
IMDb member since October 2014
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    9 years


Die Venusfalle

Professional propaganda.
One star for effort to mislead me. So, supposedly events taking place in Berlin? And divided Berlin never existed? I guess its easy to ignore anything as long as you can get away with it. So, supposedly this flick is about sex and love but they lost along the lines as movie don't have coherent plot or music or real life. The producer couldn't comprehend the idea a movie is illusion and added second illusion for another hour. Whatever, I'm in no mood to start discussion.

Il diavolo nella carne

Excellent in all departments
To write about movies you have to have benchmark or basic point which is always one--movies are illusion. If they reflect on reality it cannot be proved as everybody has different opinion about past and present. With this in mind this flick is excellent and I don't care about plot which is reasonable in this case, female characters which are all hot in their designer's underwear, fair amount of sexual activities etc. Illusion?--yes. Do I care?--no. Why?--D'Amato fits my definition of excellent. Maybe I am wrong?--maybe. But I pay attention to which movies I remember and which dissipate without trace. And I remember how piece of propaganda called Battleship Potemkin was considered one of 10 best movies of all time and as I knew all this propaganda first hand I said--whatever but D'Amato is on my list.


Yes, I own two different copies of this flick with two different ending in two different languages. Yes, this movie is about private life and it mixes up reality and imagination and in my book its excellent mixture. After all our actions are based on our brain work and the results are mostly don't rolling out as expected. Most of the movie we can only guess why everything happens the way it does and this is how it normally happen in real life. If you happen to have different opinion about this you are entitled exactly like me. As usual D'Amato not capable go far enough in sex department but considering 50 years later nobody does I figured all movies making will be stuck in eleven's century mentality for some time and I not hoping to find something better.

Vizio e provocazione

Too simple for my taste.
If you are not into D'Amato like me its too simple for any liking but I remember most of his flicks and compare, and think, and wonder and think again, and wish I have his imagination. Yes, the movie is simple but realistic, chicks hot and willing and I can say any nonsense but the bottom line is most of his flicks have something that tells me--lets see it again and enjoy. His horror flicks are terrible but managed to get Blu-ray release but everything I like I have to buy on VHS with colors off or in some foreign language with Chinese subtitles. His New Orleans set is more for mainstream audience and I went to Dominican Republic to breathe same air as him and his hotties.

Ossessione fatale

Excellent storytelling.
Yes, I managed to find this title in English. Flick is typical for D'Amato style--don't care and only end result counts. Indeed, he borrows heavily music, stills and ideas from his other movies and I sure recognize all his tricks but somehow its only add on positive side. Main female character is hot as hell and undress often, plot has twists and shouts and realism is visible in every note. I start thinking maybe something wrong with my taste--after all D'Amato considered B class rate but what is an A rate? These sugar-coated mainstream junk? I guess its not easy to break into mainstream and be yourself. History and time will figure this out.

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