
IMDb member since June 2014
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    IMDb Member
    10 years



I actually laughed out loud
During some of the terrible CGI and non-CGI scenes (both were equally horrible), I actually found myself routing for the lion and laughing hysterically at how stupid the characters were. They managed to make the stupidest desicions at every 5 minute mark. The daughters were incredibly annoying, the wounds were incredibly fake, and the dad/doctor/family/grieving sentiments were.... Guess what?... Also INCREDIBLY forced and I'll written. I love Idris, but this should movie is a hot mess. I just wasted an hour and so of my life that I'll never get back. And another thing, could the African actors in this filth please be given the proper treatment they deserve and have their photos shown on the cast list?

Mean Dreams

Actually enjoyed this
The movie was well acted and surprisingly enjoyable. It kept my attention, which is hard for most low budget indie films.

The Night Of

So sad this show isn't returning.
Great acting, great directing, great camera work and awesome story telling. The only negative I can think of about this series is that it isn't returning for a second season.

The Knick

Why do all the great shows get canceled?
I miss watching this. Great portrayal of the beginning stages of medicine and the healthcare system in the US.

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