
IMDb member since May 2005
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One Balloon

This is what film shorts are all about - blowing your mind!

Saw this one in Trenton and thought it was phenomenal. So much detail and and thought has gone into it. And there's no dialogue. But after 20 minutes or so, you have experienced female evolution and the dynamics of sex and love.

There is so much here for the mind and the eyes. They are not just filmmakers, they are true artists. I wish this film all the best!

If you get a chance to see it at a festival, drop the other potential screenings from your to see list and go to this one.

Yeah, baby!

Duck, Duck, Goose!

Saw it in Snata Cruz
I'm a big fan of short films and thought this one was pretty dang good. Saw it at the Santa Cruz Film Festival. Definitely has some big laughs in it. The rest of the time I was smiling. It's a fun ride with some weird characters.

I think they had pretty good production value, though you'd think a film from L.A. would be on 35mm. I mean, come on, they must have connections! The speed dating part was a nice ride, and the music was great. Loved the whole subtle "duck, duck' metaphor,too.

All in all, a nice package. Should be a good calling card for the director.

The Commission

Film as document
I see this movie as being more like a living document. Something in the vein of a Ken Burns documentary. What is extraordinary about it is that is does not pose any theories. Just gives you the facts, especially the ones missing from the final report, then lets you make up your own mind about it.

The performances are mostly good, though some of the smaller roles seem very stiff, as though he was using non-actors. Sam Waterston is great as he comes off with a full personality. And, of course, it's always great to see Joe Don Baker.

Definitely a movie worth seeing.

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Well done
A good adventure yarn. Plenty of action, but linked with some of the (movized) reality of what life on an extended sea voyage in a crowded man-o-war must have been like.

Russell Crowe is pretty obnoxious and arrogant in real life and a lot of times that comes across in his movies in my opinion, but not this one. Besides, a number of scenes are stolen by his supporting cast especially the young boys and Paul Bettany who I thought was marvelous as Geoffrey Chaucer in 'A Knights Tale'

I particularly enjoyed the string instruments and Russel Crowe's violin technique. In an interview he noted the hardest part of his role was to learn to look convincing playing the violin. He did a reasonable job of it (save his lack of vibrato action to match the music over - but it takes a while to get that far with a fiddle!).

An entertaining flick.

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