
IMDb member since July 2014
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    IMDb Member
    9 years


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Les goûts et les couleurs

how could this squeze into netflix?
There is a absolutely wonderful and adored and funny movie, Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au Bon Dieu ?, with all the clichés about race, religion, parents etc, with an extraordinary script and great acting and direction, and full of surprises. So somebody wanted to hop on the bandwagon, and mix a bit of LGBT, a Jewish family and more and more until it really really hurts, so without logic imagination, childish no sense and plain stupid. A very classic "bad french movie", financed with hundreds of sources and totally senseless and boring and slow. the first review on IMDB says it all, trust me, you really get angry sometimes watching this movie, just wondering how much more dum it will get.

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