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The Last of Us: Look for the Light
Episode 9, Season 1

That was a bit of a let down!
Sigh, what am I gonna say? I really wanted to like the show, mostly because of the amazing chemistry between the two main actors and the great atmosphere it often manages to create. However I feel like the show had several issues and those caused massive - and predictable - problems in the end. Even though you've probably already seen it I'll try to keep it spoiler-free.

My main problem with the finale is that it felt extremely rushed and hollow. Watching the show I was always worried that all the time spent on fan service and long flashbacks would cause problems in the end - and it did. Climax and ending of the entire show are basically crammed into 15 minutes and felt highly compressed.

The last episode rushes through several important plot points and a lot of character development was communicated through a few unsubtle lines of dialogue. Quite a shame considering that I loved how the show was developing the relationship between Joel and Ellie up to this point.

This doesnt ruin the show but I cant help but wonder why the creators paced things the way they did.

The Swarm

Somewhat enjoyable Euro-Schlock
The Swarm is definitely not a good show. Horrific acting, laughable dialogue and amateurish writing make watching it downright painful at times. On top of that it might be the worst adaption of a book I've ever seen on screen. Still, you might be able to enjoy it if you've got a soft spot for bad European television.

Among all the issues that plague the show, poorly written dialogue und bad acting are probably the main offenders. A lot of the scenes are just actors who cant be bothered to act reading stilted and boring dialogue thats chock-full of exposition. Were definitely in B-Movie territory here and the few good performances we see aren't enough to save the show. The creators also did a bad job at adapting the source material. Pointless stuff is added, important characters removed and nobody could be bothered to properly update the 20 year old technical aspects from the original book. It basically feels like a bunch of semi talented individuals got together to burn film subsidies without any passion or creativity. Yes, it's that bad.

Yet you might be able to enjoy the show if you want something to make fun of while digesting your Sunday dinner. There's a tradition in Germany to watch a mediocre crime drama called "Tatort" every Sunday just to hang out with friends and make fun of bad TV. The Swarm is hitting that exact same spot. Sounds good? Then cozy up, grab a bag of chips and gently doze off while watching a global desaster you couldn't care less about.

The Last of Us

It's good but no must-see
So I finally buckled and watched "The Last of Us". It's a pretty good show, sometimes even great, yet it's just not the "Must watch" people make it out to be.

I think the positives of the show are pretty well known by now and theres little to argue here. The main acctors have good chemistry, set pieces are great and it's beautifully shot. Since everybody is already raving about the positives I won't go into too much detail here and focus on the issues I had with the show.

One thing that was bugging me was the pacing and writing. Way too much is communicated via flashback or quasi stand-alone episodes. Thats really making the whole thing feel rather disjointed and caused huge problems in the end. It definitely felt like the show was running out of time and a lot of important plot points didn't get the attention they deserved. The actual finale of the show as well as the ending or epilogue felt extremely rushed and therefore hollow. No clue why they paced the show like this. My best bet is that they were trying to cram some extra fan service in.

But the biggest issue is that the show keeps repeating the same pattern of getting ones hopes up and ruining everything with a gut-punch twist. That might be effective if you do it once or twice but it gets old quickly. I stopped caring after a few episodes because I always felt like I was just watching the prelude to yet another catastrophe. Weirdly everything else is by the numbers and the show never really managed to surprise me. Raiders, cannibals, monsters - we've seen it all before and the show isnt really doing anything new with those tropes.

So despite the amazing chemistry between the two main actors and great production value I felt like watching just another zombie horror show after a while. If those arent right up your alley you can calmly skip "The Last of Us".

Dorosute no hate de bokura

A witty breath of fresh air for the time travel genre
A really enjoyed "Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes" and would recommend it to everyone who enjoys movies that dare to try something new. While the movie has its longueurs and is sometimes at odds with western viewing habits its still super fun and thought provoking.

The plot is rather simple: Café owner Kato discovers that his computer's monitor shows what will happen two minutes into the future and is linked to the television in his café, which displays what happened two minutes into the past. Director Yamaguchi just tool that idea and ran with it which leads to about 70 minutes of smart character driven comedy and a lot of surprises.

Whats especially great is that the movie doesnt try to be serious or give some pseudo-scientific explanation for the time travel. The audience knows just as little as the characters and is taken on a crazy journey filled with fun, mystery and relatable characters. Its a smart and unusual comedy thats perfect as a date night film or a movie night with friends!

The Rig

Absolute waste of a cool premise
I've been looking forward to The Rig and really liked the premise of the show: An oil rig in the middle of nowhere gets enveloped by a mysterious fog that cuts off all communication while something huge begins to stir at the ocean floor. While this might sound exciting the creators completly squandered the potential of a great idea. The result is a poorly crafted by-the-numbers show that feels like it is based on a fifty year old script. Everything you'll see here has been done before and much better.

To be fair, there are a few good individual performances but that isnt enough to save the show. Especially since some other performances are so bad that the respective characters ruin every scene they are in.

The special effects and visuals are also pretty disappointing. The interior of the oil rig is pretty cool but everything on the outside looks so fake that its immersion breaking. The backgrounds look fake, the lighting is off and there is nothing like rain or wind that would convince the viewer that the show is taking place in the middle of the ocean. All things combined it often felt like watching an old sketch comedy show.

The worst part for me was that I've been waiting for some cool twist or a redeeming idea until the very end but that never came. No big revelation, no cosmic horror and no tough decisions or moral dilemmas. Almost everything is completly by the numbers and the cookie-cutter characters behave exactly like you would expect them to. In addition there are huge plot holes and nothing to ground the show in reality.

All things considered the show was a huge disappointment and doesn't even work as enjoyable schlock. Best save your time and watch something else.

Color Out of Space

Entertaining take on cosmic horror
I am not a big fan of scary movies but watched the Color out of Space yesterday because I like cosmic horror and Nicolas Cage - the movie had plenty of both yet I was a bit disappointed at the end.

The story is quickly told: Nick Cage and his family - including children Lavinia, Benny, and Jack - live on his late father's farm in the middle of nowhere. One night, a weirdly colored meteor crashes into their garden and things get weird to say the least.

And weirdness is one thing this movie does really well. Theres an eerie atmosphere during the first two thirds of the movie that worked well for me. People behaving weirdly, things starting to look strange and an ever growing tension kept me on the edge of my seat. I also feel like this is an aspect of Lovecraftian horror the film captured really well, i.e. The descent into madness while reality crumbles around the protagonists. Cage has a few great moments here and his acting style really fits.

Unfortunately things get worse towards the end. People stop acting weird and start acting movie-stupid i.e. They do what the plot wants them to do regardless of their characters or common sense. The entire movie crumbles in a way, loses its unique tone and feels poorly crafted. The weird over the top finale didn't help either and I feel like the movie would have been better if they had cut the last 30 minutes. Really sad because there was a lot of potential there.

Still I recommend watching the movie. It's a fun take on Lovecraftian horror and the crazy Nicolas Cage performance fits right in.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Marks a new low in television
Let me start by saying that the best thing you can do is to just ignore this show. Despite nice visuals its mediocre at best and watching the first few episodes was nothing but a painful waste of time. (Tbf: I started cleaning the flat and did some laundry 30 minutes in so its not a total loss...)

The most striking thing about the show is how incredibly dumb it is. Dialog and narration are so weird, pretentious and non-sensical that it literally made me curse a few times. Sometimes it feels like the creators fail to compound simple sentences! Its the kind of language used in poor book reports and really stings at times. Apart from that its just cliche after cliche and characters dumping exposition on each other.

Honestly, I dont even want to go on because writing this makes me angry. This show is everything thats wrong with cinema and television these days - combined in one giant multi million dollar dumpster fire. Its an uninspired,, cynical attempt to squeeze money out of an excisting IP while piggybacking off current social trends. The latter is done in such a blatant way that its bordering the immoral.

To cut it short I believe this is the one thing the show really drives home and we as an audience should remember: The people behind shows like this dont care about social issues. They also dont care about existing stories and characters we love. They just want you to watch their formulaic garbage and are willing to pull every string and push every button to make you. Do yourself a favor and dont.

Day Shift

Classic action comedy with flaws
First things first: We're talking about a vampire movie and we've all seen Snoop Dogg in a cowboy outfit mowing down monsters with a mini gun in the trailer. Nobody should be expecting a high brow masterpiece. That being said the movie is fun but has some annoying flaws that could have easily been corrected.

The movie follows a very basic formula: We have a blue collar good guy who is trying to provide for his family - by hunting vampires - has trouble with his boss and runs into a lot of whacky side characters. Theres action, gore and some funny banter and the film is decent enough for an evening with friends or a hangover day on the couch.

Unfortunately theres also a lot of ham-fisted exposition, poor world building and a confused story that ruin some of the fun. Still, if you're in the mood for some 90s B-movie fun you can give this one a go.

Raised by Wolves

Somewhat bland mix of old ideas
Its not a bad show per se but it also doesnt bring anything new to the table. The tropes and themes have been explored before in movies, books and games. For me the show felt like a weird blend of Battlestar Galactica and the Alpha Centaury Video game from 99. Whats worse is that everything is painfully on the nose and the plot is laughably predictable. In other words: The whole thing is desperately trying to look smart by "borrowing" from various sources but keeps falling on its face. They added some pointless gore for shock value and thats pretty much it. Maybe watch it if you're die-hard scifi fan and ran out of anything else to watch but its ultimately a waste of time.

Stranger Things

Just stop after Season 1
I really enjoyed the first season of the show and it's definitely something you should check whether you like mystery or not. It's just great television all around: Well written, great acting, cool soundtrack, emotional - I could go on and on! So go ahead and watch it but just stop after the first season. Seriously, just ignore the rest of the show. It's a cynical cash grab and a lazy mix of fan service and 80s nostalgia. Like most Netflix shows I had it playing in the background while cleaning the flat or doing laundry but I wish I hadn't since it almost ruined the first season for me retroactively.

Lead Me Home

Just not a good documentary
This was one of the worst documentaries Ive seen in recent years, especially since the portrayal of the people living on the street felt almost cynical at times. They could have told the stories of the people involved but just used them as an excuse for mediocre and pseudo-intellectual film making. Lots of cheesy music, weird camera angles, an odd scene selection and no facts or figures about the subject. And instead of a discussion about the causes and remedies for this crisis we briefly see a few politicians skyping.

The movie basically failed on all levels. It didnt create empathy, wasnt informative and poorly crafted. Thank god its only a short.

The Many Saints of Newark

Feels like a bloated DVD bonus feature
Wow, what a disappointment! Despite some good performances and cool ideas the movie is a incoherent boring mess.

It doesnt add anything substantial to the original TV show and seems like at least two movies squeezed into one. (The things it does add feel weird and like something they just came up with to spice up the movie) A crude mix of fan service, whacky ideas and forced social commentary made the 2h runtime feel painfully long. It was basically like watching a string of deleted scenes with very little holding them together.

I feel bad for some of the actors involved, especially Michael Gandolfini who did a good job portrying young Tony Soprano, but that movie is just terrible. Maybe even bad enough to retroactively impair the TV show.

Stay away from that one!

Narcos: México

Should have stopped after one season
I really liked the first season of this show and still think it can hold up with the original Narcos. Unfortunately the show gets worse with every season and the third one was downright bad.

A boring yet convoluted plot, new characters which are too bland to care about and some serious miscasts have killed the show.

Netflix should have stopped after the first season and so should the viewer.


Not bad but mostly spectacle
I watched the movie last night and was pretty disappointed after reading all the great reviews.

The movie looks great most of the time and has some stunning visuals but thats pretty much all there is to say about it.

Highbrow audience will probably be annoyed by the lack of focus, boring characters, worn out tropes and a predictable plot. I didnt care about anything that happened to the people on screen and was shocked by some of the blunders. (People explaining the plot or what they are doing, illogical choices to advance the story, plot holes etc.)

Sadly theres not much for action/sci-fi fans either. Battles or big scenes are weirdly shot and choreographed and werent very engaging.

Maybe I'd give it a 7 if I hadnt been so hyped about it but its definitely not a must-see.

Army of the Dead

Messy, uninspired waste of time
Unlike the movie, I'll keep it short: I know this is a zombie movie and didnt expect anything but a fun, gory popcorn flick. But oh boy, was I setting myself up for disappointment. The movie is so full of lazy tropes, bad dialogue and plot holes that its basically unwatchable.

If someone had just taken the time to correct some of the obvious errors and cut that bloated film down to 90 minutes it could have been great entertainment. But whoever was is charge here didnt care and what we got instead is an uninspired mess that just keeps dragging on.

The sad part is that the movie had some cool ideas and a lot of people clearly put a lot of love into it. The actors are doing the best they can, special and pracitcal effects are cool and so are props and costumes. But that alone cant change the fact that script and editing are horrible. To add insult to injury the ending was completly unrewarding and left me feeling tired and annoyed.

So even if you're just looking for entertainment: Dont watch this movie! Its an insulting waste of time.

It Chapter Two

A bit of a mess but not as bad as people say
I get why people dont like this movie, its a bit of a dud horror wise and the story feels cobbled together at times. However this isnt to say that the movie is without its merrits and its still better than most big blockbuster productions these days.

The actors were great and really felt like the adult versions of the former cast. Atmosphere and music were cool to and the movie makes a few interesting points about growing up, fear and friendship. (Often a little on the nose tbf)

What I didnt like was the use of splatter effects and horror elements, especially since they did not really work. They were boring, added nothing to the story and often killed the tone. They could have left most of that out but I guess that was too risky for a horror movie sequel. Quite a shame! Would have been a much better movie otherwise.

Aunty Donna's Big Ol' House of Fun

The good bits are brilliant!
To be completly honest, a lot of the sketches and jokes did not impress me and are pretty cringy. Others had me in tears though. I am not a laugh-out-loud kinda guy and that show really cracked me up a few times. Good stuff!


Soap opera meets infotainment - horrible
Before I start: I really wanted to like the show and there are some good aspects in there. (Costumes, spoken Latin etc.) I wouldnt be too suprised if someone who isnt German and watches the entire show with subtitles wouldnt be as annoyed as I am but oh boy, its pretty horrible for a native speaker. Which brings me to my biggest problem with the show:

The actors who play the Germans or barbarians arent great. I get that a lot of them arent seasoned actors and/or only had parts in German soap operas before but most scenes cant be watched without laughing or cringing. The dialogue itself is horrible too: Stiff, unnatural and full of exposition it sometimes feels like watching a low budget documentary.

Interestingly the parts about the Romans are much better, at least those in which they arent serving as cookie-cutter villains. But whats good here gets ruined by silly writing and grotesque plot holes.

In short: Do yourself a favour and stay away from this show. I'll now watch Rome again instead.

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