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Baywatch: Hawaiian Wedding

Needed a higher budget and better writing.
As someone who recently finished watching all the seasons of the original series, I found the movie to be pretty decent for a TV movie.

The plot is just as silly and cheesy as usual, with tons of soap opera moments, action sequences, and the typical Baywatch style, which I loved. Even though I wish it had more characters from the original series, it was heartwarming to see many of the characters who left between different seasons make appearances. The villain from the second season returning to the movie for revenge is also a really nice idea. However, I don't understand why they remastered all the seasons beautifully but haven't remastered the movie as well. I don't mind the low quality, but it felt dry compared to the remastered seasons.

The start was strong and exciting, but it became too cheesy later on, especially for a movie reunion. The ending felt more like another weak season finale rather than the actual conclusion, and it seemed rushed with a small budget. The movie had so much potential, considering I spent time watching all 242 episodes, plus the 44 episodes of the spin-off, only for it to turn out cheap and cheesy with dumb and lazy writing. It would have been nice if they had made the movie a few years later, not just 2 years after the show ended, with a bigger budget and better writing. That would have meant a lot to me and other Baywatch fans, I'm sure.

Overall, it's a decent movie, silly like most Baywatch episodes, but I'm still a bit disappointed. To note about the show, I'm aware that the show itself is not generally good, as it's known to not be taken seriously, but everything I experienced with Baywatch was honestly fun and I wish the community hadn't died.

Oh, and if you're thinking about watching the movie but haven't seen the show, I don't recommend it. Watch all the seasons first.

Evil Dead Rise

I really liked this movie!
Wow, what an insane movie! In fact, I think it was a little better than Evil Dead (2013).

First of all, I thought the story idea was excellently written. Once it makes you realize what kind of situation it is, it adds a lot more fun than you'd think. The plot worked much better and was more fun than Evil Dead (2013).

The opening scene was decent, with possibly one of the greatest movie title cards in modern horror days. It started well, but later it just got more and more insane. The cast of not-so-well-known actors was really great, with performances that felt like real people who became possessed. Alyssa Sutherland, who played the lead role, absolutely killed it; she was terrifying. I also really liked the night and rainy vibe, which added to the atmosphere. The kills were very fun and gory, exactly what I expected from a movie like this. The special effects were incredible. Although nothing beats the ending of Evil Dead (2013), I thought the ending was decent and cleared up all loose ends. It also added some comedy elements that reminded me of Evil Dead II.

Overall, I was honestly entertained by this movie, which made me feel tense and impressed. I thought it was a very well-done horror movie.

How would I compare this movie to Evil Dead (2013)? I think Evil Dead (2013) was more brutal and gory, with lots of blood, while Evil Dead Rise was more insane and creepy, with a better plot.

For those who have never watched any movies in the franchise, note that you absolutely don't need to watch any of the other movies to understand and enjoy this one.


The Perfect Mother

Tyne Daly was brilliant!
"The Perfect Mother" is a made-for-TV drama film about a mother who fully controls her fully grown son's life, thinking she's the perfect mother. However, her daughter-in-law tells her to stop, and she starts slowly ruining and threatening her. Her son isn't even aware that his mother is an extremely dangerous and evil person. The movie is based on true events.

The plot jumps around in time quite a bit, but it's still good and made me feel stressed, wondering what would happen until the end. The cast of unknown actors is fantastic, and the acting feels real. Tyne Daly, best known for her role in Dirty Harry's "The Enforcer," plays the mother-in-law extremely well. You can feel the full force of the evil in her character, and she was brilliant. The ending left me in tears; it was tragic and sad.

This movie is fantastic and deserves more viewings. It's available on HBO Max in my country.

With a Vengeance

I liked this movie!
It's one of the movies you've never heard about, it is quite an unknown movie and was made for TV movie. Almost no one reviewed this movie, but I will give a review now.

I noticed that it's available on HBO Max (from my country, at least), watched it and I enjoyed it. What's it about? In the opening scene, a mother and his son were brutally murdered by the killer. The daughter came to the house at the moment and saw the killer killing them on the bed, but she successfully ran away from the killer. Six years later, we reveal that the daughter has amnesia, she refuses to remember her past. The killer still has his own plan to kill her.

I like it from beginning to end. I liked the quality, atmosphere, lighting, and the '90s stuff that made it feel comfortable. It sometimes felt a bit unrealistic, but the twist at the end is quite great. The leading actress did a good job, but I wasn't a huge fan of the actor portraying the killer.

Overall, I think it was a terrific little thriller movie and deserves more attention.

Orphan: First Kill

Mixed thoughts about this movie.
First of all, I was scared that it was going to suck and even nervous when I started watching it because 1) I thought the first film was one of the best thrillers I have ever seen, 2) Isabelle Fuhrman is 13 years older and her character is somehow meant to be younger than 9 years old, and 3) it's from the same director who directed The Boy movies and The Devil Inside.

So let's start with this, did I have a good experience? Sadly, no. I had mixed thoughts about this movie.

I thought the storytelling was actually quite impressive, and I don't blame Isabelle Fuhrman for reprising the role. It's just that it was poorly directed, and the scenario could have been better. Anyway, the plot twist is honestly one of the best things about the movie; it's really nice and unexpected. The storytelling and plot twist worked well and connected so well with the first film.

The movie is too short and feels rushed. There was not enough time to develop the tension, the thrills, and the chemistry between the characters. There was also very little action. It was one of my main problems with the movie. The first film had a perfect runtime.

I honestly wasn't a fan of the visuals. It was dark at times and had some weird smoke and blurs. Why is that? It didn't have the same atmosphere and vibes as the first film, which really sucks.

I found the techniques used to make Isabelle Fuhrman appear younger surprisingly convincing. She still looked old in some scenes, especially if you saw the side view of her face. But then she looked like a child in some scenes, which surprised me a bit. I was surprised by how well they did the makeup.

Isabelle Fuhrman was excellent and creepy in it, just as she was in the first film, and even saved the movie. Her performance was quite the highlight of the movie. I just wished she had more roles; she proved once again how she's a really good actress. Other than that, I wasn't a fan of the entire cast, to be honest, except for Julia Stiles. I thought she did a good job.

The kills/gore are okay, and I don't find it really violent. The first film had way more violent kills. The ending was okay but felt a bit predictable and rushed again.

Final thoughts: I think the biggest downfall is that it was poorly directed, had a weak scenario, and didn't have the same vibes as the first film. The only good things are Isabelle Fuhrman's performance, the makeups they did, and the plot twist.

It could have been much, much better, though. If they had done it better, I believe it would have been almost as good as the first film. But it failed, and I'm kinda sad about that.

6.5 out of 10.


Carter (2022) is like a Korean version of Hardcore Henry. And pretty insane one!
The entire film is shot and made in a way that makes it look like a one-shot long take. But you can notice that there were lots of cuts because there are like 85% of the actions that were pretty insane, so that would be extremely impossible to shoot one long take lol.

It was Hardcore Henry type movie that had more actions, only the editing was kinda poorly done. Lots of cheap green screens and CGI, but doesn't bother me anyway. The actions sequences were actually pretty insane and impressive, IMO. The camerawork is kinda cool, but some people might find it annoying.

Would have been one of the best action films if it was shot in 4-6 long takes without green screens, for sure. Overall, I liked it, it's quite unique. Except Hardcore Henry, I've never seen any movies like this one.

Surviving Summer

I thought it was an okay series.
It had some good moments, but felt a bit too simple and bland. Even though I enjoy teen/summer shows. The acting and the chemistry the actors in the main group have is weak. I wasn't very interested by the storylines also. The show makes Outer Banks way better and I wouldn't be mad if it gets cancelled.

It's solid at best, anyway.

The Elder Scrolls: Arena

I appreciate what they tried with this game, but this could have been better.
I wish TES: Arena was particularly detailed and easy game to play because I really like the style of this game. But unfortunately, it's so difficult and complicated, and the environment isn't worth exploring, so I gave up playing it after I've made out of the first dungeon. Also, I miss lots of the skills of kills, so I try to run away from them and then I have no clue where I should go as the maps are huge.

That's it, and I agree with other reviewer that it badly needs a remake.

Fear Street: 1994

Don't expect much if you are a fan of Fear Street books.
As a huge fan of Fear Street books, this movie isn't a bad and all, but there are few problems:

1) It feels more like Netflix supernatural horror movie with little Fear Street reference. There are barely supernatural/witch stuff in the Fear Street books. I'd say it's a similar movie like Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.

2) Uhm... Where is everybody in the film? There are injured teenagers running around yelling and... there are no people in the street. What is this, Pretty Little Liars?

3) This movie didn't give me enough nostalgia, especially after you watched Stranger Things. Barely '90s vibes.

4) Even if it's R-rated movie, there is not enough gore.

5) I strongly believe this movie wasn't based on ANY Fear Street books.

6) No R. L. Stine cameo like in Goosebumps movies.

Overall, it's good, but not great! Nice cast, cool colors, likeable main character and good opening. That's all!

The Social Dilemma

I can't believe I used to be obsessed with social media for years.
This documentary film shows us how is social media evil. I'm 23 years old guy, but I feel like I'm 17 because the social media were just stealing my time. :(

Such an excellent documentary film! Be careful with kids.

Wolf Creek

I'm surprised nobody has heard about this show, I quite enjoyed it.
I'm a fan of Wolf Creek films, I just watched the show released in 2016 with only 2 seasons and 12 episodes and also with the same killer. The first season is surprising, amazing and beautifully shot. I have to admit it's better than the first film. It has a new great characters added, cinematography and style. John Jarratt as Mick wasn't a big part of the first season, but damn, he is just crazy like no one else. He looks like a real killer and he was still brilliant. I believe he's considered one of the most realistic villains in horror films ever written. Lucy Fry played as the main character/blonde girl, she begins a journey to hunt down Mick to bring him to justice after killing her family. I thought she did a bloody good job, she was excellent in it.

Now about the 2nd season, it's quite different from the first season like it's an anthology series. This season has interesting ideas, good ending, more Mick and violence. I find it quite good, but compared to Season 1, it's trash. Most of the characters were just plain dumb, Mick was only one fun character to watch and that's it. But this show have some fans who think the second season is better than the first season.

I'm surprised nobody has heard about this show, it's very enjoyable and underrated show. I've also heard there is going to be Wolf Creek 3, but I don't know it will happen for real or just planned. If you haven't seen the films, then watch the films first. I really enjoyed the entire show.


I'm a sucker for horror movies, psychological thrillers and dark dramas, I fairly enjoyed this family movie.
The beginning scene, film editing and CGIs - nicely done. All that were good. The story is simply OK. Robert Downey was good, the supporting characters were okay, at least.

If you think you will watch it for only Downey, do it. He gives a solid performance and did a wonderful job. Although, I personally enjoyed movies like The Jungle Book and Maleficent movies more. I can't say that it really impressed me, it's just a mildly entertaining kids movie. I would give it a 6.5 out of 10.

Oh and, white bear and gorilla were my favorite animals.

Rambo: Last Blood

Wow.. I was very impressed with everything about this movie.
I didn't have a high hope for this movie, but it's actually much, much better than I expected. It's an incredible movie honestly and it deeply moved seeing the final scene as it's last Rambo movie. It's completely different than the first one, but it got a great scenario, brutal killing scenes and a satisfyingly brutal finale. The scene where his niece dies honestly hit me hard.. this was very well-done scene shot. In my opinion, it's like Logan (2017) of the Rambo series. I absolutely loved it!

Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft

My favorite Tomb Riader game.
Not only this is my favorite Tomb Raider game, this is also my all-time favorite game. It's a lot of fun, difficult and memorable game. On first level, you're in India. I loved the graphics from it. I loved the statues as well and it has some interesting level design. After India, you have to pick one of three maps and those level maps are London, Nevada and South Pacific. First off, I loved London level. The final level where she fight against villain is one of my favorites. Nevada is also really beautiful in design and Area 51 was nice too. The fact she lost her weapons added so much suspense. South Pacific is probably the hardest one because of dinosaurs, the T-Rex fight and the boat/water stuff. But overall, this was a good level. If you finish those level maps, you're on final level map, Antarctica. A lot of fun, and yet, the scariest one! I also loved how that level seems to draw inspiration from The Thing (1982).

My ranking of level maps: 1. Nevada 2. London 3. India 4. Antarctica 5. South Pacific

Wrong Turn 2: Dead End

Absolutely good! Love it.
Wrong Turn 2 was one of my first horror films when I was 12 years old or something and it genuinely terrified me while watching it and that I had to sleep a few nights with light on. So, I finally gave it a second viewing after a few years. It's still an entertaining, brilliant, terrifying and gory movie. The opening scene is still damn good and it got the best kill in Wrong Turn series, no doubt. I honestly loved all cannibals in it, they were actually very entertaining characters and wearing awesome makeups which were better than from the original. I also loved the characters as well, I was glad some of the characters ended up being survivals. It has awful CGI, but I couldn't less care because it made this movie memorable. The last 20 minutes was so fun to watch. It's no better than the original while that one is a classic, but I just love it so much.

Wrong Turn

An excellent movie set in the woods.
I really love this movie, one of my favorite movies set in the woods. It honestly worked well and it's terrifying. I really liked the characters, it got a great make-up and visual affects. I love how it is a serious horror movie with no jokes like when boys trying to scare girls. Wrong Turn is a great throwback to the classic horror movies of the 70's and 80's, with the an excellent production budget. I'm glad this is the original, not a remake or something. It's an excellent film and extremely underrated as it deserves more love.

Halloween III: Season of the Witch

Just very ok.
I haven't seen this film in the last 4 years and I remember I found it a solid on first viewing, but after reading mixed reviews, so I decided to give it another viewing what my REAL opinion is about this film. I even wondered myself if my opinion would change after seeing it, do I will love it more or dislike. Like I said, I liked it on first viewing, but after seeing it twice.. it's very ok. Why I liked it less? Because there are a couple with absolutely no chemistry, and yet, he was going to save her until the end. Not much interesting at all. The plot is pretty strange and I felt something unpleasant watching it. Some of the shots are awesome, but the cinematography is kind of bland looking. The masks are pretty cool though. It has a few good scenes, good special effects, good ending, but the film is not really good at all. I had no problem with this film is not featuring Michael Myers, but they shouldn't put the title 'Halloween III' which for obvious reason it got lots of hate, even when if it was called 'Season of the Witch', my opinion still wouldn't change. I can say that I'm actually surprised some people said it's the best movie of the franchise or even saying it's great. I've wanted to like it more, but it's not good at all. Not terrible either. Just very ok. There is no one thing that could have been better if they made the plot such stupid. So, on the end, I gave it a 5.5 out of 10.

Tragedy Girls

It's fun.
Tragedy Girls (2018) is about a two teenagers that are obsessed with the social media, so they start killing some people to make themselves famous and get more followers in the social media. I honestly thought the plot was stupid, but it put smile on my face for some reasons. It's entertaining! Two lead actresses were very solid at the best, but both might be annoying. The kills are really fantastic and yet, it was funny how they tried to kill people only in their hands. It has some great sense of humor and silly dialogues. The cinematography is quite also good, but that shot (where you can see on the poster from this post) is absolutely the best part of the film. If you enjoyed The Final Girls (2015), you would enjoy this one too. Definitely a fun slasher spoof, fans of fun, goofy horror-comedies will enjoy it. My rating: 7.5/10.


I forgot how foreign movies are so good.
Thelma (2017) is a Norwegian supernatural fantasy drama/horror film about a girl using telekinesis and can cause the death when she is sleeping. All I have to say that I absolutely loved it. So clean and quiet film! Between this movie and Black Swan (2010) have lots of similarities. It is beautifully shot, well acted. It got a really beautiful cinematography, natural acting and good drama story. It's a really fantastic film and I'm suggesting to people who are a fan of foreign movies.

Ginger Snaps

One of the best werewolf movies ever made.
While it's not totally perfect, but it's still an excellent werewolf movie, perhaps one of the best ever made. This movie is brutal, fresh, atmospheric, original, effective, emotional and tons of fun. I loved the chemistry between two sisters, they had an amazing relationship. Katharine Isabelle as Ginger was so damned good and totally hot in it. When I watched it for the first time when I was like 18 years old, she was actually one of my biggest cruches from horror movies. Emily Perkins as Brigitte is also really great. The ending just very touched me emotionally and that it achieved this is quite memorable. It's just an excellent teen movie and there are many reasons to love this movie. My rating: 10/10.


After re-watching, it's still a masterpiece.
I was so nervous of re-watching this one because it was one of my favorite films from years ago, since it's a pretty long movie, so I worried that this might ruin some things on the revatch. But when I was done, it's still epic in every way and for me it's still one of the best sci-fi films I've seen. Not a huge Nolan fan, but Interstellar was just incredible, emotional and beautiful. The original plot, the visuals, the score, the acting, the writting, were all amazing. The performances were excellent, especially Jessica Chastain, though nothing Oscar worthy. This is an excellent film and an absolute masterpiece of sci-fi films.


First Man

Another Chazelle's masterpiece.
Ryan Gosling's filmography will always be the best. I love him and his every movie.

Also, this movie is magnificent. Excellent shots and cinematography. Ryan is amazing as always and will always be.

I loved this movie.

I Think We're Alone Now

Not bad at all.
Just according the trailer and poster, I thought it was gonna be fantastic, but everything in it was just solid. Slow movie and it felt empty, but the atmosphere was pleasant. The lead actors did a really good jobs. I think it didn't deserve a low rating, neither more viewings because there is no story to be told anyway. It's well-done, but makes no sense and it's not for everyone.

Dèmoni 2... l'incubo ritorna

As good as the first one.
I loved the first one, this one is still surprisingly good. It's an 80s low-budget Italian horror movie and it was an entertaining one and very gruesome. It has a terrible makeups as from the first one, but they did totally awesome jobs. Some of the scenes are really terrifying, especially the dog scene which is a bit similar of that scene from The Thing. I can imagine it gave the '80s kids a nightmares, it was actually pretty scary, even scarier than the original. All I have to say that I really, really enjoyed it. This was a pretty brutal movie. My rating: 8.5/10.

Red Sparrow

This violent spy film blew me away.
This movie blew me away! Jennifer Lawrence was so amazing in her insane role. I never thought she would accept to do nudity, but actually did. Since she was terrified and scared of doing this. Jennifer just literally started to star in insane movies. First 'mother!' and then 'Red Sparrow'. Is she's going insane? But however, she really impressed me what she's working. It's an excellent violent spy film with a good story and has 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' vibe.

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