
IMDb member since September 2014
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The Mindy Project

The first few seasons are great (SPOILER WARNING FOR 2nd HALF OF REVIEW)
I happily binge-watched the first few seasons. I was skeptic at first, what with a former Supporting actress from 'The Office' taking on a lead role in a TV series, but I was impressed.

I would recommend new viewers to go in with an open mind and would advise them not to get too attached to characters - this series chews through characters as fast as Game of Thrones. Characters either disappear with grandeur via their own story arcs, or as crude and viciously as post-season layoffs with no in-script explanation.


After the first few seasons (I think I'm in Season 4) the show becomes rather dull and lifeless. The writers broke RomCom code and gave the main character, Mindy, a child and long-term boyfriend/husband. So you can safely drop the 'Romantic' tag from the movies genre listings.

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