
IMDb member since October 2014
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    IMDb Member
    9 years



Not a masala film!BUT I HAD SUPER FUN
I booked tickets and went to ''LUXE CINEMAS'' Phoenix mall Chennai the theater was house full(30 shows run per day in the multiplex all houseful),enjoyed the film cause it was funny and then gets real serious ,and it is totally worth your this film if you speak Tamil,and if your from India!you'd love has everything every kinda person expects small to old.never mind the negative stuff people tell u about the climax just enjoy the film.:)however DO NOT go to this film during the end days(empty cinemas)you'd get real bored ,this film requires a audience like applaud viewing to enjoy it to the max.i know i sound silly but hell yea this is ''rajini's'' film and being his fan since i was 2 years old (yea 24 months exact)i can tell u just one thing.simply watching him act will suffice your money spent

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