
IMDb member since August 2014
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    IMDb Member
    9 years


The Seed

I loved the gooey stuff, the creature, practical effects and scenes with trippy imagery. Yay to all of that.

Didn't like how annoying the characters were. I think that will put a lot of people off and they may not even make it to the goo. This could've been quite disturbing with a set of likeable characters. But I guess it was all intentional.

Props to the director for making a movie. It's hard. I'll watch his next film.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

What were you expecting?
I had fun with this movie. Some dumb characters getting slaughtered, some real grizzly death scenes, packaged nicely into an 80 minute movie. If you like gory horror movies that crank things up to eleven (the bus scene lol), you should enjoy this. If you don't like gory horror movies, why are you even watching? It's called Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and it does exactly what it says on the tin. Is it as good as the original 1974 movie? Hell no, of course not. But it's perfectly entertaining and, most importantly, as nasty as it needs to be. Cheers to Netflix for reuniting Leatherface and his chainsaw in 2022.

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