
IMDb member since June 2005
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    19 years


Oil Storm

Not a bad effort, but a real ending probably won't be so happy ...
A lot of "disaster" movies start with a relatively improbable event, the effect of which is worsened by a sequence of equally improbable actions or reactions. "Oil Storm" actually portrays an accident which is just waiting to happen. A major hurricane (happened before with Ivan in the same area LAST YEAR (not to mention 1900 in Galveston)) has a catastrophic effect on a refinery (happened, to a much lesser extent admittedly, in Louisiana THIS YEAR) which then has a cascading effect on a grossly overloaded supply system. The presentation is an extremely well executed patchwork of real footage hijacked for the film's story and some acting to add the "human interest" side of a typical documentary. If there is a weak point in the movie, it's that it is too optimistic both in it's portrayal of the USA's ability to react to this kind of problem, and also the sugary ending (Oof ! We dodged another bullet there !). But that's maybe all the average viewer can take at the moment (Wait for other movies of this genre next year when gas is already at $3+ !)

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