
IMDb member since May 2005
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    19 years


Fist of Fun

I can't believe this hasn't been released on DVD!
This was one of the best comedy series of the 90's and was extremely quotable with characters such as the Simon Quinlank and Rod Hull and it's an absolute disgrace that it hasn't seen some kind of release yet.

I rewatched both seasons of the show that I 'obtained' and they still hold up today as they didn't rely on topical humour that much which can date a series.

I personally don't believe that the BBC has lost the master tapes, I think it's more a case of Richard and Stu offending some BBC bigwig of the time which has put them into limbo.

Then again the BBC aren't the sharpest of people when it comes to releasing classics on DVD as I'm still waiting for The Mary Whitehouse Experience, Harry Enfield & Chums, Dear John and Manchild series 2 to become available as well.

Come on BBC get your stupid backside into gear and release this on DVD! I for one would buy it in a heartbeat!

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