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Boat Story

Different, Quirky and Very Creative - Loved it
What a breath of fresh air this series was. What an imagination the script writers must have. Or did they compose it as they went along? Didn't have to spell out the plot to you like most films do - the characterization said it all. And if it didn't the brilliant narration and asides by Olafur Darri Olaffsson did.

The only minor criticism I would have is that I do not think that they required THAT much violence and there might have been a couple of miscast actors in the show - such as: there was absolutely no chemistry between Daisy Haggard and her son although Daisy tried her heart out. But I could not be convinced that Janet Campbell whom Daisy played could show so much passion and commitment to such a bland offspring - or was it the lines he was given?

But in the main the actors were terrific especially Tchéky Karyo as the Tailor and Craig Fairbrass as Guy.

More of this type of show please!


Suddenly it hit me.
I have been an avid fan of Alone since the series started until quite dramatically in Series 9. Up until then I was impressed by what humans could do to survive in the wild particularly the will and skill of Roland in series 8.

But then, a young 23 yr old man Jacques Turcotte from Juneau Alaska made me stop and think. First he he found a a old bear trap and demonstrated how it worked, horrifyingly it did so perfectly. Then after coping so well, after only 15 days he decided to quit. Although he said being with his family meant more to him it was obvious he also wanted to to stop killing defenceless wild animals.

There was another heart breaking scene when later we had to witness a distressed squirrel trying to resurrect its obvious relative which had been shot with an arrow by another contestant. And also tragically watch a desperate thrashing beaver also shot by an arrow only to die overnight in the undergrowth.

That's it, enough for me. I am joining the movement to stop killing wild animals for public entertainment. Yes, I am a complete hypocrite, I still like barbecued fillet steak and lamb chops. But at least they are humanely put down and they are not wild. Even then I think in the future humans have to look at a better way to sustain our diet.

Anatomy of a Scandal

Predictable Teaser
I trust I will not spoil your pleasure by any premature ejection of the plot or even one pin prick hint of the ending. But this very outlandish revenge romp through the halls and lifts of Westminster is a very predictable teaser.

Yep, as soon as you saw those drunken Tory toffs running around the cloisters of Oxford you sort of knew that in the end they were in for it - certainly in the minds of our writers with their completely unbelievable screen play and ridiculously inconsistent character behavior - they certainly have some very jaundiced views of the education and morals of those that are chosen to rule.

Yeah, we know Boris was a bit of a lad - but come on. Hey, didn't Harold Wilson and Tony Blair go to Oxford?

A plus - brilliant acting all round.

In the Heart of the Sea

To the heart or to the bottom?
Oh my gosh, I can see why this was a flop, it could have been a much much better film with somebody in the leading role who could act. Chris Hemsworth I am afraid was a total disaster. He just spoke the words like a wooden dummy. Yes, he IS a handsome Errol Flynn type character and he might be OK holding a hammer flying through hyperspace but here he couldn't even use body language to portray any passionate communication.

What a waste of Ben Wishaw and some of the other small part actors most of whom did a great job with what little they had to do. I am sure after watching all the takes Ron Howard must have been wondering where he had gone wrong after directing Russell Crowe in "A Beautiful Mind" to suffer Chris Hemsworth trying to act in this.

As for the rest of the film - I guess with basically a true story it is difficult to inject drama and a flowing plot but however Howard tried firstly with his story telling by Brendan Gleeson and Ben Wishaw and the conflict between captain and first mate, none of it was convincing.

Sure some amazing visual effects but also no real building of tension and despite the make up and dieting regime of the actors there was nothing really believable in the scenes of what must have been a truly traumatic ordeal for the real survivors of the whale ship Essex. Sorry this did not go to the heart of the sea, it went to the bottom.

Happy Valley

Watchable Soap Copera
I have just re-watched Series 1 and 2 before tackling Series 3 which I have yet to see. Even on a second viewing 1 and 2 still hold your attention even though you require a little dramatic license here and there on credibility.

In short, you can sleep tight, your granny super cop is awake, subduing drunks, arresting villains and caring for victims in this female dominated Soap Copera in "Happy Valley" somewhere in the north of England.

The dialogue is slick and realistic and delivered brilliantly by a cast of very talented actors, special mention going to action packed granny cop Sarah Lancashire and Kevin Doyle for his role as Detective John Wadsworth who has to portray just about every emotion an actor has in his repertoire which he does with great flair.

The character development throughout for the whole series and threaded plots is also a lesson to Hollywood that you do not need gunfire and crashing cars to enthrall an audience.

A minor criticism: I was not convinced by the casting of James Norton as sociopath Tommy Lee Royce - even though he acts his heart out - he has too nice a face to represent the ugly thug required by the plot - definitely more suited wearing a white collar than prison drabs. Also it was good to see Shirley Henderson from Hamish Macbeth back as a jailbird infatuatee but the chemistry between her and Norton to me was not convincing. Perhaps a more subtle type of evil than in your face hatred from Norton would have been more compelling and believable

But overall 8.5 from me and I look for ward to Series 3. But if I am expecting a well balanced handsome male hero somewhere in the series rather than a murdering, alcoholic, lazy, inefficient, liar AND Sally Wainwright is the writer then I won't hold my breath.

Secrets of the Oligarch Wives

The Russian Jungle
Firstly I cannot believe that ANY-ONE could give this well researched and produced documentary one point UNLESS they are a Russian saboteur and from the unusual displacement of user ratings this seems to be the case - which is also in character shown by the production of those that rule Russia at this time - LIE, CHEAT, STEAL and MURDER.

This documentary filled in many gaps for me just how power was distributed or should I say grabbed when the Soviet Union collapsed and how just one psychopath can convert the power of money over a nation to that of force. By that I mean the control of police, the military and a subservient hit squad more in keeping with the Mafia than an elected government. This is backed up by control of the media creating the right type of propaganda and a team of hand picked well rewarded collaborators. And keeping it running is simple - if you grouse you die.

Well done to all those brave participants who now literally risk their lives for contributing to the production particularly Alexandra Tolstoy, Tatiana Fokina and her partner and financier Bill Bowder for his enlightening description of how business is done in Russia.

This is a must see documentary for any-one interested in world order and how some-one can still rule a country like the medieval kings of England. Totally ignore the rigged rating. It is really in the 8 to 10 mark.

I am confident that fear and corruption cannot win in the end but my concern in watching the documentary is how ingrained Putin's organization is and that even if Zelensky brings Putin down, in the short term the King Cobra in the Russian jungle will be replaced by a bigger one.


Is Anarchy now acceptable in International Relations?
I was very moved by this film and I am completely dismayed at the apparent apathy of a world that timidly accepts that Alexei Navalny today is being treated like a Siberian bear with a ring through its nose being slowly tortured in solitary confinement in a Russian high security jail for 9 years on trumped up charges - which means if he does not die in jail he will be barred from contesting any future political elections - because he was a serial killer? Or a violent rapist? Or a psychopathic terrorist and a danger to the community?

No, his only crime is that he opposed and criticized Vladimir Putin.

This documentary shows chillingly what sort of hold Putin has over all the power levers of Russia that can eliminate any opposition to him and his Kremlin cohorts - by even attempted murder. It also vividly demonstrates the type of charismatic courageous character Navalny is to return to his homeland to combat this entrenched web of corruption and criminality when he could have stayed safely abroad. And the great loss he has endured in losing all contact with his supportive wife and family who were instrumental in first saving his life.

I can only ask where are all democratic leaders of the free world beating on the Kremlin doors demanding justice? Why is Russia still in the United Nations Security Council? Why haven't all Russian diplomats been expelled from embassies throughout the world until Navalny is released from jail? Is anarchy now acceptable in international relations?

I can only hope that Ukrainian President Zelensky can provide a solution. Full marks to the makers of this gripping documentary for showing it to the world.

Sophie: A Murder in West Cork

Members of the IMDB Jury...
Members of the IMDB jury.

The accused lived just down the road from the victim. He denied knowing her but several witnesses contradicted this.

His partner corrected an initial statement and said he was absent from their bed during the night the victim was murdered.

He said that he went down to the property's bungalow 300 yards away to finish an article (at 4 am!)

The next day he was seen by a number of people to have scratches on his hands and one on his forehead. The victim was found in thorny brambles. He said that he received the scratches from cutting a Christmas tree and killing a turkey.

The accused, an ex-working journalist was quickly on the scene after the body was discovered but did not ask too many questions and seemed to know details of the crime before they were publicly released.

The accused proceeded to write and sell sensational newspaper reports on the murder suggesting various culprits known to the victim that could have committed the crime.

A fire pit was found after the murder in the garden where the accused was living with burnt remnants of clothing and footwear.

In the months following the murder the accused allegedly confessed to the crime to selected witnesses including a 14 yr old boy.

Recently a woman from California says that she was staying at the home of the accused partner at Christmas, the time of the murder, and saw the accused coat being soaked in a tub in the bathroom and scratches on his arms.

Members of the IMDB jury I am asking you to forget the questionable witness entirely who said she saw the accused at a bridge on the night of the murder as it does not in any way affect the remainder of the evidence.

Finally the accused was known to be a heavy drinker and said to have committed domestic violence against his partner. On one such occasion he was found guilty of assault when his partner had to be hospitalized.

Members of the IMDB jury what is your verdict? There is no other suspect for this crime. BTW mine is guilty - by the Irish Police for a totally pathetic and unprofessional investigation of this crime against an innocent victim when her family deserves justice. It must be on a par to that of Yorkshire Ripper investigation.

As far as the documentary is concerned I would give it 8 stars for a thoroughly engrossing documentary with excellent interviews of those involved in the saga.


Good but could have been Tighter
I found the Peter Madsen case engrossing particularly after watching "Into the Deep" which provides the other half of the story. "The Investigation" certainly provides a very sad and disturbing tale of the unfortunate victim Kim wall,

From the main aim of describing the police investigation which sure was dogged, the series certainly was realistic in portraying real time but from this film watcher's couch it became frustratingly dragged out.

Without losing most of the impact surely the filming could have been cut by about half. Did we really have to watch the backs of people walking down corridors to their offices and delaying their phone calls in car parking areas until they got in the car?

And I almost tore my hair out at the petulant pregnant daughter stereotypically illustrating - not once but numerous times - what we all have come to expect in movies of how much detectives family life suffers. And was the forensic chief really so curt and un-co-operative?

Also did the chief prosecutor really need all that evidence when it would have been obvious to any Tom, Dick and Mary on the average jury that Mr Madsen was guilty as soon as he arrived sans submarine back at the docks.

I must admit though I was fascinated by those amazing cadaver dogs and full marks to the divers who discovered the body parts.

Overall a very good series if a bit questionable at times and it could have been ruthlessly tightened up.


Unadulterated twaddle.
I am going to give this 2 stars for the great sets and shots of London as you cannot fault the cinematography. But I am afraid the rest of it was pure unadulterated twaddle. I cannot think of anything I have seen worse either in film or TV. I really do not know how I managed to survive all episodes of Series 1.

No kidding all you needed was Peter Graves playing the captain, Leslie Nelson as the mad passenger and Lloyd Bridges playing the detective and you have Airplane 2 - I got as many laughs at the robotic attempt at technical jargon and the ridiculously comical plot. No wonder the actors had trouble saying their lines with any semblance of conviction.

Hate to criticize any-one no longer with us but Christopher Plummer should have been enjoying the fruits of a long and distinguished career rather than being totally miscast and struggling to be convincing as a conniving aviation executive. And the son of the lead investigator was really irritating in his love scenes with his magical laptop which could do anything apart from make sliced bread. Wait, I am not whether it doubled as a toaster in one of the scenes.

Any-one that has been involved in a real airline accident will either wince or belly laugh like me at this but they do deserve something better that illustrates the pressure and real workload they endure than this convoluted rag bag of nonsense.

Memo from fan to scriptwriters - keep it simple and believable and develop the drama between the characters and if you cannot do that - read Jane Austen.

Wake Up

Jonathon my boy, don't lower yourself to drivel.
If ever Oscar winner Clint Eastwood ever watched his daughter and Jonathon Rhys Meyers trying hard to speak the mundane lines in this howler I do not think it would have made his day. My gosh how can Hollywood dump this sort of incredulous script and screenplay on an audience and expect any-one over 10 years old to believe a word of it?

The hero with a dead body in the boot is run off the road by a hit man hired by the sheriff who is protecting his serial killer son and wanted our hero gone. Wait there's more. After being de-identified but not checked that he was dead our hero then turns up in hospital bandaged like the invisible man minus his memory and cared for by a very attentive nurse Ms Eastwood who decides he needs a heroine.

Don't worry, I haven't spoiled anything for you, it is obvious from the first 5 minutes who the serial killer is, why else would he be in the movie (I am sure there are a lot better parts for this good looking actor). But it gets much much worse as the film staggers from ridiculous scene to scene, some of which I could not understand let alone believe, until the Sheriff does his inevitable Burl Ives act to save hero and heroine and spill the entire can of convoluted beans in case the audience was still watching this load of rubbish and hadn't worked out the plot. If you had you deserved the first prize in USA Mastermind.

Dublin Murders

Do they really talk like that in Ireland?
Sorry I just could not get into this. Why? The script! I just do not believe people talk like that, even in Ireland where I have found people re-act in a more gentle matter and certainly more witty than the same vulgar retorts the scriptwriter ascribed to just about every character of the series.

The continual flashbacks also annoyed me and was the story ie the lead detective in the case also one of the lead victims in the crime and keeping it all a secret really credible? - not in my book. I know we very often have to suspend disbelief with film but sorry I also don't believe in leprechauns.

At times I also lost track of who was actually in the scene and what was their relevance. In my opinion the KISS principle also applies to movies - if you have the right characters, conflict and action like the successful Prime Suspect had. And the series I am also watching "North Water" with Colin Farrell which is a simple tale but is riveting.

And I know it is part of life (disappearing fast) but actors smoking all the time makes me feel ill.

Damascus Cover

Not great but certainly watchable
I guess making a film from a novel or book can never quite manage the intricate nuances of a story that in the written page interweaves chapter to chapter. This in my opinion was the main flaw in the film where many very good actors never had a chance to develop their roles and show their true characters as the screenplay jumped from scene to scene in a rather staccato fashion.

However I WAS impressed by the performance of Jonathon Rhys Meyers who held the film together with a confident and professional job in the leading role. I must say, unlike Toni Colette and Liam Neeson I have not seen a lot of Jonathon but as far as acting goes he is certainly on a par with the former two and could easily handle some other more challenging leading roles.

Not a great film but certainly a watchable one and if you want to follow the hard to follow plot read the book and just sit back and enjoy the screen action and very good performances from just about the whole cast. Seven out of ten from me.


How was this ever released?
This epic had all the ingredients for a visual feast but surprisingly the main enjoyment from it came from laughing aloud at its farcical dialogue and script.

Big stars, good actors, obviously lots of money poured into it but how could any-one in the British entertainment industry produce such a comically unbelievable screenplay? The only resemblance to a Police Force and Royal Navy was the uniforms the actors were wearing and they surely they must have been rolling their eyes having to speak the lines on and off the Tardis, sorry Vigil, which looked more like the inside of the Queen Mary than a nuclear submarine. I can only imagine the mirth from of the members the two Service arms if they have to watch this ridiculous portrayal of their duties.

The real unsolved mystery to me was who made Rose Leslie pregnant as she flaunted around the set in shirts and overcoats covering her obvious maternal belly. Was it the Police Chief, the head on Naval Intelligence, A member of MI5, a Russian diplomat or her girlfriend injecting her from sperm from the Vigil's coxwain, We will never know just like never knowing how this rubbish was ever released to the general public.


Baz, you have to be kidding!
I avoided watching this movie until recently when it came up on Foxtel (under Romance!) because when it came out I heard it was a load of crap. Unfortunately the reports were right.

What a shame, what a waste of money, what a waste of talent and what a misrepresentation of real Australia , Australians and Australian history.

Love Hugh Jackman but this is the second disappointing performance I have seen him in. The first was Les Miserables when the role should have been given to a more accomplished singer and in this fairy story he was let down by a screenplay that at best could be described as infantile. And I am sorry Hugh, despite the endless kissing between you and Nicole, the chemistry was as explosive as a damp squib.

I have given this one star because of some very capable actors trying their best to portray believable characters with an unbelievable script. I give the director zero for creating a farce when the real Australia is crying out for an epic the likes of "The Big Country" rather than this load of junk, that with just a little alteration here and there, Quentin Tarantino could have presented as one of his black comedies.

Lambs of God

What a disappointment.
Well I guess I've been spoilt recently with the exceptional "Game of Thrones" and "Fargo" but my expectation was high after all the advertising hype about the forthcoming drama "Lambs of God".

But it must of taken less than ten minutes to realise that this was going to be a load of rubbish. Yes, the quirky plots in Fargo were completely over the top but somehow the characters were believable. And the interaction of the characters in Game of Thrones could convince you that queens could fly on dragons breathing fire.

In Lambs of God, I am afraid it falls flat. I don't think any actor could have made anything of the unbelievable but predictable plot, dull screenplay and naïve script. And they tried hard - very hard.

Esquire magazine tells us that "the perfect thriller requires pace, tension, a compelling plot and the characters to carry it off. Most of all, it needs plenty of twists that avoid clichéd aha! moments. On top of that they've got to be as entertaining as hell." I am afraid all Lambs of God has is spectacular scenery.

Les Misérables

Where were you Alfie?
I am giving 6 stars because I have been a long time fan of Les Mis since attending the premier of the show in Sydney in 1987 starring Normie Rowe, Debbie Byrne and the memorable Philip Quast as Inspector Javert. And I am being generous because of the enormous effort all of the crew have obviously put into this film and for the actors' acting performances. BUT I believe the creators have made a gigantic fatal error in the whole concept of the production. Instead of being the "not to be missed", "most brilliant film of the year" it has turned out to be just "worth seeing" and a "very commendable effort".

I am sure when the film was being conceived they must have first asked the question - Is the film a drama or a musical? Or is it a combination of both? To me what carries Les Mis is the wonderful heart rending MUSIC and SONGS. And great songs should be sung by great singers. Yes, I know there are commercial considerations and the star appeal of actors in various countries can make or break a movie. Was this the reason the producers have gone in the main for actors even if some have claims to be able to make a reasonable effort at tuning their vocal chords to lyrics? The answer to the question of drama or musical for Les Mis the film is evident in the screenplay as the spoken words versus the singing words could be counted on one hand. And Messrs and Madams producers, some of the songs in Les Mis are extremely demanding, even for trained opera singers and despite the fact that the actors tried their guts out, I am afraid they were given an impossible task.

I recognize doing it live with actors was very courageous and sure the actors poured their hearts out, but how they did it in the days of "South Pacific", "Kiss Me Kate", "Carousel" and "Oklahoma" with Howard Keel, Gordon MacRae and Kathryn Grayson and co was much, much more effective. And they didn't need a camera stuck in their face to pick up the sound or visual cutaways to distract from the off tune notes. Don't get me wrong I love Hugh Jackman and his performance in his own version of Oklahoma was outstanding - but the challenging vocal range required for Jean Valjean!!! And Anne Hathaway deserves praise for a gut wrenching "I dreamed a dream" but I don't think it will get 115 million hits on YouTube.

There was one notable exception to the rule of natural singers v actors trying to be singers and that was Samantha Barks who also played Eponine in the "Les Misérables in Concert the 25th Anniversary" who demonstrated how a song could be sung by a singer with "On My Own" and what a startling contrast to the rest?

But the greatest shame of all was that the real star of the 25th anniversary London show who made the Jean Valjean role his own and who raised rapturous applause to every song he sang, who could have made the film great, was missing in the film's casting.

Meet Joe Black

Death never even got warmed up.
Did I get this right? Brad Pitt got paid $15 million for making this movie???? Well they say the bigger the scam the easier it is.

A pity, because Brad stuffed this movie up completely. He was the only one of an otherwise great cast who could not act. Loved Claire Forlani. Where has she been hiding? And Anthony Hopkins can always carry a scene with his formidable screen presence.

Interesting concept for a plot but a very, very SLOW death. If you record this and then watch at 3 times the speed you might be able to stand it. But definitely the greatest piece of miscasting I think I have seen on the screen.

Loved to have seen a real actor in the main lead. Clive Owen would have been great or some-one like George Clooney. But I guess there are lots of guys and girls that drooled over Brad.

Brad, I can only say I hope you donated most of your fee to the White ladies.

Sherlock Holmes

Basil Rathbone must be turning in his grave
It's elementary Guy - keep it simple and develop your characters with a plot that people can relate to.

I am trying to think where this film went wrong and I have reached the conclusion that it was just about everywhere.

What the hell Jude Law was doing in this load of tripe I will never know but you could say that his talent was completely wasted in endless predictable action and fight scenes.

If there was ever a one joke or one theme movie this was it. My God, didya ever guess that Sherlock Holmes has an amazing power of deduction? If you didn't, Guy Ritchie demonstrated this to us five hundred and ninety five times.

And Guy if you cannot come up with a feasible plot and have to ham it up - it HAS to be funny. And your villains HAVE to make you scared. My 8-yr-old grand-daughter was more frightened of Mrs Tweedy in Chicken Run than she was by Lord Blackwood in over-baked pad of codswallop.

I can only say that Basil Rathbone must be turning in his grave.

Robin Hood

Good, but the sequel can be great.
I enjoyed this movie and was impressed by the amount of detail Ridley Scott puts into his productions.

Yes, it could have been better and I think some of the areas where it failed to meet the excellence of Gladiator were:

* Plot – too convoluted, better to keep it simple and the hate more intense between the goodies and the baddies. * Character development – there was virtually none for the Merry Men. If Little John, Will Scarlet and co are in the movie, please give them something meaningful to say. * Editing - I think the movie fell down in this area and the narrative seemed stunted and disjointed at times. Perhaps the material was not just there in the first place? * A lack of passion – Russell Crowe in particular was too low key in his role but was not the only one. And Russell, I did get confused at times as to what part of old England you came from.

But there were some that put much more into it such as Cate Blanchett and Max Von Sydow (good to see this great old actor can still perform) and the movie did have many good points. It was certainly a lot different to what I expected and some of the sets and scenes were outstanding. Watch for the dazzling credits. Looks from the ending there will be a sequel and with a few improvements, I think it can be great.


Deserves Academy Award for Best/Worst? Stereotyping
I must admit I was in shock and awe when I listened to the jargon in this James Cameron flight of fantasy whether I was in the invasion of Iraq or a couple of klicks away from Vietnam.

But there is no question that he deserves the academy award for the best (or worst? – depends which way you look at it) stereotyping of goodies and baddies and good v evil Hollywood blockbuster storyline that I have ever seen.

Absolutely full of commendable creative artwork and effects but WHY, oh why taint it with a script full of ridiculous political innuendos and statements? Cannot any-one develop characters in Hollywood these days? Or write an intelligent futuristic screenplay along the lines of Space Odyssey 2001 that holds you in real awe and at the same time challenges you to make some lateral thinking.

The only character development in this film was that of the hero who grew a tail. But maybe Cameron is waiting for the sequel when no doubt son of hero will appear to carry on the good fight. What will be in Pandora's box I wonder? Seeing as we have killed off Iraq, Vietnam, Mining and the War against Terror perhaps we will see the end of Global Warming when the Sky People return and start breathing out their CO2.

Burn After Reading

Forget After Viewing
After thoroughly enjoying Fargo, I came to this well reviewed movie with as lot of expectation and left very disappointed.

I remember seeing the "Trouble with Harry" which seems like a million years ago but still remember laughing my head off. It had characters that seemed real, a ridiculous but interwoven plot that somehow was hilariously credible and side splitting humor all the way though.

"Burn after Reading" had none of that. Some of the overacting was atrocious especially from Pitt and McDormand and to be honest Pitt's exit from the film came none too soon. There was little plot structure and some branches ran off into in-explicable dead ends. The only characters I found worth watching were Malkovich who tried to inject some life into it, the sincere gym manager who contrary to Pitt deserved some more lines and the dry humor of the intelligence agents. The Coens really love violence. Maybe they should try making a movie without it. I felt in this one it was only there to relieve the boredom.

All the King's Men

Did not work for me
For me this film did not work for two main reasons: The first was that the screen play and script did not transpose from novel to film. They were fuzzy and clichéd and completely un-life like. The script was like a series of motherhood statements from the book rather than what people would really say. The actors certainly did their best and the Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Robert Penn Warren (which I have not read) no doubt was very well written but it was to no avail.

The second was the complete miscasting of Sean Penn as Willie Stark in the lead role. I must admit that I am not a real Penn fan and on the contrary to what his co-actors said I believe his repertoire is very limited. I watched this film on DVD and enjoyed the bonus material much more than the film itself. The piece on Governor Huey Long upon which the book was based was totally absorbing and just watching Long for a few minutes was far more gripping than the 128 minutes of Penn's swaggering overacting.

One thing that did attract my attention with Long was his uncanny resemblance to actor John C Reilly and I am sure that this actor would have been far more effective in Penn's role. What a shame, this had all the makings of a great film.

The Painted Veil

Please give us some more of this type of film!
I found this film to be very moving and poignant holding my full attention and gripping my emotions for its entire length. Somerset Maugham no doubt based some the "Painted Veil" on his early career as a doctor in the London slums and later on his visits to the Far East. But director John Curran and actors Watts and Norton have convincingly extracted from Maugham's story the powerful relationship between a man and a woman torn apart by human weakness then finding each in the depths of poverty and the heights of human sacrifice.

Edward Norton seems to have captured most of the accolades for his portrayal of Doctor Walter Fane fighting cholera in China in the 1920's. And he certainly does a great job. But for me it is Naomi Watts who deserves an acting award for her portrayal of the selfish, spoiled and unfaithful wife who is later to learn the true meaning of existence.

What a delight to see a good film without death defying stunts, cars crashing through plate glass windows and a trillion bullets going off every 3 minutes. All you need is a good story, competent actors, professional direction and something that the audience can relate to. "The Painted Veil" has all of these ingredients. Please give us some more of this type of film!

The World's Fastest Indian

Crocodile Dundee Meets Eddie the Eagle in Utah
As quite an avid fan of Anthony Hopkin's work this film descends to many surprising lows for me like:

1. It must be the worst film he has ever appeared in.

2. It has to be his most awful attempt at an accent which I believe was supposed to be New Zealand (but sounded like a cross between Yorkshire, Australian, Cornish and a bit of his natural tongue - Welsh). OK, Burt Munro also had a funny accent but hardly any-one knows that so why not keep it simple and don't confuse the audience.

3. I know biographies are normally as dull as dishwater but this is the corniest and most predictable plot (if you could say there was a plot) I have ever seen in movies. Just about every scene is as subtle as Crocodile Dundee in New York or Eddie the Eagle on the ski slopes. Mr Director, you do not have to ram the points you are trying to make down the viewer's throat – try reading Jane Austen. I am sure that we could have us worked out Burt Munro's character without the "Wiggles" type scenes spelling it out for us time after time after time after time.

4. I am giving this movie one star purely for the dedication of the petrol heads at Utah in the final scenes when the action actually woke you up and made you take some notice. I am sorry but if director Roger Donaldson worked with Anthony Hopkins on "The Bounty" in 1984 he hasn't learned one tenth of what his Captain Bligh has.

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