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Dave Chappelle: The Dreamer

It's now you start...
It's how you finish. That quote applies here so well to Dave's newest work, The Dreamer, as I opened it and began watching it liking Dave Chappelle the person, not so much the stand-up comedy of Dave Chappelle (much like how many of us rave the sitcom Seinfeld but do not care whatsoever for his stand-up material) as I much more strongly prefer the likes of Bill Burr and Jim Jeffries and Dave opened up targeting (yes, like a serious sometimes penalizing tackle in football) two specific groups, trans and handicap people which included some cheap, decent laughs but what Dave manages to do with his comedy is transcend it into a very real and relatable montra that everyone should be able to relate to: we all at one point had or have a dream and some of us are so fortunate to get to live it exactly the way we hoped and imagined and little did we know, what seemed like the perfect, impeccable life to one may literally just be the night of someone else's dream. If you have ever met a celebrity (I have met several from Bill Burr to Jon Jones to Post Malone and so forth), you imagine they are living their dream and their entire life is just that, the dream but they weren't born with it, they developed it through their life experiences and then worked to reach it or stumbled upon it. Well, Dave explains as a dreamer (picture anyone you admire or idolize who reached their pinnacle of success as they desired), you are still just a normal person and people fail to realize you help the dreamers reach the dream they dreamt and without you, their dreams never would have come true.


8 Mile...
Is a biopic based on Eminem... and pales in comparison to this film as this is a biopic of all battle rappers in their entirety up to the point of its production. Starring damn near every noteworthy battle rapper even in cameo roles, hosts of all the battle rap leagues, this film is incredibly riveting. The battles are privy to what you see in battle rap and some of the quotes are real life quotes used by the battle rappers. The 2 vs 2 competitions are based on real life battle rap as well. Kid Twist, AKA Alex Larsen, did a tremendous job writing the screenplay for this film. He was always one of my favorite battle rappers and we have seen how battle rap can transition to huge success in more ways than one. For anyone interested in battle rap, this movie is based immensely on real life battle rappers' lives and worth every second.

Saw X

The best one yet...
John Kramer meets Denzel from Man on Fire... literally. Until this movie, Jigsaw had tortured and forced suicide and harm upon "victims" he identified as predators because of the harm they had done to other people but in this movie, let's just say this time it is personal. Jigsaw introduces an all new array of torture devices, plenty of blood and gore and though the film focuses much more on him as a patient with cancer, it entails everything you need including a plot twist no one would ever guess including M. Night Shymalan. The last time he managed to surprise me to this extent, he was laying on the floor in an abandoned warehouse restroom pretending to be dead holding a revolver. Great acting, dialogue, and the detective in you will seriously enjoy piecing the film together in the time limit before the game is over.

Talk to Me

Scary good...
Refreshing movie I watched in theaters and could not take my eyes away. I did not know it was not an American movie until I heard all of the accents but irregardless, the concept is brand new and there is plenty of horrific scenes throughout the movie. The ending was somewhat predictable but essential to complete the movie in its entirety. I would watch it again and definitely recommend anyone else to watch it as well. Great writing, acting, never a dull moment in this film as all you have to do is grab the hand and say talk to me... however, in doing so, you may see something... or someone... you wish you hadn't.

Chang Can Dunk

He doesn't dunk...
Until the very end and it is only assumed he made the dunk so does that leave room for a part 2? First Jack Harlow can't dunk as a white man and then this high school 5'8 Chinese kid can? Nope. Stereotypical movie lacking jokes and the xenophobia continues even though the movie was written and directed by a Chinese native in Jingyi Shao. Dexter Darden as Deandre was the only pleasant light (get it) within the movie but I am curious as to how he went from a teenager in Saved by the Bell to a full grown unrecognizable man in this film. Anyways, how did this movie get a PG rating with use of curse words? Oh well, don't recommend and won't watch again.


A TikTok recommendation...
That I invested in and wish I hadn't. The story and plot was rushed and most of the film focused on the bonding relationship between the main protagonist and antagonist although the Stockhold syndrome never fully takes effect the way it should have after having been held captive so long. D'Onofrio does a superb job playing an older version of Gomer Pyle had he survived boot camp but the story of killing random women and then being paid to kill his sister-in-law and nephew makes very little sense. The kid's dad becoming an estranged murderer himself is very forced and bad writing as well. Save your time, skip the movie. You aren't missing out, I promise.

They Cloned Tyrone

Is this real?
Illuminati vibes hardcore, this movie came out of nowhere and was released after Jamie Foxx' death, I mean, hospitalization. Are they actually cloning black people and controlling then? Is this a metaphor for what the government or Hollywood is doing to the citizens or celebrities we look up to and admire? This movie is definitely worth a watch as it will make you challenge your beliefs of what is and isn't. It makes one wonder if they are laughing in our faces or just mocking the rumors believed to be true of what takes place in Hollywood. The acting is great, plot is great, music is great, ending is great, definitely worth watching but unfortunately has no reply value. Watch it once and be left to ponder what the hell is really going on.

The Nutty Professor

I grew up with this movie so...
There is going to be extreme bias in favor of the movie so forgive me if you disagree, I will respect your opinion either way. With that being said, I owned this on VHS and watched it regularly and I just rewatched it with my two year old daughter for the first time in a decade if not longer and it still made me laugh. Surprisingly enough, I still remember most of the script word for word and could cite it from memory. Anyways, I have never seen the original so there is no comparison or foundation to use in respect to this film but in this particular remake, it has an awesome plot, decent dialogue, tons of hilarity, great scenes (my favorite being Buddy Love enjoying his newfound self trying on spandex, working out with the ladies, etc.), and the only disappointment I find in the film is that which Jerry Lewis agreed with which is the overabundance of fart jokes and scenes. With that being said, the ending message of "being happy with yourself" speaks wonders and always makes me happy because so many people are unsatisfied with themselves because of what they see on social media when in reality, they should love every inch of themselves. Thanks for reading.

A Man Called Otto

A remake that made me want to kill myself...
Boring, terrible screenplay, acting, no originality whatsoever given it is a remake of a Swedish film, A Man Called Ove, just because Tom Hanks is cast the viewer is supposed to be drawn in? He shows a bit of his range as an actor as he has never really portrayed a jerk but evenso, it is hardly believable. The story from an Ebenezer Scrooge transformed into Santa Clause overnight is very ridiculous as well and the fact that these new neighbors just up and come in and bring him out of his misery is asinine. Also, who attempts suicide for a third time using a shotgun? Why did he not just cut the movie short and shoot himself to begin with? The acting and dialogue were pretty damn bad all around. I am actually bringing the movie down a few stars after realizing how much I didn't enjoy it. Save your time, hard pass.

The Out-Laws

Decent movie but...
Not necessarily a comedy by any means as I don't remember laughing once which was depressing as Adam Devine and Blake Anderson normally provide ridiculous entertainment and hilarity (Game Over, Man if you have never seen it). The plot and storyline was original which was nice but the over the top amount of action really took away from what could have been a great movie. Nina Dobrev is gorgeous and nice to look at but the story and coupling with all of the murder was rather outrageous for a film that is supposed to be comedic. Has no reply value whatsoever and would be worth a skip. Acting and dialogue was pretty bad as well.

Clerks II

Not as funny as the first one but...
I may be wrong but did Ryan Reynolds copy Randal's personality for all of his films such as Waiting, Deadpool, etc.? Anyways, over the top which takes away from the comedy in my opinion but the acting and dialogue is decent. There is one scene in particular that made me laugh at the top of my lungs but Jay provides most of the comedy in the film. The ending is nice but I have yet to watch the third installment so it will be interesting to see where it picks up. Overall, a good movie but not one I would care to watch again but it was a nice change of pace being in color as opposed to black and white.

All Eyez on Me

I love 2Pac to death, that's why he's dead...
First off, this movie taught me or depicted things in Pac's life that I knew about but not in such extent such as when he shot the two off-duty cops. I knew he shot at police but didn't know he actually hit them. The music is played at the perfect times throughout the movie, the acting is decent enough but all of the actors resemblances to their true to life counterparts was remarkable. The movie was extremely entertaining and kept me eyes glued from beginning to end. The fact he lived in the same apartment building as Seinfeld depicted early on in the movie during the police raid added extra brownie points for me as well. I don't understand how anyone disliked the movie as much as they did. Also, the story as to who and how 2Pac was killed was brought to life as well. I had extensive knowledge of his life prior to watching the movie but did even more research after watching it and everything I found confirmed what the movie told. Highly recommend for any 2Pac fans.

All Hallows' Eve

Terrifier 2 brought me here and...
It wasn't that bad of a watch. After seeing the camera quality of Terrifier 2 which came out almost ten years later, I wasn't expecting this film to be produced or shot anywhere near as well as it was. I look forward to watching part 2. The only downside to this film were of course the acting and the alien. When you watch the film, you'll understand exactly what I am talking about. The way the movie is presented is awesome as are the murder scenes. I am happy the Terrifier series was birthed as a result of this film. It isn't terribly long at all which makes for an easy watch especially if you just want some background noise but I told a friend about this movie and he immediately decided to watch it after having watched Terrifier 2. I'm assuming a lot of you have or will. Enjoy.

Terrifier 2

Not as terrifying as it is awesome...
You know why you watched this movie or want to watch this movie. Plain and simple. It's not the acting. It's not the storyline or plot (though this movie actually has one behind it unlike its predecessor). It's the kills. The bloody, gory, graphic murder scenes... and the film does not disappoint. However, I will say this, one of my friends with whom I watched the movie said in the trailer, a woman has one of her breasts gruesomely removed but that scene is not featured in the normal version so if you watch this, watch the uncut version for sure. Anyways, the acting... terrible. The plot... thickens... sequels to come. The action... amazing. The dialogue... ehh. Anyways, there is only one kill worth remembering from the first film in which the clown uses a chainsaw to cut a woman in half while she hangs upside down. However, in this movie, all of the kills are so memorable and similar that you will hopefully have terrible nightmares about them. There are some very artistic shots in the movie which are highly commendable. Lastly, let me just say this, this movie blows Jordan Peele's "Nope" out of the water and I'm sure even he would agree.


A work of art fueled by revenge...
The best way to describe this film is Denzel Washington's Man on Fire meets hallucinogenic drugs. The reason I don't give this film more stars is because the plot is very basic, revenge story of a man who is out to kill and torture everyone who absconded with his wife then murdered her in front of him while he is tied up to watch her final moments. However, the director shot this movie in a way in which it is comprised as an aesthetically pleasing work of art filled with colors that makes the viewer appreciate the murders that take place afterwards. It is very graphic in the sense that it will scare you as a viewer if you watch it under the influence of drugs or alcohol (but that would be quite a fun experience especially if accompanied by a sober friend or family member). The acting is amazing and intense and though it seems Nicolas Cage gets carried away, his passion is seemingly true to his character given what he has endured in the movie. The ending will make the viewer happy as Cage gets the revenge he so desires but the sad fact that he loses his best friend and lover to complete nonsense is upsetting. Definitely not a movie you would want to watch again (unless you are under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs) but you would recommend it to others for sure.

Escape: Puzzle of Fear

Bad writing, bad acting, bad plot, bad, bad, bad...
This movie was bad. Why did I give it two stars instead of one star? One star for each of the main female protagonists doing nude scenes. Outside of that, there is nothing to gain from watching this movie. I understand what the screenwriters were going for but they failed miserably. The way the flashback sequences take place leave the viewer very confused and the acting is downright comical. The plot itself had promise but was nothing but a huge letdown. The ending was stupid in itself as it is very predictable (you'll guess it within the first five minutes) and the storyline must follow the dumbest crew of people as you will be bewildered wondering how they could not see it all coming. It is a long story of revenge being a dish best served cold but the revenge served in this film is nothing short of a frozen steak you'll need to put on your head after watching this because of the headache it will give you. No replay value, no memorable quotes or scenes, and you'll be ashamed to see Omar Gooding in this movie after he had such a decent career filled with potential to where it will make you wonder how much he was paid for his role in this film.

The Belko Experiment

Worst of this genre...
The psychological thriller that pushes normal people to their breaking point to see what they will do to survive (Saw series for example) are my favorite type of movies and this one is easily the worst I have seen which is sad as the trailers made it look so promising. I literally waited years after having learned about this film to watch it just to be let down immensely. The only upside is Michael Rooker plays a small role and I just learned about him as an actor from his early role in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer some thirty years prior. However, the film has good acting but a lot of unnecessary blood and gore, absolutely no plot, no motive, and terrible background behind all of the characters. The viewer is immediately thrust into this "game" in which there is absolutely no logic or reasoning behind its writing. I would not recommend this movie to anyone as the ending which normally has to be the best part of these films fails miserably as well. Unless you just absolutely love seeing people get killed for no reason whatsoever in dramatic fashion, I recommend avoiding this movie if possible.


Nope is exactly what I would tell others if...
They asked me if they should waste their time (and money) to watch this movie. I think Jordan Peele was trying to do way too much with this movie and was trying way too hard to display his artistic ingenuity and failed miserably. The film is jampacked with action throughout and in spite of this, it falls flat and is extremely boring. Perhaps I was disappointed in this movie with how successful and cryptic Us and Get Out were but this movie made me lose all faith in Peele as a writer and director. Men In Black as a comedy and sci-fi movie blows this one out of the water. The best element of this movie is perhaps the music. The acting is decent but you aren't going to want to watch this movie purely for the acting. There are no memorable scenes, lines, quotes, or themes in this movie and I feel maybe I just missed something but I really don't think so. I wouldn't mind getting my two hours back and I am very glad I watched the movie at home for free but instead of "Nope," the film should be titled "WTF?" because you will be incredibly let down, I guarantee it. Anyone who says otherwise is attempting to make themselves feel like they understand the arts but no, this is the equivalent to an abstract painting that is presented as a Van Gogh but in reality was created by a colorblind kindergarten student.

Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

Comical due to the era when it was filmed...
But in learning the film was loosely based on real life serial killers Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole, the movie is much more interesting and exciting despite the cheap sound effects and special effects that were used although given the film was created during the 1980s. The film's writing and dialogue is very strange and cringeworthy which actually adds to the realism and quality of the film as there is nothing normal about two serial killers who happen to be friends. The movie is gory from beginning to end with many people being killed throughout and lends to a different time period where a person could much more easily get away with murder than they could nowadays. The acting is hard to diagnose along with the dialogue as the actors are playing deranged serial killers but in its own way much like the dialogue adds to the quality of the film. There are a few parts of the movie that are quite comical such as someone being stabbed in the eye with the pointy end of a comb but for anyone who has a sick addiction with serial killers or murder the way I do, I recommend checking this movie out but you will be highly disappointed whenever you hear and see the special effects that are used throughout.

Step Sisters

Pitch Perfect Wish Edition
I could have ranked the film lower giving it three stars but it was somehow entertaining enough though I would not recommend it to anyone else and definitely won't remember the movie next week. I don't even know who or how this movie landed on my film recommendation list but I didn't even care to watch Stomp the Yard (the male version of this film) so why did I care to watch this one? I suppose I needed background noise while doing some work on my computer. However, the movie is a comedy with very few laughs, poor, cliche writing and dialogue and the plot is very predictable. There are no well-known actors behind any of the characters and essentially the movies equates to a third or fourth sequel to a successful comedy that doesn't have any of the original cast (such as Mean Girls 2, etc.). The film does not focus on stepping whatsoever and instead focuses on the main protagonist's necessity to do whatever is necessary to get into Harvard Law School in the most ridiculous way possible. Please skip the film unless you have nothing better to do, the racial connotations are downright ignorant throughout but the film may squeeze one or two laughs out of you.

All the Bright Places

As someone who struggles with bipolar disorder...
I could relate to the film very well. Going in, especially with the given title of "All the Bright Places," one would expect this film to be nothing but sunshine and rainbows but on the contrary, it delves much into the world of mental illness, suicide attempts, suicide, being outcast by peers as a result and of course, their ultimate remorse once they learn they should have been much more sympathetic to the trials and tribulations that everyone else endures. The acting is very good in the movie despite the fact that the main starring roles are by newer, up-and-coming actors as opposed to veteran actors who have been in the spotlight. There is a strong supporting cast including the likes of Luke Wilson and Keegan-Michael Key although they grant themselves more as cameo appearances in adult roles supporting teenaged protagonists. The writing, although based on a novel, is superb as it starts foretelling the ending in a way the viewer would not see coming. The dialogue is well-written and essentially brings two people who have their own struggles together to help each other lighten each other's lives and see all the bright places that exist even in the darkest corners. I definitely recommend watching for anyone who struggles with or is closely associated with someone who suffers from mental illness.

Hold the Dark

Intense and has potential but...
It doesn't take you where you want to be taken. The ending is not what you would look forward to as it is unexpected but not breathtaking so to speak. The acting and writing for the film is great as well as the creepy motivation behind the mysterious deaths in the movie though it is never fully explained which will leave you frustrated as the viewer. The film has promise from beginning to end but you will ultimately be left very unsatisfied with the final result as it never reaches that conclusion. There is no replay value, no memorable scenes or quotes and the movie is not one I would recommend to anyone regardless of how bored they may be.

Don't Say a Word

Boring and waste of time...
I had been looking forward to this film as I learned about it on a psychological thriller list (my favorite film genre) and there is absolutely nothing psychological or thrilling about this film. The entire movie is predictable from beginning to end, the plot is downright stupid and overly dramatic as is the acting and the big budget plot and story fails miserably. The movie has absolutely no replay value, no memorable quotes, and the only memorable scene is Brittany Murphy (RIP) singing "I'll never tell." The movie comes in strong at first with a bank heist followed by a lot of nothingness for the rest of the movie, a lot of dry parts and unless you are somehow watching it in theaters, you will lose interest quickly. I gave it the stars I did because of the original concept (though taken from a book) and the star power behind the main characters. It is funny how people who have never killed before can all of a sudden become vengeful killers with no remorse as well, very bad writing on the screenwriter's behalf.


If you want to die laughing...
From beginning to end, this movie will do it for you. I watched it not knowing what to expect as a friend recommended it and my friends know my sense of humor and this movie hits on all surfaces. It is essentially a romantic comedy but the comedy is extremely through the roof hilarity. One of the funniest movies I have ever seen in my life, definitely top twenty. It lacks points because of its lack of replay value but the first time you watch it, you will laugh until your chest hurts at least ten times throughout the movie. The dialogue is awesome and well written, the acting is superb and the plot is very unique and top notch. On top of the likes of Adam Devine and Wanda Sykes, Adam's love interest Alexandra Shipp is downright gorgeous. The movie is somewhat predictable but none of the jokes are which is most important in watching a comedy of this nature. I did not know Adam Devine could carry a movie as well as he did in this one as I found Game Over, Man which he also stars in to be a top ten comedy with just downright asinine hilarity. If you watch this movie, you will not be disappointed and if you are, your sense of humor sucks.

And God Created Woman

One name, Rebecca De Mornay...
This is the first movie I have ever seen featuring Rebecca De Mornay and the only reason for it is because, as a huge Seinfeld fan, there is a character in two of the episodes named Rebecca De Mornay, and I did not learn that there was a real life person let alone actress with the same name until learning the actress Rebecca De Mornay played in the Shining mini series which I learned after finally watching the Shining. Okay, now that we are caught up as to why I watched the movie, let me say outside of the constant nudity and sex scenes throughout the movie, the plot is very dumb as it opens up with Rebecca De Mornay escaping from prison with such ease just to be returned by someone who would later help her get out (which you will see coming right away). The acting is very bad as is the dialog, script, writing, everything. I would not recommend this movie to anyone, you are better off watching softcore porn, you will probably find better acting and storyline there.

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