
IMDb member since October 2014
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The Grand Tour: The Grand Tour Presents: A Massive Hunt
Episode 2, Season 4

A Masterpiece
What a gem. So rarely do I watch any "tv" program, that I think it is dying breed. But it is not that because of the format. It is that because of quality, or lack of it, and unoriginality. Grand Tour is cream of the cropI I really do not have anything singular about the episode to write about. I have seen all Top Gear episodes from early days on and every Grand Tour episode, and this was easily in top five. Great cars, great destination, great camera work, and great dialog. Well the ending was clumsy but so what. Only hope these guys would stick to doing these proper shows year round. Only one episode per year seems very low. If only they focused into making Grand Tour instead of short youtube clips that anybody can do. 4 episodes per year would be great.

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

After massive laugh attack of first Borat which imho was great, this second installment feels forced and unfunny from the get go. Storyline is rubbish, acting is bad and it all feels just so hastily glued that we found it to be tiring and barely funny at any point. At somepoint you forgot thinking if this or that scene was completely acted because it did not make you laugh regardless. There was of course the added weight of the political agenda that further made it feel tiring and forced effort. One of the worst movies I have seen in last 10 years.

Rammstein: Paris

Are you serious about the black and white video raster effect? Unwatchable
Director or editor of this "film" needs to be boiled in diesel, alive until killed. Nothing makes me more sad than great subject ruined by horrible tastelessness from the people who made this. First 10 minutes are totally unneeded black and white halftone pattern raster effect. It is almost like they found first time Photoshop from 1994, and tried one effect and stuck with it. Absolutely hit, sorry but I tried to watch this because of the Rammstein and what they have to give, not for the directors bad taste.

El Chapo & Sean Penn: Bungle in the Jungle

The worst kind of crap
This "documentary" is nothing more than your hollywood news style hype and it reveals absolutely nothing and does not contain any useful or interesting information what so ever. It really is not a documentary but hour long montage of celebrity gossip and zero actual information. Who ever did this owe me money for my time.

The Grand Tour: Operation Desert Stumble
Episode 2, Season 1

From brilliance to stupidity
Where first episode was marvelous car content and funny lines this was utterly dull. Seems like moving to amazon was gift it was also a curse. The gun content felt very elongated with forced acting. It was bread and butter americanism where none were needed in the first place. It also included those only two parts that did not work either in first part. The cancelled celebrities and boring talking Stig. There is no reason for this show to exist if it's not for enthusiasm towards cars. I just don't get the point.

ps. marked spoiler only because some might not share my views and could try to smoke me. Sorry but I'll keep true to how it felt watching it.

Top Gear: Episode #23.1
Episode 1, Season 23

A parody of original series with zero originality and zero passion
I don't believe there is single person on Top Gear production who does believe in attract-ability of automobile as such. They are in such a hurry of masking every scene with totally unnecessary stuff that they totally lost a car enthusiasts motivation to watch that show.

Show me some nicely shooted scenery with interesting car and a host giving his honest opinion with decent wording and you are golden.

Instead you did not trust the talent aka cars and hosts, and piled so many dirt bikes jumping over low flying fighter jet and antitank guns on top of a sports car that even cocaine infused Michael Bay would throw up.

That combined with guest that would not give a rats ass about driving in general or his lap time or anything and a horrid lead host trying to do Clarkson imitation on crack.

Only thing solid was Matt LeBlank genuinely enjoying that Ariel Nomad, until only minute later that was also destroyed with totally unnecessary extras.

What a stinking pile of non car related mess. What a wad day for television in general.

Hardcore Henry

A new movie genre has risen. This movie will be turning point in history.
A really good action movie. Well, apart from storyline going apes on the end the movie had very nice plot to it too. Action was easily over the scoring system. I would go and say 17/10. A lot has been written about the actual film in the other reviews so I will not bother. But this has a new way of doing film. This is the FIRST one doing it from this audience's point of view. And that will revolutionize the way we will see many and many more films in the future. And I can see everyone looking retrospective and say why they did not do movies like this back in the day.

I give it 17 for action, 10 for shooting style (pun not intended), 9 for acting and 7 for plot, so in my book that evens out at perfect 10/10.

True Detective

Season 1 is the best TV brilliance out there.
It starts turning slowly, building mass around these characters. Then building more and more momentum around the story. Driving you as a helpless watcher towards the super deep darkness at the end.

True Detective season 1 is blood chilling and ultra captivating.

I am watching last episode while writing this, just to give my self a pause from the horrors.

Story is great and not at all obvious. Characters aren't black and white, but a relatable humans with faults like us. The way this is shoot and recorded is top notch also. Have not found any faults.

One of the very best television ever.


World class Bond film
You know a movie is very solid when weakest moment in whole 2h 30min playtime is the theme song. Just like the theme song which was at first take deep and emotional, started to be flimsy and annoyingly feminine for a man singing it towards end, so was Bond more easily mentally hurt and vulnerable with his feelings towards the end of the movie.. 9 times out of 10 he was cold blooded and 1/10 he was not Bond like. And for me it dropped 1 point out of perfect. But this is one of the very best Bond films and world class as a film general. It travels the exotic locations, beats bullies in tuxedos while traveling. And all the other good Bond film attributes. You want to see this from big screen.


Best movie this year.
Most enjoyable movie this year in my opinion.

Top notch acting all the way.

Cold-blooded and measuring acts of paying back the karma, and letting the violent justice roll it's often unpredictable course.

Movie shines in many things, not least immersing audience into setting where it all happens. Showing really lifelike Scandinavian way of living and thinking.

Storyline is not something you can foresee. And balance between tension and darkness is chopped up once in a while with tiny gleam of amusement.

It totally pushed right buttons for me and was more satisfying movie than any other this year.

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