
IMDb member since October 2014
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    IMDb Member
    9 years


Operation Romeo

Well done tense thriller with a humanist-oriented twist
A good taut thriller about events in the middle of the night in Mumbai followed by.a somewhat deranged but partially appropriate revenge, and a final twist that is needed from a humanist angle and which also exposes a/the possible reason for the aforementioned derange-ness.

The direction, cinematography, social settings, etc, are all good. There are a couple of minor plot holes that do not really detract from the story.

Overall, a very well done and taut thriller, and very well acted by the 3 main protagonists. Edge of your seat movie without the silly bells and whistles, song dance sequences and over-the-top emotions and dialogue that has plagued (and continues to plague) Bollywood.

Delhi Crime

Delhi Crime, Season 2 review and rating
Season 1 was very well done, and even though we knew the story (being based on the infamous and tragic Nirbhaya case), it was taut.

Season 2 is also taut for 3-3.5 of the 5 episodes. But because it is fiction (as the modern version of the infamous past Kachha-Baniyan gang), they have a hard time coming up with a way the police can track any member of the new gang. Suddenly in ep. 4, the police magically get the mobile number of one of the gang members. They show some unexplained scene for about 10 seconds, after which the police IT guy gets a gang member's name and mobile number! This sleight of hand in the script, totally lost it for me: if you can do such sleight of hand, then no crime thriller will be credible (and that after being led down the garden path of a taut credible thriller for about 70% of the show), will not be worth spending one's valuable time on, and will be the death of the genre. Furthermore, in ep. 5, they subsequently show some other very unrealistic events, it seems in an attempt to hurriedly bring the show to a conclusion, that puts further dents into the overall story. Also, they could have shown the police consulting a psychologist to determine what could have led a person to commit such horrific crimes against rich elderly people (psychopath personality along with how that may have developed could have been one explanation), but there was no such reveal. Instead the police DSP (the main character played by Shefali Shah) just ends with a weak (to paraphrase): "Even the criminal can't answer the question of why they committed such crimes". What a cop out and what a damp squib of an ending! If you can't finish well, then the whole endeavor is a waste. And wastes the viewer's time.

BTW, IMDB really needs to separate the ratings of different seasons of a show, as they can be such different animals, and it is misleading to the viewing public if the good rating for a good season falsely bolsters the rating for a poor one, and vice versa.

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