
IMDb member since May 2014
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    IMDb Member
    10 years


The Library

I think we're safe now...
This director is known for making low budget films that look good. His first splash was purification then Acedia, and now 6 minutes of death. Acedia was my favorite but could be beat by his newest film being released in the fall of 2014 called, "Venial". This movie immerses you in a disturbingly cryptic vision of the underworld unlike any you've seen before. First glimpse of this film may have you believe It's weird and non-traditional, but its also effective and scary and clearly the work of someone who knows their way around a spooky visual nightmare with less effects then needed to make you cringe. Acting is medico except for the rolls of the guardians which seem to lead.Roller coasters up and down make this a worth see

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