
IMDb member since August 2014
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    IMDb Member
    9 years


Brawl in Cell Block 99

Without all the weird politics this would be a decent gore/revenge flick
OK, so we'll start with the well spoken soth'n gentlman / sociopath ex-drunk cuckold who physically and verbally dominates his cheating wife and rips a car apart with his bare hands, only to "work it out" by having a baby and becoming a courier of drugs for a what appears to be a neo-nazi gang... he's the "hero"

The villains consist of black prison guards, Mexican gangs and I sh*t you not... a creepy German middle-man and a sadistic Korean abortionist keen on cutting off baby parts in-utero. (They work for the Mexican cartel guy for some reason)

Subtle this movie ain't.

The interview room (with a random old glory on the wall) scene is ridiculous. The cop asks a few exposition questions to establish Brad as a "patriot" including "do you want to cut up the flag and send it to Putin?" to which his answer of "I have two in my house" which is enough to convince the cop that this skinhead meth dealer is a morally righteous man (Turning on the Mexicans and saving the cops helped too)

the rest of it is just as full of cringe.

The only way this movie is as high rated as it is must be paid reviews and bot-farms rating it 10/10

The Bad Batch

Did they spend all the money on getting actors and could pay a scriptwriter?
No exaggeration 90% of this movie is people walking in silence, staring in silence or sitting in silence.

It's excruciating.

It's grind house trying to be "arty" and failing at both in the process.

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