
IMDb member since May 2005
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    19 years



We are all one...
Sense8 is a masterful work of enormous proportions. The production is amazing. The acting top notch,casting as well. Everyone should see this wonderful,incredible story.

It is a metaphor for the spiritual ideal that we are all connected. That we are all one. But this concept is told with a big bold story that is filled with a constant stream of entertainment. Hope,sacrifice love,fear,anger,crime goodness,oppression, is all here and more.

Sense 8 does what most productions can not. Time,money,lack on innovative thinking,whatever the reasons we don't usually see so much in a series.

It took two years to complete the 1st year and now finally a second year is close. I'm glad they took their time.

Once you begin this journey you will not want to stop. You become part of it, part of all of us who have sat in wonderment at this amazing work,...Perfect binge material. I've seen it four times now. I'm watching it again. And I'm not alone ... not even close.

Hap and Leonard

Another near perfect offering from Sundance.
Take some of the best acting talent one could ask for and a story that keeps you at the edge of your seat. Fun,excitement,comedy,drama and some real out there violence,this has a little of everything. It is hard for anyone not to be entertained.

If you are not someone who can watch over the top violence you might not want to to take this in. But otherwise TV just doesn't get any better.

Sundance needs to advertise better. Like so many others,I just happened to come across this one.

Word of mouth hopeful spread the word.

Season one is on Netflix with season two beginning 3/15/17. 6 eps each. You'll be wantignfor more I suspect.

Big Little Lies

How does the incidental become a nuclear explosion?
David E Kelly has a knack for showing us. How do we become the exact opposite of what we think we are fighting for? Why do we feel a need to form battle lines over issues that require only a few minutes of attention? How does standing up for oneself become hyper vigilance? Why do we ignore what it happening in front of our faces at the expense of everything we cherish? Why is everything an extension of our own selfish needs,ideas and beliefs. Why are secrets so dangerous?

I think this story examines all these questions and more about human behavior and the need to be right,to form battle lines and how many of us become the exact opposite of what we believe we are fighting. How we are all really just children and how dangerous we can be when we feel threatened,whether a threat exists or not. We are ripe for the battle regardless. How we somehow become unable to see further than our own noses. How we lose that which we first thought defines us by attempting to protect it. How we project what is real onto things that are mostly fantasy,made up in our minds so we never deal with the real monster we are holding hands with,but ignore at all costs. How right and wrong becomes good and evil,as do those we have conflict with. How a happy medium is forgotten because our need to be right 100% takes precedence. How we simply can not see these things as they happen. How these things have an escalation,is quick and has a power of its own.

Kelly has always used a sense of the exaggerated to show us ourselves. He does it brilliantly and without reservation for what may seem like the absurd when we all know that it isn't.

Big Little Lies takes something incidental and uses it to show us ourselves. And it isn't pretty!

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