
IMDb member since May 2005
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    IMDb Member
    19 years


Mr. Finley's Feelings

Stylish animation with dazzling segments, good message too
A neat mixed media animation piece, with bits of live action models and traditional stylish 2D animation. A man slowly becomes more enraged with work and family life as he becomes more irritated. We mainly see this from those around him, leading the viewer to empathise with those in his life and perhaps reflect on their own worries. It might be a propaganda film (perhaps) but the theme of stress and the emotions the main character encounters are something most of us will be familiar with. Really clever use of camera, the main character is never shown and yet he is still very easy to relate to. My favourite scene in particular is when the main character is when he drives in his car, the visuals are dazzling at this point and show real ingenuity on the film-makers part.

Definitely worth your time as the message and visuals are rather great.

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