
IMDb member since June 2014
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Saved by the Bell

What's with the hate?
I get reboots are held to a certain standard but I love the jokes and find it entertaining. I might be bias as I am not old enough to have watched the OG saved by the bell when it aired but I find this show still super worth a watch!

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Definitely Worth the Watch!
There were a couple of areas where I'm like NOOOO DO SOMETHINGGGG, but I think that comes with every human and super human, faults and emotional pitfalls that create it to be more realistic to an extent. As someone who understands the desire of wanting someone who is gone back, not saying or doing the right thing at certain moments, and family issues I get it all, but sometimes I just needed it to move a different way than it was. As an Asian-American though I love to see the representation! Would have love to see even more new Asian actors, excited for what is to come!

Doogie Kamealoha, M.D.

It's okay, but the best friend makes it hard to enjoy as she always seems to be trying to take over the scene rather than elevate it. I don't think it's necessary to have a bestie anyway considering she's a genius and a resident, as a nurse I know they usually work pretty grueling hours and are exhausted and underpaid. I know it's not supposed to focus on the medical side though I don't think there are any alarming inaccuracies, I also like how it focuses on things more likely to occur where the show is based. It's a typical show with a teenage girl do teenage girl trying to teenage girl things while balancing her busy unique life. I love seeing Hawaii too!


Too Loud! But good
My mom thought it moved too slow at times but I enjoyed it thoroughly. The biggest issue was the volume, at times we were covering our ears, I even bring earplugs everywhere but it was not enough. Can't wait for part 2.

Waffles + Mochi

Casting Sia highlights ignores issues
I think the overall goal of the show is getting there which is to educate kids about healthy eating and I love seeing real chefs and talking about those with disabilities, I am not a fan of sia after her ableism which is why I docked it one star

If Anything Happens I Love You

Almost perfect but still worth the watch
Incredible message which brought me to tears, but I think the music could have been softened...

Euphoria: Trouble Don't Last Always

Made Me Think Rather Than Watch For My Pleasure
I watch a lot of videos because I want to, it's what television is pretty much supposed to be for. I felt an odd distance from this episode without any known reason, but I love the series so I watched it. Now having finished it I think it was some unknown fear of what I would be viewing, but at the same time it reminded me why I love the show so much. I don't have an addiction to drugs, but I do go through a lot of Rue brings up. This episode made me feel okay with all the things I have felt ashamed by. Not in a way that justifies them but helped me come to terms and exists with the things I cannot undo. It brought me to tears as I related so much it hurt to my core hearing her feel the guilt of her mistakes and lots of pain without a clue what to do with it all. I feel the love that Rue feels for Jules, I feel the loneliness, I feel so much of it. This episode embodied my life and I was not expecting that. Even if you cannot relate in the way I do this was so perfectly crafted and I do not know how they hit it so much on the ball with every element of this episode.

Love Wedding Repeat

I had such high hopes this would be so funny and yet it was poorly written and there were huge plot holes.

Knock Knock

I tried to like this movie...
I tried so hard to like this movie as I think they did really put their hearts into acting and that showed, but the entire time I was irritated at just how insanely psychotic the girls were and hope helpless Keanu was. The movie ends where his family is destroyed and his life is destroyed and I expected something to be better. Perhaps the movie is meant to show that happy endings don't always come especially for those who commit adultery though it was clear the main character would never have escaped not committing such acts regardless of the fact the initial sex was consensual. I stayed angry the entire time and could not enjoy the movie as I was disgusted the entire time.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

What a show
I never thought of watching this until my mom turned on an episode and I found myself laughing and captivated by how fabulous the show was. The plot thickens and the story feels so real and perfect in every imperfect event in Miriam's life. The acting is fantastic, the costumes and the sets are fantastic, the story is just so fantastic! As soon as I finish writing this I am going to watch season two.

Avengers: Infinity War

My heart feels like it has been wrenched out in the best possibly ways.
Edit: I managed to not watch trailers or learn anything about this movie until the night I watched the film, and that made it 10000X better, though it makes me come off naive because I was not aware this was only part one of two when writing this. I think this movie is incredibly well done, especially if if their goal is to leave me begging for more and really hit me where it would hurt. I want to start by complimenting the composer, they seamlessly intertwined their pieces into the film and it was breathtaking. The whole movie kept me on my toes and went beyond anything I could have ever imagined. At many moments I could also feel the tears start to well up, though none of those feelings compared to the complete anguish that came over me watching Peter Parker begins to disintegrate. As he scrambles to grasp onto Tony, begging that he does not want to go, though eventually disappears (proceeding as well as preceding many Avengers being whisk away in mere minutes in the film) my heart broke. This film brought together more characters from the franchise than ever before, and although I do wish Paul Rudd and Clint Barnes would have joined in, I was thoroughly impressed by their ability to bring together so many actors. When the credits began to roll I was quite enraged, but I give serious kudos to the creators for really going out on a limb and not following the traditional idea of keeping most of all of the main heroines alive. I was left stunned in my seat, unsure whether I could recover from the devastation I had just watched unfold. I felt the emotions of the characters and I laughed quite a bit as well. On another note, I wish I could throw myself into my studies with as much passion as I have put into this review.

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