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Justice League

Justice For Zack
This is a non-spoiler review.So, the movie starts off from a post superman era where Batman is in mourning and blames himself for his death. He and WonderWoman recruits meta-humans and other people with abilities like Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg. It's a pretty non-linear plot and ain't complicated with multiple story lines like BvS.

The core of the movie is the actors, everybody has done it perfectly, especially Gal Gadot's Charisma, she just mesmerizes everybody with her presence. Ezra Miller as Flash is just like the comic book character joking around giving a light atmosphere to the movie. Batman's character arc is the most important thing how he changes after superman sacrifices his life for humans and now is a less darker version and doesn't kill criminals or brands them. Aquaman and Cyborg are honourable mentions. Amy Adams has the least role. That was a let down comparing to MoS and BvS.

The background music isn't up to the mark and you won't be humming it after you come out of the theater and Elfman used old themes to give it a vintage effect. Nothing compared to Han Zimmer and Junkie XL .

Cinematography is good, but not as good as Larry Long's in the prequel.

The script has many one-liners, it's a different approach from the dark tone of the DCEU movies. So it's a transitional phase.

The only con will be that there isn't much element of surprise for Fans. And the pace of the movie is too fast, you won't have anything to remember to geek about in this 2hr movie.

The movie has many goosebumps inducing scenes and crowd going bonkers, you will lose your voice shouting and cheering if you watch with fans.

If you want to watch the movie to get entertained, this is the right movie for you. If you expect satisfaction as a Zack Snyder fan, this isn't the movie, you would certainly miss his vision of DCEU.

And regarding 37% Rotten Tomatoes score, it's not the official one, Leading Critic said he never posted his review and Town Tomatoes just took it without his permission. One critic's 2.5 rating was placed in rotten category and it's just pure injustice people targeting Snyder movies.


This review won't be complete without this rant. Zack Snyder completed 80% of the movie and asked Joss Whedon to complete the movie as he had to deal with a personal tragedy. Approaching Joss Whedon was the first mistake, he included some lame, ridiculous scenes that ruined the characters like Lois Lane and Martha Kent.

Second mistake was WB forcing Zack Snyder to cut 45 mins from the movie, the same happened with BvS and ultimate edition turned out to be a misunderstood masterpiece, it's not right production company inferring with an artist's freedom.

All we can do is wait for the director's cut and watch the movie the way it was intended to. And please stop the negativity based on the biased group of critics called Rotten Tomatoes. Just watch the movie and decide for yourself.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman - Gal Gadot Kicks Ass
Wonder Woman

  • Patty Jenkins When Zack Snyder made "Man of Steel" in 2013, he had laid the groundwork for a bunch of DC movies to come the following years. Although the reception was bad for "Batman vs Superman", I liked it very much. Zack Snyder has done a pretty good job. But, Wonder Woman is the DC movie that everybody could comprehend and accept, which is not brooding and polarizing like the other movies.

Wonder Woman is the movie that all loved and even the critics couldn't find flaws with it, Yes, the movie is flawless and has every elements that a Superhero movie needs.

Focusing on the origin of the Amazon Goddess, right from the beginning the movie captures the attention of the audience. It shows how Diana adapts to the human world and how Diana became the Wonder Woman.The screenplay and cinematography enhances the perfection with which Patty Jenkins has directed the movie.

Gal Gadot is the perfect Wonder Woman( not that Lynda Carter was bad), she has carried the whole thing on in spite of being 5 months pregnant, massive respect. Chris Pine was the best counter-part, although we had our doubts initially that he couldn't do any other role as good as James.T.Kirk in Star Trek. Kudos to the casting as every character has been used well and has a certain trait that is seen distinctively.

Every dialogue in the movie had a deeper meaning and nothing was to fill the conversations. The movie had its light moments, opposed to how dark DC movies will be and it wasn't void of serious moments either. Just the theme music was enough to give goosebumps and it was beautifully shown how humans were seen from Diana's point of view and she still chose to help 'em.

I couldn't help but notice how Wonder Woman was little parallel to Captain Steve Rogers with both carrying shields and having their time line from World War II to the present. Still no Marvel movie can come close to this SOLO female Superhero. We have all the rights to hope that the Justice League movie is going to be awesome.

The movie is worth a lot of re-watches and did somebody notice Zack Snyder's cameo in the trenches? Neither did I.

Kaatru Veliyidai

Kaatru Veliyidai - A Brooding Romance
After waiting 2 years for the next Mani Ratnam movie, Kaatru Veliyidai comes and casts a spell on all of us.The movie begins as a tribute to the martyrs of the "Kargil war's Martyrs" and polarizes into a divine love between a fighter pilot and an army doctor.

Kaatru Veliyidai a flow and it transcends like a poem, each and every scene is connected to the other, and that flow never ceases.

Like any other typical Mani Ratnam movie, it has the perfect cast, cinematographer, musician, lyricist, choreographer,etc. Coming to the plot, its too simple for the audience who expect more from movies. The highlight of the movie was the characterization, the two characters "VC" and "Leela" is not just what they are shown on the screen, they have a life in their character and they carry the film on their shoulders till the end.

VC aka Varun Chakrapani, is an Airline pilot who is a selfish jerk who tries very hard to clean up after he screws thing up and the name VC, not Varun Chakrapani, because Mani Ratnam's specialty of using abbrevation for the name. Leela Abraham is an army doctor who is an extreme opposite of VC's character and the story is how VC goes on a self-transforming journey.

Mani Ratnam who is known for complexity in relationships, in movies like Mounaragam and OK Kanmani has tried his best to bring a certain depth in this too, by showing that Leela doesn't like women treated inferior by men and demands equal respect.

Ravi Varman, the cinematographer has kept the audience mesmerized till the end. Aditi is shown like a snow-flake with white blizzard in the background. Visually it was ravishing.

A.R.Rahman has given us the best of his, all the songs just perfectly blend with the story and the BGM at the end were too epic. Even after coming out of the theaters, you will be singing the song vaan.

This movie filled in the gaps of what OK Kanmani failed to show, a pure unadulterated love that everyone longs for, Mani Ratnam has taken love in every posibble way and we badly need movies like Iruvar , Nayagan and Nayagan now. For a good comeback, he needs to know the pulse of the current generation and has to make a movie that everybody can enjoy.

The first half was perfect in every way and the second half was felt lengthy and the romance should have been toned down a bit. Overall, it is tough for audience of all types to gain satisfaction from this movie, So, I suggest you to watch this movie if you look for romance in movies more than action.

Jodaeiye Nader az Simin

A Separation - An Intriguing Drama
A Separation

  • Asghar Farhadi

Persian language is foreign to me,but after spotting so many flawless movies from Iran, it is high time I learn it. The Separation movie is about a couple trying to get a divorce or that's what it looks at first. The movie is well-scripted and there are no repetitive dialogues. The movie starts as a simple one and transcends into a court-room drama. The fact that the camera doesn't change much adding with the expressions on all the characters makes it so natural and the viewers can feel as if its happening before them.

A Separation questions our ethics and puts us in a moral dilemma. The characterization is noteworthy, every character has a certain trait they are related with. Nadar, the lead character is a responsible person and never fails to serve his ailing father with Alzheimer's, he also has the trait of thinking clearly under duress without clouding his judgement. His wife Simin on the other hand,always tries her best to control every situation. Termeh, is their daughter who is under a lot of pressure undergoing puberty and tries very hard to unite her parents from getting divorced.

The viewers attention is required as the movie is kinda fast-paced and the dialogues are dynamic. the movie is full of uncertainity and unpredictable actions . The dialogues always stirs some kind of emotions in us.

The climax scene was worth mentioning, how Temreh was put in a tough spot to choose between her parents, it will bring tears to anybody's face. And of course, Asghar Farhadi didn't fail to use hi cliff- hanger ending here also.

The movie won an Oscar for the best foreign film 2012 and was nominated for the best screenplay and best writing. It also won a Golden globe for the best foreign film 2012. If this review didn't want to make you watch, I don't know what will.


Ripping the Face of Media
Director K.V.Anand keeps us engaging for 160 minutes with Kavan. The movie may have been based on some Clichés, but the movie is taken from a fresh perspective of what happens behind the cameras of the media. K.V.Anand is known for thinking out of the box, if you look at his movies "Matraan","Ayan","Anegan",etc.

The movie had a fast screenplay,for instance ,the movie's first 10 minutes was equal to an average Tamil movie, Such fast-paced the movie was. the main plot may have gotten buried upon all the things happening in the movie,the Audience may never even get the time to notice it. "Kavan" prompts the Audience to use their brains to all the things they were oblivious in the past.

Further, reviewing the movie without spoiling was that all the songs were good, HipHop Tamizha has done a good job, the songs will be in your head for a while, although the background scores could have been made more engaging. Coming to the cast,it had "Makkal Selvan" Vijay Sethupathy as the lead and Madonna Sebastin, they both have done a perfect job and the other cast includes actors from 3 Generations like TR and Pandian has helped in making the movie more reachable to all types of audiences. The one scene that was worth mentioning was the Pre-Interval block scene,it was unpredictable and gripping like most of the scenes in the movie. K.V.Anand has used all the cast as perfect as possible, which is where many others fail. Overall the movie will give you the immense satisfaction of watching something never before. So, I suggest you to watch it in theaters.


Euphoric movie
I can't believe the movie was over so soon, I wanted this movie to last forever, it's that kind of movie. This movie has a perfect mixture of everything needed to show how a college student's life can be."Anandam" is a Feel- good teen movie, but I'm not sure adults would appreciate it as much.

This movie could have toned down the use of Alcohol and other stuff, it was the only negative thing I felt. I'm sure for college students, it will be a visual treat. The songs were epic, and the characters you can relate to , you will be at least one of the 9 lead characters shown in the movie.

The Flash: Versus Zoom
Episode 18, Season 2

Plot holes
This plot hole has been bugging me for days,in the last episode "flash back", Barry had gone to the past to know how to increase his speed and disrupted the timeline by speaking with Dr.Wells a.k.a Eobard Thawne and at the end its costly shown he has messed up the timeline and we could see a new character in the star labs, Hartley. But now when this episode" versus zoom" started, everything is back to normal and it's like the timeline was never disrupted and is intact.

And I don't see how people just ignored this and didn't notice it first of all. Im not a hater of the series but just bugged seriously by this one major plothole.


A good try for time travel concept
First of all I want to begin my review my stating the known facts that a time travel concept movie is not common in Kollywood and also it's really difficult to make people understand and at the same time like it. The movie has failed to attract family audiences and mainly liked by Teens who are fans of this concept. But as the movie's main plot revolves around Time travel, one can notice many cliché here and there. Also the concept is not deep enough to leave the audiences wondering.The plot was predictable at times and the movie dragged a bit in the first half. One could feel there were too many suriyas in the film,due to that many good old actors , who weren't used enough and the songs were a let-down. Coming to the time travel concept again,its a complex and vast phenomenon which had to stressed more, but was shown simply plain. The movie actually feels more like revenge concept .The movie doesn't fail to entertain you still.

It satisfies the general audiences and arouses curiosity in them. The screenplay was one of the main highlight of the movie and the background music of the antagonist was splendid. This movie will definitely stand out from other commercial movies, and is a great one in that way. The movie was complete on its own and doesn't leave the audience with much to think.

The Flash: Flash Back
Episode 17, Season 2

the best episode yet in the show!!
As my caption suggests this is the best flash episode indeed.. Using the concept of time travel and picking the pieces left in the past to move on was the entire episode. This episode in my opinion has the least soap with Father-son or Father- daughter or Barry-Iris dramas.I was glued to my seat throughout the episode. When we got to see Eddie again, we were thrilled. But the only part disappointing was that Barry disturbed the time line.. Now we can expect many changes like The pied Piper joining team flash. But , other than that all the things about two flashes and Eobard Thawne giving Barry tips about increasing speed force with Tachyons was splendid indeed.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Its just the tip of ice berg
Batman vs Superman has rightly done justice to the comic books and is a top in the must-watch list of movies this month. Though the movie has a lot of negative reviews and contradictions, the movie is something more than action. One needs a wide perspective to take it and deeper knowledge of vigilantes . There is a deep concept of vigilante's collision in a city which was backed by one of the best cinematography. There were sure lots of scenes which gives goosies to us.The villain Lex Luthor had a handful of humor which made us like him more along with the main trio protagonists.Neil deGrasse Tyson's cameo was unexpected. The movie opens a portal to a bunch of upcoming DC movies .Han Zimmer's Back ground score cannot be missed. Overall Zack Snyder did a good job balancing the role of all the superheroes.I conclude by saying its just the tip of IceBerg

Arrow: Midnight City
Episode 11, Season 3

we had our hope in them
When arrow season 2 was over ,we thought that it would get better but only for hopes to be shattered . Already we had to suffer through 2 seasons just to show Lian Yu island,I mean can't they just let us focus on the present properly instead of just making it go longer and longer . moreover I thought we could see a more terrifying villain in Starling City, just came to square one again and without oliver its even tough to watch them fight , can't call it a fight , More of a fumble. And Laurel's character is so boring just like Thea ,they both were just used to increase the soap in the show .We just expect some less soap and more crispness in the story .Certaiy can say Ray palmer is a sigh of relief ,good to see an interesting character finally ,he keeps the boat floating.

Arrow: City of Heroes
Episode 1, Season 2

A slow start
This episode focuses mainly on Oliver processing how Tommy's view was about him before he died. One would never have imagined Summer Glau in a negative part and she nailed it pretty good . The good part was The vigilante getting new upgrades with slinging ropes was pretty good.

There were some very slow scenes with whatever Thea was involved with her dilemma about accepting her mother's mistake . Officer lance being demoted , was looking bad in uniform,with us getting used to seeing him as detective ,same is the case with Moira Queen. The climax like every Arrow episode was pushing us to the edge ..we got to wait for the next episode to find out who the female vigilante is..

L.A. Confidential

Clearly an underrated movie of the 90s
I was watching this movie se7en the other day and was so frustrated with it,that I thought to quit watching cop investigation movies,then I found this in the top 250 list. This movie had me hyped from the beginning itself.This movie didn't drift away in its plot,it had us focused on one single thing throughout the movie and the writers have clearly done a lot of homework, trying to use all the elements maximum possible. The character of Russell crowe was so dynamic,full of life and the chemistry between the three main actors were greatly shown. There can't be a better cop movie with corruption. And as I said earlier,this movie deserves more rating.

ABCD: American-Born Confused Desi

Best Movie ever in Malayalam
I had started this movie almost with no expectations since I had seen many political scenes involved in preview. Then the BGM fixed me to the seat. The story was fresh and made us wonder how better can it get,I was not a DQ fan, but this made me a die- hard one. About the acting DQ had done a very role of a playboy-Brat- type and Aparna as a matured-responsible- one. The script is brilliant . This movie showed a satirical part of politics in Kerala. Honestly speaking I had watched around 80 times and still didn't get bored . I'm sure everyone will just love this movie full of life and Zest . They should take more movies like this.

10 Endrathukulla

Another Commercial movie of Vikram
I haven't seen this bad movie of vikram in years..This movie is just like a spoof of Transporter series. To begin with,this movie starts by exaggerating Vikram's character of the work he does for a living. This movie has once again proved that commercial movies in Kollywood still continue to exist. Then there was this heroine samantha's character which was bought to expand running time of the movie.It kept the audience waiting that there was something bigger on the other end kept for them but only to be utterly disappointed. The fight sequences were not very impressive either and the movie was way too predictable to be frank. We just had to sit through it like something was gonna come up at the end. So , I would suggest this movie only if u are new to commercial masala movies and want to waste your time and money.

Luv U Alia

waste of money and time
First of all this movie is another example for Kannada movie makers' immaturity in movies, the slapsticks are not fun anymore and they aren't supposed to run a whole movie with it. Coming to this movie it is nothing but some short jokes and some bullshit about a hero joining his divorced in-laws together. The movie consists of many item songs irrelevant to the story and just to pass the time. I saw 7.5 IMDb rating and expected a logical and fresh story but wasted 2 long hours thinking every second when it will get over. About the acting, I didn't think the hero and heroine were paid to act through the situations, they were just to show off their body in a multiple of songs. To conclude I think you can watch this movie if u want to waste your time and money and sit through the movie without getting a depression. And seriously the above reviews Man! are they even honest opinions Masterpiece ..you kidding me?

Indru Netru Naalai

onset for science fiction movies in Tamil cinema
The movie starts fresh and plants a hope in our mind as how can the movie get better only until the sequences of time machines come. Time travel is a vast concept and it can't be shown as fun or for leisure. If we had dug deeper we can find many plot holes. Also this movie is little predictable and in my case I could foresee how the 1 would end after the interval itself. However considering the need to make understand the common people about time travel, this movie succeeded and hats off for that and it's better than most commercial movies they make this days,but could have done better and satisfied everyone. The songs by HipHop Thamizha were marvelous and one cannot ignore this is the second movie of his music direction career. Last but not the least Mia George had gotten a more prominent and charming role in this one than her last movie in Amara Kavyam.

Thani Oruvan

The usual cop cliché but will not appear so..
To tell the truth I got hype by seeing 9.0 in IMDb by users.I was not very satisfied when I was watching,I thought maybe it will get interesting when Aravind Swamy comes but not so...The usual police investigation cliché and nothing so new.I didn't feel anything new in this movie probably the only scene worth watching was for the music score and the climax scene kinda was watchable after bored of the repeated things like I said. The characterization of Jayam Ravi's friends was not completely used in the movie. Maybe I found the movie bad because I had high expectations especially because when my friends started comparing The Joker from The Dark Knight to the antagonist in the movie.so,I suggest you to watch this movie only if you have watched ample amount of cop movies.

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