
IMDb member since September 2014
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Love Actually

My favorite movie ever
I can't believe the meta score I see here in IMdB. . Really!? Bah humbug in those reviewers!

This movie is my go-to for a 😊 smile! I've actually seen it, and enjoyed it, a few times every year for the past 20 years. Brilliantly fun writing-great one liners, too. Excellent physically-acted scenes (Hugh Grant dancing!) and the music! The actors are so fun to watch and it makes me smile to know they each decided to make this movie, in spite of their respective fame. They believed in the script and the message: Love is everywhere!

The question is always: Which live storyline is your favorite? Well...which is yours?!

Jeszcze przed swietami

What's not to like?
This movie only has a few ratings on IMDB and seems to be getting panned. I don't really understand why: It' not pretentious or trying to be anything super special...just a story set in Poland at Christmas.

I thought it was an good (not extraordinary) movie. So many others seem to have the same plot line and this was quite different. It was easy to watch: a little amusing, a little romantic, a little dark, a little convoluted. And it's Polish! We don't often get to see much of Poland so I found that quite interesting!

So yea...I'm giving it a higher rating than it probably "critically" deserves, but now others might give it a try!

The Haunting of Bly Manor

Too convoluted. Too much work.
There are so many random visions/ hallucinations/memories/flashbacks that it gave me a headache trying to keep up. And sadly, it wasn't worth the effort. Was there even a plot?I can give a few points for the acting-positively splendid. But casting of the "future" characters in the last episode left me shaking my head. All around struggle and waste of a lot of time.


Painful slog. How I wanted to love this!
I really, really had wanted to love this. There were ideas and dialogue that caught my attention and helped me settle in for more; but those were too few and far between, and usually from scenes with Kase. I held show at a time...but almost gave up 4 or 5 times, hoping for closure and a great end message. Ugh. Waste of time. So much better film to watch.


Season 2 - WTH was that?!
I have never written a review in IMDB before this but felt compelled to do the entire "log on" thing and do this in hopes that producers are reading these.

I loved Season 1-smart, interesting plot and wonderful character development. I was so excited to watch Season 2 and see what came next for Billy and team. Two words: COMPLETE MESS. What a HUGE disappointment!

What kind of crackpot writers did you hire for this season? There were so many disconnected storylines (not helped by the ill-timed flashbacks), ridiculous subplots, beyond-odd scenes that had no bearing on the plot. I mean, who the heck were all these people and how did this group of characters end up working together. Geeze, what a cluster.

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