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Miller's Girl

Expected influenced by the 80's erotic thrillers new interpretation, got something else
To be honest, it's my first watch and I'm writing this shortly after I left the cinema, so maybe not the most objective opinion, but definitely left with with mixed feelings(mostly bad ones). It couldn't succeed in engaging me enough in the story to develop any sort of feeling towards any of the characters. Despite of the talented cast(saving it in a way from a total crash after the first half) and ambitious, some would even say pretentious, beginnings, for me, it felt short in building a solid foundations, which could have been a mean of explanation for what happens in the end.

But on the bright sight, it has a nice soundtrack(not sure it's always used well enough - which is also not so bright. Excuse me, had a bad day).

Let's not be all critical. It has moments that have the capacity to intrigue you, but in overall I couldn't sense the integrity. Expected more of 80s erotic thrillers' vibe. Definitely not a thriller and on the erotic part, pretty sure I felt more interested in Winnie and Miller's wife than the Jenna Ortega's Cairo(which I guess wasn't the writer/director's initial intension.

Some better examples from last year: 1.of peculiar teacher-student relationships - About Dry Grasses 2.of successful writer wife-unsuccessful writer husband - Anatomy of a Fall

Ps- the smoke doesn't help to build mysteriousness.

The Killer

One of the best beginnings I could possibly wish for.
My type of cinema. In every aspect. Mostly in the first half, but don't get me wrong, it's a great film that I only regret for not have the chance to see on the big screen. Of course, we talk about one of my favorite genres and directors, so maybe not the most unbiased opinion. The opening scenes in Paris gave me this Le samurai vibe mixed with the peculiar way of representing the inner world of the killer so typical for Dexter. His neat practices and habits which make him so successful in his job in the solitude of the workplace(which is ironically an office), placed by chance or not in the city of Jean-Pierre Melville's famous hit-man character, make you feel actively involved with every sense in the story. This effect is achieved not without the help of the Dexter's alike explanation of what he's doing and why. At some point I started to question if this explanation was rather a desperate try to justify his way of living in the face of his appearing consciousness. The fail of this reassurance is so well represented by the constantly emerging obstructions. Then the biggest miss gives us the opportunity to see the real talent of Fassbender who is building perfectly this complicated inner crisis. The rest doesn't need any explanation you just have to see it and enjoy it.

My initial thoughts were that I needed more depth in the story, but today after I slept on it, I believe that this is a beautiful well-crafted film with a perfect script(full of references and language of a high quality novel) which is more than enough for me. Definitely recommend and I'll personally watch it again.

Poor Things

Beauty can't be described. It only can be felt.
First of all, I can't express how happy I'm to be among the lucky ones having the opportunity to watch something so special before the official release and all that thanks to the organizers of Cinelibri IFF who brought the movie in my country Bulgaria just after its screening at NYFF and six other prestigious festivals. So if somehow somebody of the organizers of the festival see this, I'm so grateful, it was a special night and even the idiots in the public couldn't ruin it for me. That's what we should see in Bulgarian cinemas. Anyway, now to the point.

One is certain, this is a movie that is not just one of the hottest and most successful films of the year, but a movie that instantly becomes part of cinematic history. It's so beautiful and accurate in capturing a person's development and clashing with the world. I won't be able to describe the professional means used to accomplish the whole experience, but ones you see it, it's impossible not to feel it. At the same time, the movie is definitely not pretentious in any way, regardless of the depths of the philosophical problems that it covers - live, death, faith, God, poverty, social classes, inequality of sexes, trauma, love and etc. It is so normal in its own abnormality which for me is making it so special and close to my heart. And, of course, the humor. Don't know if there is such a thing as your type of humor, but if it exists, this definitely is mine. And everything is brought to life(literally in this case) by these talented, talented people - the actors.

I'm sure this type of movie will bring broad audience among which way more eloquent and experienced people than me who will have something more appropriate to say about the movie(not to mention the critics reviews that are already available), but I believe that shouldn't stop me from trying to express what something so special made me feel and think about. I can't wait for the world to see it and me with all the people. Again. And again.

The Creator

Just needed more
The movie starts the way it suppose to. Nothing pompous. Little introduction to the times that have come and direct dive to the the personal life of the main character whose story unfolds gradually and its inevitably connected to the big mystery surrounding this world and that could change it forever.

Successfully immerse me in this interesting world without makes me question the logic of events that create the plot or are linked in a way with it(which happens a lot lately; thank Marvel and DC for that). I could sense the feelings that classical movies of the genre brings in me(Blade runner, The Terminator). I don't know if it's on purpose or it's just impossible to make this type of movie and not to be influenced by the big names and that not to show in your work.

The problem with me is that I needed more. Needed more depth in the story. Needed more depth in the main character(played really well and believable by John David Washington). Needed more from his relationship with the little kid. Needed more from their journey. Needed more of the mystery. Needed more in general.

In my opinion, the movies lays some serious foundations that upgrade only partly. Nevertheless, it's visually stunning and it's a great step in the right direction that should save us from the shallow world of contemporary sci-fi action movies.

Blue Beetle

I was really surprised...just kidding, it's the same again
I guess at this point every one of us who went through the bitter-sweet journey(mostly bitter) of watching every superhero movie that was released in the last 15 years or so is now on one hand worthy of a huge prize(or at least some kind of refund for all the wasted money for the majority of the movies) and on the other hand is capable of making a superhero movie or at least this type of superhero movie. Yes, I'm pretty sure about that and not because I'm an expert or because of unreserved believe in the ability of this community of masochistic Marvel and DC supporters but because the formula is always the same and we all know it.

I can't deny some successful elements that still exists(the overall ability to make visually well looking scenes; some good jokes among the other absolutely unnecessary ones; the acting is also believable and on the right place) but just because something works partly doesn't mean that it isn't rotting in its essence and needs drastic change in its core expressed in removal of the shallowness and replacing in it with meaningful and original to every movie narrative and relationship between the characters whose arc should be unfold slowly and captivatingly.

PS. The nana was the cringest thing I've seen lately and I've seen a lot of cringe moments.


Not the typical Christopher Nolan's movie
If you expect the usual from a Nolan's movie - some mind-blowing, hard to even explain plot, that's not the case. With Oppenheimer he relied on different approach of writing and directing, which I guess it's understandable bearing in mind the subject and the genre. I could even sense at moments Scorsese+Spielberg vibe(don't really know how to prove this statement, just really reminded me of their style in some of their works). Of course, he kept his uniqueness(different but interlinked timelines, importance of every word and action in the big picture and etc.) by adapting it to the needs of an epic about true fundamental historical events.

Nobody could argue, or at least it wouldn't be me, the values of the film as an example of what real cinema looks like. A movie made for a big screen(literally IMAX is where it should be seen), visually stunning. As far as the cast, who am I to judge these talented people. I believed every word, every move, but what really stayed with me is Jason Clarke's perfectly acted let's say unpleasant character and the great Emily Blunt. I don't have words to describe how good is she in what she's doing. MVP... What bothers me is that I lacked emotional connection with the movie. It couldn't succeed to bring to the state of really feel the mental consequences of being a key part of such a sick inexplicable event. Who knows, maybe it's me. I definitely need at least one more time seeing it and time to process. Maybe I'll see something I didn't. Maybe I'll feel something I didn't.

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

PLEASE, watch it on IMAX! Promise you, it's worth it!
Yet another confirmation of Tom Cruise's ability to make impressive action movies either with Joseph Kosinski, or Christopher McQuarrie. What could be called lack of depth in the plot by some pretentious 'experts', for me it's definitely compensated by carefully unfolded story which successfully maintain the suspense and of course maybe the main reason for the majority of people to be excited about this movie and what makes it an audio-visual adventure - the magnificent stunts. Majestic and literally breathtaking at moments(felt like I was jumping with the motorcycle of that mountain cliff), they perfectly capture the essence of this franchise. The passion and professional accuracy of this great cast led by the man who made Mission Impossible the mission of his life(at least for the last couple of years) undoubtedly outrun the flaws in the script and makes even the cheesy moments believable.

If I could have one reservation about the story, it would be about the inexplicable for me urge for new main female character in every movie. I get it, it's part of it, it's kind of à la James Bond, but in my opinion it would've been even more completed if it kept it's integrity(in the sense of the last two movies which were also directed by Christopher McQuarrie). I don't doubt Hayley Atwell's charismatic performance as Grace and the added emotional boost by Ilsa's murder, it's just what I felt and needed to share.

Nevertheless, every time a movie like this is released it's a special day for me, a holiday if you like. I also believe it should be watched on IMAX. Already watched it two times, hope I can do it two hundred more.

The Flash

If you want to watch a good multiverse movie...go watch Spider-man
Sometimes it's painful to watch. Mostly in the first part. For example the scenes with Barry's 'travel' to Gotham and the saving of the babies(literally turn my head to save my eyes from this really unsuccessful funny wannabe sequence) + this parody of a Batman (which I'm saying as a big fan of Batman and TDK trilogy) the scene in the car of the Falcone's son is maybe the worst. Batman is an icon and you can exploit it by putting some successful actor in the costume and expect everyone to cheer like twelve years olds just because of the appearance and to forget about the cringe jokes and the bad action choreography(my respect to all twelve years olds out there and no respect for George Clooney - Shame on you, George, you can do better than that.)

Nevertheless, I'll be honest and will say that there are some good ideas. The desire to save his parents, which serves as plot foundation, and the complications and the consequences that came from this decision. I'll even be more honest and will say that there are some descent scenes that represent this ideas. For example, the one with the farewell with his mother isn't that bad. I also liked Michael Keaton's appearance and the switch from Superman to Supergirl.

In general, the positive aspects do not compensate the overall lack of consistency, creativity and personal voice, which for me is the key to make this type of movie different(as much as possible) from the rest. What's more, these positive elements and ideas make the movie even more disappointing (not to mention the great expectations and the hype surrounding the release of it).

P. S. DC, PLEASE, have mercy on me. Just stop trying to make a good superhero movie. Maybe even consider the possibility of stop making movies at all.

Succession: With Open Eyes
Episode 10, Season 4

Salute, my friends! We're a part of history. Great TV was made today.
I needed a day to assimilate what I saw to write something about it. It's pretty clear that my opinion is not of any importance nor binding to anybody but I still feel the need to write this. It's not that often that we witness so special moments. When the genius and the hard work of so many people are presented to us. When great TV drama is made. I strongly believe that each and every person that waited this moment to come is part of this. Don't know about you but I feel like a part of it, a part of one community, because we shared all this feelings of pleasure, hope, disappointment, disgust, sadness. And no one else who haven't become engaged with it will understand it. So, yes, that also makes us obligated to make us synergy even bigger, because this moment deserves it.

I guess we already knew how great the cast is, the writing, the directing and every bit of this craft. The important question was how everything is gonna end. But I also think that we all already knew that as well, we just didn't want to believe it. Before the final 30 minutes I knew something devastating is coming, because it was impossible for this show to have a happy end, it's just not what is it in its core. And still they made me want it so badly and believe in it. That's why this show is so great. I hated so much how everything turned out to be, I hated Mattson(Alexander Skarsgard made it so perfect) and hated greedy Tom(possibly one the best acting I've seen; a new type of villain was made I think), even though I knew that was logical way of development of the events, I still rooted for this so badly damaged by their sociopathic father siblings, that this end left me heartbroken. I have to rewatch it for sake of its greatness but don't believe I can. It hurts so much. It guess we all look like Kendal in the end. It's kind of a mirror on the screen.

Love Again

Not too good, not too bad
Is there only one true love in a person's life or there is a place for more? How we deal with the loss of someone really important to us? Most of the people making rom-coms don't try two answer this type of questions, they just think that is a good starting point. This movie is no different. I entered the cinema with a lot of prejudices. Classical stupid rom-com - two desperate people who lost hope in finding love again, but oh no, a miracle - by some sort of coincidence they met each other and the connection is there again, but unfortunately someone(typically the guy) makes a mistake, it's time for a grand gesture followed with big kiss and voila, everybody is happy. But that's the deal with rom-coms, you know all this and you pay anyways. Something more - you pay for that. In the end the important thing is how is executed and how makes you feel. In this case I think it works in most parts - there is some good humor(the parts with the colleagues are the good ones), some good music, some good acting. Of course it has a its flaws but in the end - a decent rom-com. Better than the others released this year. Not that too good. Not too bad.


Bad even for a movie date night
I get it is a parody and that should make it funny, but doesn't really work for me. Somehow reminds of Spy Kids which I hated even as a kid. Too cheesy even for my taste. Not charming at all. I didn't got that feeling that I usually do from a good rom-com. There are some prerequisites for a good movie - the actors, the budget, the crew behind the camera I guess, and there are some successful elements like the acting, the chemistry between Ana de Armas and Chris Evans, visually sits really good, but everything else is simply not working. When it comes to this type of movie from this genre, everybody knows that you can't expect a lot of layers of story and real depth, it's only important how it makes you feel. In this particular case I couldn't see its own heart. I don't like to hate on movies because after all it's a lot of work and efforts even behind the bad ones but I'm beginning to get angry with this big full of money streaming platforms making fortunes just of the names of the actors and not trying to do something worthy despite of the genre, because that, I'm sure, is possible.

The Way Way Back

Not perfect but definitely charming and heartwarming
As a true fan of the coming of age films I get the idea of the lonely kid treated badly and feeling misunderstood by everybody even by his own mother and who is finding solace and understanding by this cool and easygoing male figure which he's so much lacking in his life. Sam Rockwell is the heart of the movie for sure, but the other performances are also deserving(I've never seen before Steve Carell as an antagonist and I couldn't believe but he is a perfect bully). It's definitely charming and heartwarming. There is also a good humor - Sam Rockwell's and Allison Janney's characters have some real strikes. My problem with the movie is that it's just really trying to be something specific and this makes it too unrealistic for me(not that a movie should always be realistic, but in this case I think that it would be better if it is). For that reason things are simplified - that's the good guy and that's the bad one, the good things are only sunshines and rainbows, the bad are only bad. And they are simplified by elements put just to serve this purpose and that's why they don't work for me. On the other hand, you most definitely could feel this summer vibe that we all associate with childhood, freedom, realizations, friendships that feels like will be truly forever, first loves and etc. So if haven't watched it, you should try for yourself without a doubt, even just for the last part - it brings memories if you feel it, believe me.

Succession: Church and State
Episode 9, Season 4

Another episode, another twist...Don't know what to expect from the finale
Just this morning while taking my usual shower I was thinking about different topics but most of all I was trying to get the answer to one fundamental question - who is gonna become the new Logan(c'mon, the title is Succession, it should be someone among the siblings, right?). My bets were that everything leads to Roman. Well, think again after you watch this episode. It definitely showed me how stupid I am and what geniuses are the writers. Once again they successfully caught me in their web and after that blowed my mind with another twist. By the end of the episode you see the 'pre-grieved' Roman totally emotionally devastated and drained, unable to continue with the big game and new front leaders in the race - the gaining power Logan-wannabe Kendal who is playing his moves like is a perfect chess game(which is the absolute opposite of his inadequate behavior at the beginning of the episode) and Shiv who is finally starting to gain some leverage from her relationship with Mattson. But this time I'll be smarter and won't make conclusions, I expect anything to happen in this epic(hopefully), like everybody is saying, finale.

Almost forgot. The speech of Ewan...oh, boy. Watched it couple of times in a row. It's really something to see. For me, this is the moment which set me in the right mood for this classical can't be better Succession episode.

Fast X

Didn't have expectations and still disappointed
What at the beginning of this franchise(apparently) was quit illogical and physically impossible but some sort of charming now is long gone. It is exhausting to see so much action. I get that is the the formula to make box office success but still thinking that there is a better way to make highly dynamic scenes and to balance the whole movie with meaningful plot and dialogues. This big ball-bomb scene in Rome reminded me of a game that I used to play with similar but smaller ball that you had to move to the end. Anyways. A lot of chewed topics. A lot of cringe. Unsuccessful villain and hoping he doesn't become one of the good ones in the future movies. Honestly hoping there isn't any new parts of this torture.

On the Rocks

Not the classical Sofia Coppola's movie, yet pretty decent
When you hear that Sofia Coppola made new movie with Bill Murray, you automatically expect another masterpiece(you know what I'm talking about and if you don't, please immediately go and watch Lost in Translation, you'll thank me later). The comparison between the two films is inevitable, but you shouldn't do it, because they're completely different. On the rocks has in its core a peculiar and funny father-daughter relationship on the first look, but when the movie unfolds itself, you see there is a serious debt in this relationship. Bill Murray's character(Felix) "helps" her daughter by strengthening her suspicions about her husband's infidelity which leads to series of funny and clumsy tries to spy and catch him in action. The time spent together reveals that ironically the reason for Laura's insecurity is Felix's extramarital affair and the following divorce with her mother. This serious topic makes us think about our own relationships with our parents and the impact they have on us as individuals and respectively as a society. The people who have the courage to deal whit their traumas as Laura does, understand the responsibility they have towards their children through their actions and the example they give. Despite the seriousness the movie tries to stay funny and light and here are some of my concerns. I don't mind this idea, on the contrary I love when there is a good balance between the humor and the drama elements, what bothers me is the occasional lack of creativity in the story line(for example the classical happy end). Nevertheless, another great movie from Sofia Coppola, very different from her previous ones, more cheerful and closer to the "conventional", but yet true to her style.

John Wick: Chapter 4

worthy final chapter
If you're a fan of the franchise, you would definitely get satisfied by the whole movie and by its ending. Even for an unprofessional eye like mine the stunts look so well choreographed and the way they're shot is so perfectly executed that gives you the feeling you're almost there(that's why I recommend you to see it on IMAX, if you have the opportunity). On the other hand, because of the length of the movie you could get exhausted by all the fighting or at least l did. That also made me think - okay, Jon Wick is a really well trained killer, but where is the source of its stamina, because I'm not sure if even a professional athlete would be capable to keep up with all of these unstoppable running, wrestling and fighting(don't forget that an UFC fight is at most 25 minutes). Nevertheless, if you watched and most importantly - liked, the previous parts, you should definitely watch the final(for now) chapter.


hopeful, charming, suspenseful at times but doesn't really live up its potential
I expected to see some modern Alien wannabe but actually I was surprised by the hopeful plot. Nevertheless, very predictable and nothing special. As usual very believable Adam Driver who manages to make charming relationships with his younger castmates(also very believable performances). You could expect some suspenseful moments in the journey of escaping the planet full of dinosaurs but in the end doesn't really fulfill the potential neither of the genre nor of the story. After I left the cinema, I wondered what was missing, what I needed more and decided that the film was too short and maybe if it was longer could it be more completed, but then I remembered that Gravity is no longer. In conclusion, nothing spectacular but very decent movie with good vibe and elements that could've been better.

Your Place or Mine

If you're searching for a good rom-com, that's not the right place
Same story, another title. But that's not actually the problem with the movie. As somebody who loves to treat himself with the guilty pleasure called rom-coms, l really don't mind all the cheesy elements of the plot, the predictability, the happy ending etc. When you decide to watch this sort of movie, you agree with that, but you most certainly could get disappointed and that happens when writers and directors treat you like you're stupid. I don't need the verbal explanations of Reese Witherspoon's character when she is "exploring" her best friend's apartment nor all stupid dialogues. It doesn't mean that a movie couldn't be written well and smart, and funny just because it's a rom-com - a movie is still a movie regardless of its genre!!! The second half is a little bit more watchable but still doesn't help and in general nothing really works in this movie. Let's be honest and tell that Ashton Kutcher isn't one of the greatest actors, not even in his generation, but he definitely had better roles and participated in better movies. If you also had this not very pleasant experience to watch the movie or regardless of this review still proceed and watch it, I have a recommendation for recovery - A lot like love(2005). This is the right way to put the audience in the right mood and to make Ashton looks cute and right for the role.

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