10. The story is good too. Makes you think and also gives out some strong messages throughout which are especially should be given at this point in Turkey.

The Crown

Probably the best of all...
Yes, it really is. Of course I'm talking about the shows, movies and even documentaries made about the Royals of UK. I've never seen any other show that could make 20th century UK Royal Family more interesting than this. Characters are perfectly portrayed and the whole show is perfectly shot, the story is perfectly told. Sure not the best series ever but one of the best series ever in its' own category. Anybody can watch this with interest. Just flawless.

El hoyo

Beautiful movie
This is not one your average superhero movies, it doesn't tell daily life story or something like that. This is almost like philosophy book that would make you think and think. I think the director is a real artist and whoever wrote this script is a serious thinker. There are many theories what the story symbolizes metaphorically but one thing that it sure tells perfectly is the "human nature". Must watch movie for any person who can enjoy some intellectuel stuff. Btw, the fact that they just rated it 7.0 on is sad to see. I'd say Metacritic score is a lot more on point.

Karakomik Filmler: Kaçamak

Don't trust the ignorant comments and ratings, it's great.
People watched this expecting to laugh. They thought it was a comedy but even though it was comedic, it was a science fiction movie with very well written realistic characters. I enjoyed it a lot because unlike almost every late Turkish comedy movie, it didn't have stupid, unfunny jokes with cuss words. It wasn't about dumb, unrealistic, over romantisized fake love stories or fake mafia stories with guns. It actually has a strong message about one of the things that are wrong about humans. But it wasn't really a surprise to see many didn't really get those messages. I think the main reason is our people don't read enough, don't think and dream enough. Simply they can't see beyond the horizon, can't see the bigger picture. This was a very fun, creative little movie.

Karakomik Filmler: 2 Arada

This is simply great. It actually feels very real even though it's very absurd. Cem Yilmaz wrote a great script about very ordinary man's life and yet he made it interesting. I love the whole 60 mins of 2 movies concept. And those moveis are really Comidark.


Loved it!
I'mma be honest. The movie was good. I think it was the only movie I watched about pole dancers, strippers that was inspired by the real events. But it wasn't a movie that would get 10/10 if it wasn't for all those beautiful girls. Well, actually one of them; Jennifer Lopez. She is the hottest female ever lived and I admire her. She is special. Always great to watch her and she is pole dancing in this movie ?!! That's easily my fav movie of the year...

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

So I see they did some good improvements in movie as for the technological side of things (R2 replacement robot being able to move easier). It was also good to see some details such as food makin' scene of Rey. I like how they started as if the movie is just another Star Wars movie and slowly connects to Episode 6 and u realize that it's actually a sequel. Only things I'd complain about is that it felt as if we are watching the same scenario as the episode 4. Again there is a new hope like Luke in E. 4 (Rey), again the dark side seems to be so much powerful... I mean I can almost see the end of this triology after just watching the half of the Force Awakens.

Btw, after the emperor died in the episode 6, how did the darkside rised again ? What is that interesting creature that is suppossed to be the new emperor lol?

Another one, why the hell is that new Darth Vader boy killing his father Han Solo ? how dumb is it ? I mean at least give us a proper reason for that. How can a person kills his own father for some weird creature. This movies is like comedy, no reason for nothing at all. lol.

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Would have been the best among the oldest 3 movies if it wasn't for...
I liked the movie. I liked the fact that we get to see more jedi scenes and more lightsabers compared to first 2 movies because let's face it, Star Trek is easily better if it wasn't for some little details such as lightsabers lol.

Anyway, I'd say this is the best movie among the 3 oldest movies but there were some ridiculious screenplays in the movie that I haven't really faced in the first 2 movies. First one is that, they promoted the darkside as a great force for 2 movies but the weakest species like ewoks were able to almost single handedly take care of the troops and machines of darkside.

Another problem was in the Luke's confortation scene with Darth Vader. The emperor tried to talk Luke into breaking bad by asking him to grab the lightsaber and kill the emperor ?? Well, eventually he did which I thought was kinda late. I could see Darth Vader interfering with it from the beginning. The father and son fought for mins as the emperor sayin' dumb stuff and enjoying 2 strong men tryin' to kill eachother unwillingnessly. It didn't seem genuine to me that Luke didn't go after the emperor few more times as he is fighting to his father, the real target was the emperor as Luke had little love for his father. It's even worse from Darth Vader's side. As we saw in the episode 3, Anakin was fooled by the emperor by giving a promise of saviour of his lovely wife and child from death which was forseen. But the wife died as I recall so emperor didn't really deliver anything. Plus, turning into darkside caused the fight against Obi Wan which led him to become a barely living armless, legless person who had to become a machine to keep living. So Darth Vader should have already betrayed the emperor after he was forced to fight with his son to death.

Let's try another perspective, Darth Vader was evil, yes it had very little good in him but it was only against his children not anything else, so isn't it kinda non sense that he didn't think of becoming the emperor himself by killing the emperor ? An evil man would want to be the boss there is no exception. In the movie he acts as if he is so loyal to his emperor but why ? He was suppossed to be evil, evil doesn't really feel loyal except something is in for them ? What was in for Vader anyway ? I believe the whole darkside was kinda bold in the movie and that last fighting scene made me think of those things... In the end Vader acts as if he was suppossed to from the beginning but still feels luckluster for me. I mean how can a guy that smart act like that ? Only reasonable explenation was that he was careless of life, he wanted to die already.

Ali Kundilli

The type of comedy we missed in Turkish Comedy
First of all, I'm writin' this in english because IMDB doesn't support Turkish alphabet which makes it really hard to write, I'd prefer writing in English.

About the movie, I was really prejudiced before watching this movie after seeing it on TV. I watched it for a while and then thought it was so good that I felt like watching it online because stupid RTUK censors everything on TV. I liked the movie. It's funny and mostly makes you laugh with situations characters are getting in. It doesn't make fun over cussing and being cruel all the time... I advice you to watch Cem Gelinoglu's movies. They are pretty good.

Payitaht Abdülhamid

Haven't watched fully yet but few things I gotta say as a Turkish guy who is interested in history.
Well, first of all, I only watched first 20 episodes yet. But let's put the history aside for a second, the show is pretty good and they made very fluent, exciting storyline. Costumes, actings are well done. Unlike many Turkish series, it doesn't have many filler scenes (because most of the shows make very long filler scenes in order to fill 120 mins per episode.) The chronology of some events has changed in favor of making a good scenario but in overall, they portrayed that time pretty good and specially Abdulhamid is almost perfectly on point. The low rating for this show might be because of the guys that are watching it in Turkey, most of the people that watches this, comments really ignorantly and they are really disturbing. Show is pretty good tho.


At least 8!
The movie is at least 8/10. I have no idea why is it so underrated. I wouldn't really say anything bad about the movie. The costumes and scenes are very beautiful. Actors and actresses were really brilliant. Hopefully, this will get the attention it deserves and we'll have more movies like this one because our history is full of interesting stories to tell.

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