
IMDb member since May 2005
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    19 years


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie

Power Rangers on DVD wow!!!
When I was 8 I used to rush home from school to watch the Power Rangers fight their new baddie of the week. I thought it was great! And then the movie came out and I was able to see them on the big screen. I've gotta tell you that it was fantastic! As an 8 year old I fell in love with Tommy (my first crush) and couldn't help but laugh at all of the jokes. 10 years later I found it sitting on a shop shelf, WHAT! POWER RANGERS ON DVD??? NO WAY! SO, as you do, I bought it and it was just as good as I remembered. Perhaps not for the same reasons though. Some of the jokes have worn off but as a now 18 year old I am understanding all of them now. I still find Tommy to be absolutely adorable and I have found this trip down memory lane to be quite an exciting adventure. I would recommend this movie to anyone who was a fan of the show as it is quite funny to see them talking with their fists all of the time no matter the context and the different fashion back then. How often do we see teenagers dressed with their shirts tucked into their jeans with a nice brown leather belt? Ha ha ha. I thought this movie was great for a laugh. POWER RANGERS ON DVD??? WOW!!!

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