
IMDb member since September 2014
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    9 years


Warrior Nun

Season 2 has raised the bar from great to incredible
The main criticism of season 1 for this show was that it took too long to get into the action. Season 2 does not share that problem in the slightest. It's action packed from start to finish, with epic highs and angsty lows all wrapped up in a beautifully filmed, edited, scored, and acted adventure.

There are so many factors in season 2 that make it a remarkable follow up to the first season, not the least of which is the chemistry between the two kickass leads, the multiple players and their complex arcs, and the incredible fight sequences.

You can't go wrong with binging this incredible show. Ava Silva is right up at the top of my favourite characters list and season 2 has only propelled her further up the list.


Holds much promise
Though season 1 presents a highly contrasted, roughly shot experience, the main characters, their chemistry, and the pacing of each episode is actually quite refreshing. It's easy to get caught up in how cheesy it can be, at times, but for the most part the show offers more than what you first see.

Furthermore, the latest season (2) switches gears in terms of camera work, setup, and editing style. Gone are the quick jump shots, high contrasted scenes and flashbacks - it now presents itself as a much more professional series with diverse characters, exciting and believable action scenes, a more intriguing and intricate plot than the first season, and a powerful relationship between the two mains. All of which is spread apart in 12 twenty minute episodes, twice as many as season 1. The script in season 2 also takes a step up, the vulgarity, which was a tad overboard in season 1, has been decreased to a normal level, which adds to the viewer's ability to relate to the characters.

The presence of two strong, detailed, and witty female leads in an action series is also a great, and rare, takeaway.

The show is definitely worth a shot, most especially season 2.

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