
IMDb member since May 2005
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Vanished in Yosemite

Best Movie EVER MADE!!
This film is amazing. Off the charts in all facets, directing, acting, cinematography, it's all there. Buckle up as this movie wastes no time delivering the goods! I could not believe this was a Lifetime movie this should have been released in theatres!!!! This could have swept the Oscar's but I'm guessing politics got involved, don't let that bother you, make the time to watch this powerhouse of a film. You will forget you are watching a movie with the incredible realism on display here. The sister and her estranged boyfriend's chemistry is palpable and feels ultra real. I won't spoil anything but this movie grabs you and doesnt let go until the credits roll!!!

Unknown Visitor

Watch only if every other movie ceases to exist.
The acting in this movie makes Joe Biden look smart. The idea is a good one but the execution is horrible.... It's actually the scariest part .............. if all other movies cease to exist in the world then I would say give this a watch but it starts off lame and remains lame uninspired, unoriginal, etc you get the point. The chick is hot though, the dude couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag. There are times when the "ring doorbell" switches positions when the so called actors use it... the chick is definitely not a real smoker it all these glaring unnatural things that take away any shred of seriousness this movie strives for. It's a mess and could t even get a razzy lol.

Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets

This is why religion gets a bad name.
This doc is a revelation but not a surprise. These types of people tarnish genuine religious entities out there. Jim Bob is excrement not a human who sold his whole family out. Gothard (head of the church) is also excrement and will burn south of heaven. It doesn't stop there.... The level of brainwashing and relinquishing of children to these predators is awful. Don't even get me started on Josh Duggar, we all know his story. This doc will blow your mind to the level of evil that lurks within. You will not find a morale compass anywhere within this doc other than the innocent victims that were brave enough to be interviewed for this doc. Watch this doc it's filling of disgusting evil people(I use that term loosely) this film will open your eyes and take you to the edge and it will leave you wondering who or what you can believe in.

Halloween Ends

Don't listen to the negative cry baby reviews.
10 stars because it's inclusive of all 4 films and the ultra respect DGG and team deliver.

This is an excellent film. I guess people want the same old stuff over and over and when they don't get it they cry all over IMDb (and when they do get the same old stuff they cry all over IMDb). This film ventures off into interesting territory for a "slasher" and a "Halloween movie". The tone was great, the look of the film was great, most the acting was great (didn't like the main bully..... his acting was a little weak. This film delivered a very different Halloween experience and I was engaged the entire run time of the film. Never have I seen a "slasher" flick show an evolution and de-evolution of a killer. They grounded this film in interesting reality and the supernatural. I can't stop thinking about it because it wasn't the same old recycled slasher trope film. You get it all here, a fresh take and the road less travelled, suspense, great kills and an actual ending.... You never get that but you do with Halloween Ends. It is very different but in a very good way, so thankful Jamie L Curtis never forgot her roots and returned to the films for the fans but that's not good enough for many here, they will just bash the film and miss the point entirely. All in all the DGG trilogy sequels were a respectful, fun and interesting ride and recommend you watch Ends and have fun.


Better suited for director Michael Mann
Tom Hanks portrayal of Colonel was distracting and aggravating

Austin Butler was incredible.

So much about Elvis is glossed over and Baz's direction and edits are distracting to the point you don't feel like you ever get to know Elvis the way you want.

If this had been directed by someone like Michael Mann who's specializes in layered and complex "people" this may have been great. Baz delivered a mediocre movie and distracting visuals.....

My biggest gripe is it feels like Baz seemed to concentrate more on visual editing and made Elvis more of a side note in this film.

Good luck but it's def a cautionary tale of the more famous you are the more alone you'll always be.

Purple Hearts

Wow this was awful.
Where to start. Some advice. Save your time and don't bother unless you like cringe cinema, horrible acting, 2 dimensional characters, predictable from second 1, I don't have to go on... I believe you get the point.

The Sleepless Unrest: The Real Conjuring Home

Everyone in this is FOS
Lame and nothing to see here. All fake with music - this is bad.... Really bad. I've seen more compelling episodes of the office than this garbage. It's hilarious to watch people try and act scared.

Top Gun: Maverick

One of the best sequels EVER!!!!!
This movie is amazing start to finish, it balances the nostalgia and callbacks perfectly, it adds just the right amount of weight to the Roostwr storyline. This movie is AMAZING!!! Just go see it!


Succeeds at boring you....
This movie bored me so much this 90 minute movie felt as long as the movie portrays (which was a few days.....) no tension, very predictable (including the ending) and it was truly realistic in one really felt like you are stuck with people you couldn't stand to be around

Positive note. Lilly Collins was very good... the rest felt like they phoned it in.

The Batman

Reeves delivers. Pattinson Delivers. Incredible.
Probably the best and most grounded take on the Batman ever. Reeves directs masterfully. Pattinson portrays Batman flawlessly. His presence is heavy in every scene. The DP delivers the best looking Batman movie ever! No spoilers - this is just a great film from every aspect.


Horrible Acting.... Really let down...
Can not believe the lead actress couldn't act... Not making fun but her eyes... each eye looks in a different direction and it was distracting. Dewey was the best part about this movie. Overall it just lacked all the flavor of the first one.... Pretty bland and corny affair.

Still can't get over how most of the acting from the "new comers" was just awful

Wait to rent if you're at all interested.

American Underdog

This a great film about a great man and his family
There are very few people especially in sports that anyone can look up to. Kurt Warner was always one of those people. A role model for just about anyone. He is deserving of all his goodwill and success. This movie shows you the struggles he and his family endured. It really will restore some faith in humanity. I could go on but you get it.... Great movie, unbelievable story of triumph - please see it!


Jumping in front of a train would be better than watching this.
Seriously - I'd rather get hit by a train than watch this garbage. The only reason this got watched in the first place is because of the snow storm that came through. I should of known better..... please do anything else with your time..... go watch grass grown or paint dry.... It will be so much more entertaining.

The Unforgivable

I felt the impact.
One of Sandra Bullocks best performances and will hit you pretty hard throughout the film. The direction is excellent and the story slowly unfolds perfectly. The third act could have gone in several directions but decided on the hard hitting culmination of the human connection.

Love Hard

Pleasantly surprised.
Good Rom-Com and doesn't feel like all the other stuff getting churned out at the moment.

I enjoyed this flick and hope people see it for what it is and aren't too critical about it.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

An excellent film. It was a blast!
A great film and it took me back to the way I felt when I saw the Goonies as a kid. Recommend this for the whole family. I'm a diehard GB fan and Reitman has delivered.

Halloween Kills

Excellent even if people can't remember what slashers are suppose to be!!
All the negative reviews.... Really???!!! This is a slasher not Shakespeare!! Everyone seems to forget slashers are fun flicks with lots of kills and Halloween Kills is just that!! If you expected something else go watch something else. This is a fun brutal gory SLASHER!!! Some People just don't get it I guess. Be thankful Green has been ultra respectful to the original film and has used it to give us what we have asked for. Everyone's a critic I guess. Slashers entertain and this entertained!

Nothing's perfect but few things need to be. Solid Horror film all the way. PLEASE see it more than once, that's very important for everyone to do. There's a lot to pick up on here. It's a solid film with the King of slashers.... Michael Myers is no joke and would make Jason and Freddy cry. Loved it.

Midnight Mass

Jim Jones meets Salem's Lot ????
Religious slow burn. Like real slow. Not bad could have been 5 episodes.

The Wolf of Snow Hollow

Not bad....but not that good as it was presented... new edit needed
After watching this film which was a pretty fun and interesting'll see from an editing standpoint it could use more or less.... Not sure which without knowing what they filmed. Some scenes seemed like they were thrown in because they were filmed but didn't make much sense or lacked context. Don't want to spike things but this film could be very effective if it was sent back to the editing room, cut stuff or add stuff to include context and undo the disjointed scenes throughout. If you over look those flaws there are some very effective scenes and a fun movie here. I hope this gets recut and I'd like to see it fleshed out a little more.

Godzilla vs. Kong

Adam Wingard is Awesome.
I've watched all of Adams work up to this. Adam is really the only reason I watched this flick. Like I've been telling people for years this dude can direct a film!!! This movie could of easily been a by the numbers cash grab.... instead we got a fun and awesome flick!!!

Wrong Turn

Don't listen to most the reviews. More fun than 2003 ver
Movie is well crafted and well done.... it's a fun little horror flick.... not sure what people were expecting.... a re-hash of the first one???? Gladly not...First was just ok... this one is more brutal more fun and def falls in the wrong turn universe..... A "reboot" of sorts that does it right... doesn't make the same movie 18 years later.... it freshens it up and it's ultimately a good flick.

Wonder Woman 1984

Granting wishes is the plot here - I kept wishing it would end
This movie makes no sense. It's a mess in every way imaginable.

I was begging Max Lord to grant me just 1 wish...

I wish this movie would END!!!!!!!

Force of Nature

Holy Moly this is BAAAAAAAAD!
Obviously the budget did not allow for a technical advisor. The gun handling and gun choices and the use of C4 was so wrong it's laughable and that's just one reason this movie sucks. The other reasons are awful story awful acting - nothing made sense the dialogue was so dumb that I'm pretty sure my IQ dropped after watching this garbage.

So not watch even if you have nothing to do.... keep doing nothing instead.

The F**k-It List

Inconsistent tone. Rubbish. Dumb. Cardboard characters. Meandering.

Avoid at all costs.

13 Reasons Why

WOW. JUMPED THE SHARK!!!! This show is awful.
Season 4 is a joke. Season 4 makes season 3 look good.

They used to try and keep the show and the situations somewhat grounded but season 4 is laughable and meanders all over the place and is a COMEDY!!!!

Not going to waste any time here.... if you need a good laugh watch it. If not, don't waster your time.

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