
IMDb member since October 2014
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See You Yesterday

So many things
There is an ambiguous ending, and then there is See You Yesterday. There IS no ending in this movie. All you get is the main idio...err I mean character running in slow motion with the determination of a stoned hamster on her face.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind ambiguous endings. In fact, I like ambiguous endings. They make me think, they make me question things (looking at you, Inception), but there was no ending in this film!

To make everything even worse, there is absolutely no character development in this movie. The heroine was a selfish idiot, is a selfish idiot, and she will continue being a selfish idiot. There is no personal growth, no realizations, no learning from one's own mistakes, nothing.

A truly disappointing movie that had decent potential. Pity.

Scales: Mermaids Are Real

So many questions...
This movie has so many questions & it answers none of them. However, I found its disregard for even a shadow of logic truly magnificent, epic even. That's why I gave this movie 2 stars instead of just 1. I mean, this level of a jumbled mess is not something you see every day. A dumpster fire of such proportions definitely deserves 1 extra star.

Also, I have to say that if you decide to watch this fiasco of a film, I guarantee you won't get bored. You might, however, end up in an ICU with a skull fracture from facepalming too hard. You could also get quite hoarse from screaming, 'WHY??!!!" while watching this crime against humanity.

Jisatsu sâkuru

Not a movie you'll forget
Honestly? I didn't like this film. Too bizarre, too over-the-top surreal, and frankly, trying too hard to seem something it is not. However...

I have to admit, with all its flaws, this movie is hard to forget. Once you watched it, it's going to stay with you for a very long time. I've watched it back in 2002, not too long after it came out. It is now 2022, and I remember pretty much everything that happened in the film.

Did I like this movie? No.

Will I ever watch it again? No.

Do I think it was a piece of trash? No.

Will it stay with me for even more years to come? Yes. Trash doesn't do that.

Jigeum uri hakgyoneun

Very Holey
The plot of this thing has more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese. This show is not bad, but it's far, far from great. It started off well enough, but the further it got, the more ridiculous it became. The last few episode are extremely frustrating because pretty much nothing makes any sense. I mean, some things didn't make much sense from the beginning...

(Why was there an infected rat in the school lab that didn't even have a decent lock, to begin with? Not like the biologist dude couldn't keep it at home. Why haven't they mentioned the fact that On-Ja was bitten in the very first episode? The nurse turns within minutes, but On-Ja hadn't even broke a sweat, and nobody, I repeat, NOBODY even mentions it later on, even though people knew about it. Some people get a crapload of infected blood in their eyes, nostrils, and mouths, but there is absolutely no effect, because apparently, swallowing, inhaling, or bathing your eyeballs in someone's blood does not deliver it to your bloodstream...? )

...but the last few episodes were just infuriatingly ridiculous (which I won't really talk about, 'cause it'll take forever). However, another infuriating thing is that this show has a higher rating than Sweet Home (AoUAD is 7.5., while SH is 7.3). How did that even happen?? Sweet Home was levels above All of Us Are Dead, and yet somehow it got lower ratings. Sigh...

Anyway, this show was not bad, as I said, and it was entertaining to watch despite everything that was wrong with it. It's definitely worth a single watch, just don't expect much from it -- it's nothing but some popcorn & bubblegum. Also, if you take a drink every time someone throws the bully off something, you'll be warm and very fuzzy by the end, so it makes it a decent drinking game.


What a great, wild ride!
This movie is one of the best parodies I've ever seen, and I don't understand how could some people view this movie as "serious horror," comparing it to The Conjuring or Insidious. I mean, everything in the movie was wa-aay over the top -- acting ("It's time we cut out THE CANCER!"), special effects, overabundance of gore and clichés, everything! How could it possibly be taken seriously? This film is a great, wild ride, it wasn't meant to be taken seriously!

The bloodbath at the police station scene was awesome (kicking ass while running backwards -- take that, Neo!)

Oh, and apparently, Gabriel is Voldemort.

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