
IMDb member since June 2005
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    19 years



Not good at all
Maybe this film is slightly better than "The Ticker", the worst Segal movie I have watched so far. The guy from Uruguay is right. I have never been there, but as a Brazilian, I know that the place doesn't look like Uruguay at all. The film is very confusing, that sort of movie style that mixes the past, present and future and you get lost on the plot. Segal just showed his Aikido techniques for 30 seconds or so..this is why I rent these movies and I was disappointed. Another strange thing. The movie is called "Submerged". I was expecting that the film was totally IN a submarine...actually it's not. The guys just spend less than 15 minutes in the sub before it is sank. The movie headline says "terrorists in a nuclear submarine".....well...the guy who are in the sub are not terrorists nor the sub is nuclear. One of Segal's crew says the sub is an old piece of junk.


The worst so far
I like watching Steven Seagal movies and I agree that he is not an excellent actor however I really admire his Aikido skills. He is a master and I respect him (actually I am an Aikido student).

He has made some bad movies, some of them are hard to understand, some are too fast and you get lost and some of them like Marked for Death is quite good. On Deadly Ground is very confusing and fast. Not good...I thought it could not be worse than that but the Ticker is.

The interesting thing is that the story of the film is has all elements for a good film, some good actors, IRA terrorists trying to explode some San Francisco places, etc...but everything gets confusing and lost.

Seagal just talks most of the time and I hardly can understand what he says. Not sure if the copy of the DVD I got was bad or what...He sounds tired or not really in the mood.

Anyway, The Ticker is the worst Seagal film I watched so far (I have watched probably near 10 films).

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