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Das Signal

It's ok
I have a lot of time for this genre of entertainment, whether it be a blockbuster movie or a searching tv series. It starts quick and gets you gripped like you wouldn't believe and so you keep on wondering and watching. However, it doesn't really materialise into something that you want it to. Or at least what I wanted it to. It becomes a bluff and a bit of a steal from the great film Interstellar. Everything we believe in is everything we can create ourselves. Bit of a poor ending to what could have been a great series but I suppose with only a few episodes granted they had to come to a conclusion quicker than would normally be necessary. Worth a watch. Not brilliant. Decent.


Very good film
I was really enjoying this film but the. The ending is such a let down. You expect some kind of fireworks after everything but nope, not this one. Not sure how many will read this now as it is quite an old film but still you expect the plots to be a little better than this. The whole film has so much energy and scope to be a great like a Speed or Fugitive but it just fizzles into a nothingness and everyone appears happy with that. I am a realist and so some films do annoy me but this has everything to be the perfect "this could happen to you" genre going about. 20 years on and I'm still moaning haha.

The Suspect

Worth a watch
It's a great idea (previously we'll used albeit) and does get you thinking but it almost fizzles out as the series reaches its climax. Shame really but then again, is anyone ever content an ending. Haha. The acting is good and the suspense on occasion is gripping. I cannot fault the series as a whole and I do tend not to look for negatives but as I say, the ending sequence which begins to unravel from a couple of episodes from the end is somewhat dampening to my initial enthusiasm. There are a couple of shocks throughout and his diagnosis does make you wonder if he's really a psycho buy hey ho, I say no more.

The Undeclared War

Not THAT bad
In fact I actually enjoyed watching it in my spare time. The only issue I have is that the ending made no sense nor conclude what I've been watching. He got shot presumably by the noise of gun shot but then it ends. So..... what does that mean? It just carries on? Accept it or not. I am somewhat disappointed in this regard but otherwise a decent watch.

The Man from Toronto

Good film
Woody never gets old does he. Was only watching White Men Can't Jump a few days ago. Such a great actor and coupled with Kevin Hart being as silly and funny as he always is, it's a good combination. Not as great as with Duane Johnson but still funny. Action packed, witty throughout and a decent storyline.

Spiral: From the Book of Saw

I do like the fact that the Saw type killings continue. They are gruesome and fun to watch but the film as a whole is little bit... hmm.... poor. Rock is OK in it. The rest was like watching an episode of an American 1980's show. Like Dallas or along those lines haha.

Girl in the Picture

I never know how to rate hhese types of programs. Give it an10 and its almost like you enjoyed the sadness of what happened. A solid 7 is to show my respect to the victims. God bless.

The Voices

Love Ryan Reynolds but....
This is a shockingly bad film! Trust me. Its bad. I'd watch Ryan Reynolds all day. He's hilarious and a unique actor but this is disappointing and I'm regretting the last 2 hours of my life.

Sonic the Hedgehog

It's good but not as good as some have made it out to be. I would've liked a few more throw backs. I know they did some of the music and how he beat Robotnik at the end but I think more throw backs may have gotten my age group more on board rather than being just a child's film..

Killing Eve

I don't for one second believe that is the true ending of the story. No chance. I haven't watched this religiously for that.... I remain optimistic because if not then that is weak and poor in my opinion after such a solid and brilliant series....

Ronny Chieng: Speakeasy

Used to love him. The attack on the UK is not very funny. I do take a lot with a pinch of salt but he really does drive home the fact he hates Great Britain and its people. Why would I support such an act.

Don't Look Up

Ironic and true
The irony and truthfulness of this film reals hits home. The powers that be are so ignorant to the greater scheme of things and so self obsessed with their own agenda's. It's a comical satire that raises issues we have as a society not just in America but all over the world. Love Jonah Hill but his character is someone I want to punch which exasperates the feeling people trying to save the planet now have. Point proven Leo and Co.

Red Notice

Quite disappointed
Love Reynolds and Johnson but the mix just wasn't there. Oddly. I didn't quite feel part of the story and felt a little bit bored in some parts. Reynolds is awesome and so funny and Johnson is usually much better. Love him with Hart. This just didn't do it for me though unfortunately. Not the worst film, just not great.

Escape Room: Tournament of Champions

Really bad acting throughout but I guess it isn't as mainstream as others in this genre. Not as good as the first but still watchable.

The Mist

It's ok
It's not the best you'll ever watch, but it's not quite as bad as some make it out to be. There are some scenes make you feel on edge, there are others that make you want to read a book instead. Worth a gander, just don't set your expectations bar too high and you may enjoy it.


Terrible film. Watched it in English to make it more understandable yet still ended up bored and waiting for the end. I need to now watch a decent film before I go to bed just to appease my frustration at such a bad film.

The Pact

Surprised IMDb are allowing such sexist and borderline discriminatory comments and reviews about this series.

As far as I'm concerned, it isn't brilliant but it kept me watching. As, generally, a non-binger, I binged this whole series. What does that say....

It's a decent storyline but the story really is about friends and family and how they stick together when the going gets tough. Rather heart warming in some capacity and, agreeably, disappointing in others.

Definitely worth a watch regardless. Just stick with it and you'll become involved.

The Woman in the Window

Quite a poor film to be honest. Pretty poor ending too.


Could be so much better. Not overly explanatory but how many films are these days. Worth a watch. If you're not french then remember to change the settings on Netflix.


Not sure why so much confusion.
Ok so basically, the film is about human nature and instinct and what people really think when they really need to make a life or death decision. The ending is pretty obvious as I saw it.... He joins the rest of the victorious few and they will then be pitted against one another to have a final winner, hence why the alien craft was making its way towards them at the end. He realised that what he had done had made little or no difference whatsoever in what was clearly an experiment from a superior race. Good film in my opinion.


Pretty bad film. Tried to be scary, thriller-ish bit failed miserably. Don't bother. Stick to American Pie franchise Sean.


Terrible ending
Decent film to watch and keeps in building the tension but then the ending somewhat disappoints. I won't ruin anything but, personally, I'm disappointed.

The Accountant

Good film
I really don't understand people rating this film so poorly. It's a good watch, interesting, good characters and a good storyline. My take; autistic boy gets hardened up by Daddy with the use of martial arts experts, becomes (stereotypically for an autistic person) an accountant. He finds himself embroiled in a situation with a mafia family and so uses these skills to kill them all and move on. Leaving no trace. Becomes employed by someone else who needs his help to figure out where money has disappeared to and again finds himself embroiled in a criminal world, only, the criminal seeking him down is his own brother.

Not quite sure what the point in the scene with the girl who doesn't talk at the end. Guess it was a solitude towards being imprisoned due to mental health when there are so many special things people can still achieve. He then goes off again after leaving some of his artwork with his fellow accountant and that's that. Not pointless. Good. Just didn't get everything. Maybe two watches needed haha.


What a ridiculously bad film this is. I had to watch to the end to say id seen it all. Like a trooper. This is such a bad movie. Seriously bad.

The Invitation

It's ok!!!
It's not as bad as I initially thought it would be. However, the acting is pretty poor in parts and well the ending is somewhat ridiculous too. That LA are suddenly given the go ahead to have murder parties. Come on.

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