
IMDb member since November 2014
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There aren't many 10s these days, this is a definite 10. This expertly researched series has everything, and it is supported by superior production values. Character development, plot, acting, directing, editing, music, mood-all of it top shelf. The protagonists are all vulnerable anti-heroes and you have empathy for the villains. Dialogue that is not dumbed down yet smoothly moves the story-line along and makes the usually complicated financial system very accessible. All of it highlighted by the golden rule that basically says that loyalty in the cut-throat world of finance is at best 5 seconds. Highly recommended.


Couldn't close it
The struggle to properly end a series can be evident quite often as it happens here. Also, half the cast really is unconvincing and painfully miscast. And Adam's hairpiece changes position and shape with just about every scene. The British spy-genre is my all-time favorite vehicle, but you can almost tell when it's not a BBC production, there simply is a lack of quality control in the production values. The fight scenes and the editing are both noticeably poor. The script is decent but poorly executed. If you're going to do another spy mystery (the villain became apparent to me by the third episode), keep it a proper mystery.

This Is Going to Hurt

Hurts so good
Absolutely top shelf stuff. Very high production values all around. Keeps you guessing, keeps you hoping, makes you laugh, makes you cry. Great character development, super sharp dialogue. Imperfect humans struggling in an imperfect environment that ironically demands perfection. A real treat.

The Responder

Fun ride
Relentlessly entertaining all the way to the last minute. Great dialog and delivery, excellent editing, great production values all around. Constant subtle tension makes you want to watch one more.


Top-shelf stuff
Beat series I've seen so far this year. It has everything and it's done so well, it's an instant classic. Very high-brow and some exquisite writing. Unforgettable.


Good stuff
This series is put together by an excellent production team. Every facet is well-done and every detail is addressed. The investigation procedural piece and the characters are convincing and they keep the interest high throughout the series. Recommended.


Very funny
Really funny belly laughs, great character development. The story operates on the 'dark side/things will go wrong' side of life and it works. Silly can be very funny if done right and not predictable. Recommended.


Spot on
If you've been there-most of us have, you won't be able to take your eyes off it. This is a brilliant show. I can go on and on with show biz superlatives, you just have to see it and you'll recommend it, too. It's so rich, you can watch it again in six months with the same reaction.


Superb entertainment
We all know how great of a writer David Hare is. This is yet another gem from this prolific story-teller. His deep understanding of politics and the human condition and the tales they weave is on display once more. Great dialogue in beautiful prose, excellent acting and production values all around. A dark comedy of the highest order. It clearly leaves the door open for season two, although the pandemic will surely delay it.

The Trial of Christine Keeler

Naughty Girls and Boys
The old familiar story with a different set of characters and the usual (with some surprises) conclusion. A slow burner done well enough to keep you very interested and to even generate thoughtful discussions between episodes as we try to adapt a 2020 reasoning to a time 60 years ago. Well done all around.

The Secrets She Keeps

Well Done
Very watchable series, we'll plotted. Moments of agony, tension, despair and outrage keep you wondering how it's going to conclude. Fine cast of characters delivering convincing performances.


Belly Laughs
Funny, funny stuff. The outtakes from this show must be brilliant because I don't know how they get through some of the sketches with a straight face. The satire doesn't stop, especially when one line can take down three stereotypes. Super talented folks relentlessly delivering the goods.


Two up, one down
While seasons 1 and 2 were excellent, season 3 misses the target. I was quite disappointed at the premise, including the weak dialogue and unconvincing acting. It seems that season 3 was either rushed to production or the quality control that one had come to expect dropped substantially.


Too many holes
Decent effort but not execution, could have been done in half the episodes. They drop in a dark comedy spin to it but (curiously) only in the last episode so that doesn't work, either. The story is decent but the script is not. Dialogue seems almost forced, nobody's a believable character.

A Star Is Born

If you can get through it
Bradley Cooper does his Lebowski speech-pattern poorly, decent music, terrible lip-syncing, childish dialog. Gaga defines the word 'miscast'.


German Gem
Really good stuff. Well written, well produced, stylishly delivered. Good character development and some tough subject matter. And great music throughout to set moods nicely.

The Split

Legal Eagles
Thoroughly enjoyable series, as soon as it was over I searched for more Abi Morgan works. The show is impeccably produced in all aspects. We've all seen enough legal /lawyer shows and yet the stories woven here are stylishly delivered and interesting. But what did it for me at the end of the day is the language. The prose is beautiful and classy, true ear candy for the lovers of language. I've already watched it again and got even more out of it, that's how rich it is. A delight.


A masterpiece
Impeccably directed and produced, a marvelous script delivering an open wound of a story. Well researched and intelligently constructed, it provides a realistic look into modern police procedure and the struggle of survival by those living in today's margins. Hair-raising plot twists that mess with your emotions and loyalties, forcing you to keep adjusting which hero or anti-hero you're rooting for. Nobody is better than the Brits when it comes to these shows (nobody, not even the French) and Informer has just set a new bar in the genre. Not to be missed.

The Bisexual

Loved it
Top-notch writing without being pretentious or predictable. Great character development, it left me wanting more. Laugh out loud funny, heart-breaking and hopeful all at the same time. Can't wait for the next project involving Ms Akhavan.

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