
IMDb member since December 2014
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The Bear

Boring and pretensious
Season 2, episode 6 is quite good and entertaining. Unfortunately it's about the only good episode because the rest of the show is boring, slow, full of overly dramatic characters that act in the most stupid ways. ALSO, some characters really pissed me off. A certain character stabs another one on purpose and then she walks out of the restaurant and later on comes back and the other characters apologize to her? WTF? SHE LITERALLY STABBED A GUY AND SHE GETS AN APOLOGY? That's where I decided that this show is just pushing dumb agendas on the viewers and is just one big joke. I can't even call this "TV". This is pure garbage, if you have a brain, then avoid it at all cost.

The Seeding

Way better than I exepected
The movie is good enough to watch at least once. It slows, and it might be a little bit boring at times, but for the most part is good. The cinematography and direction stand out, it has a really well accomplished creepy vibe, the actors all do a great job. The children are creepy, the music is really good too. Overall, a good movie. Maybe it would have been better if there were more scenes with him trying to escape so that it would create more tension in the film, but I understand that maybe it would've made the film different and more of a thriller if that happened, so I think it's good just as it is.


First 3 seasons are amazing. Season 4 ruined the show
In my opinion the first 3 seasons are really good, they're not perfect, but they keep you engaged and watching every episode after the next like a thrill ride. I was super excited for season 4 to wrap things up and end the show with a bang! But it didn't happen. The last season felt like it was written by entirely different people. Characters started to out in strange ways that were completely random, stupid, and out of character for them to act in that way. The storyline got convoluted, and I couldn't even understand what was happening with the deal with the FBI and that whole messy plot line. Season 4 was almost unwatchable, a total mess, and it ruined what could have been a great show.


It started slow but it become my favorite show of all time
The first couple of episodes are rough, and I almost quit watching it, but by episode 9 I was hooked, and it become an addiction. I can't get enough of Succession now. It's up there with the best shows of all time, like Breaking Bad. Besides the INCREDIBLE performances, what makes it so good is the writing. The great thing too is that they knew when to end it, they didn't keep going too long just to make money. I feel like only smart people are capable of understanding these types of show. I think you should judge it for yourself, but don't watch only 1 episode, keep watching until episode 9. If you don't like it after that, then it's not for you. Don't listen to bad reviews if you considered yourself smart then give it a chance.

Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber

I didn't like the first episode but it gets better, I'm hooked now.
The first episode was meh, but it was entertaining enough to keep watching. Episode 2 was much better and now episode 3 was really, really good. I guess it's gonna keep getting better and better. Give it a chance.


Makes me wanna be a teenagaer again every time I watch it
This movie... is amazing. Sure, it has clichés, and the story is quite simple, but damn, it's a lot of fun. It's well done, the actors have chemistry, and they are fun to watch on screen, but this movie has something special that I think a lot of guys will understand, it gives you the feeling of wanting to be a teenager living adventures with your best friend and a hot chick. This is a special movie in my heart.


One of the best show ever but also one of the worst shows ever.
The first 5 seasons of Supernatural are of the finest television series ever, with great characters, cheesy dialogs but a lot of heart and an amazing relationship between 2 brothers who haunts monsters and kick ass.

Everything after season 5 feels like it's fan fiction, it gets awful, I had to stop watching after season 12 because I could not tolerate how bad it got. Also, they completely ruined a lot of characters and got carried away with left propaganda and making Castiel gay was one of the stupidest decisions ever. Anyway, I will always remember the first 5 seasons as one of the best and the other 10 seasons as one of the worst crap on TV.

Escape Room: Tournament of Champions

Solid sequel if you just wanna have fun
I think they are dumb and silly movies, but boy do I have fun watching them. If you are looking for pure entertainment and enjoying your self, then this is it. The first one was fun, and I was scared about this one, but it turned to be just as much if not more fun than the first one. The traps were awesome, at least the 3 first one I think are the best ones, the only thing I didn't enjoy much was the last plot twist reveal but overall, it's a fun movie. If you liked the first one, you'll most likely like this one.

The Shack

I wasn't expecting it to be this good!
So... When I first found this movie I looked some pictures and a teaser or something and I thought that it looked kind of cheesy and that it would probably be a really boring or overdramatic or religious thing, but oh boy was I wrong. I ended up loving it and crying like at least 2 times during the film. Yes, it does hold its own ideas about who god is and why god does why it does, whoever wrote this movie had very clear ideas about who his or her god is like, and I happened to agree with those ideas. So maybe you don't believe in god or do but think god doesn't work like it does in this movie, in which case this movie will only piss you off, and it won't be for you. Not everyone agrees on who or what god is so if you happen to agree with this movie ideas then you'll love it as much as I did, it teared me up! It's a freaking 9 simply because I though the acting could be better, but the rest is pretty much perfect.


It's a good movie that could of been great except for one thing.
I just want to say right from the start I was really enjoying this movie, it has some really nice, sweet, emotional moments and everything in the movie was great until the third act, there's one thing I can't shake of that left with a bad feeling, if you've seen the movie you know that close to the ending Leon leaves his brother Stanley in the bus and wants to run off with the girl, that moment ruined the movie for me. I just couldn't understand the logic behind his decision, I mean he knew his brother was going to get killed and possible tortured by not showing up with the girl, but he wants to leave anyways, that made me dislike his character and I felt like he really didn't give a **** about his brother. I get that he later when on and save him but still, if the girl had said "Yes, let's leave together" then he would've just run off with her and let his own brother to die. That's the one thing that made me gave this movie a 6, I was ready to give it a solid 8 right up to that one part. Anyways, I think it's still wort watching at least once. You will not get bored.


It was a really good movie but the ending is not for me.
I really enjoyed the movie. It was really intense and it kept me guessing all the time but I feel like the ending just takes a lot away. I would have prefered if he wasn't crazy and there was an actual conspiracy at that hospital. Still, it's worth watching.

The Good Son

Solid trhiller altought a little bit boring for this generation.
I gave the movie a chance because I've always like 90's stuff. I was surprised at how engaged I was with the movie for how slow it actually is. The acting it's amazing especially when considering the age of the kids. All I really wanna say it's that the ending is sick. I don't want to spoil the movie for you but all I'm gonna say it's that something happens at the end that will leave you with a really sad and sick felling. I'm not saying this as a bad thing, the movie is good enough if you just wanna pass sometime then I would totally recomend watching it.


Fun movie.
I was a little bit sceptical. I've read some reviews saying that it was super bad but I liked the trailer so I decided to give it a chance and to be honest I'm so glad I did. It was a fun time. Everyone in it does a good job but really the script and the jokes are pretty funny. I think people don't like it because it a humor that maybe considered offensive sometimes but if you don't have a problem with some dark humor then you'll probably enjoy it as much as I did. This is a solid 8 for me.

Shut Eye

Quite good but sadly no ending :(
I really freaking loved the first season of this show. It was super intense and fun plus It touches on cool themes like the universe and the mysticism. Season 2 was weaker but definitely worth watching except for the fact that they canceled the show and it ends with a cliffhanger. If you don't mind that then you should definitly check it out.


Don't listen to the critics. See it for your self!
I think review it's all about subjective personal opinion so I can't say a movie is bad or good but I can say what I thougt and to be honest I had a blast watching it. To me it's the perfect ending to this trilogy. I don't wanna give any spoilers but it is super sad and really good at the same time.


I can't say almost anything bad about this movie. I enjoyed all of it. It was fun, it had some good fight scenes and also it was really emotional. I didn't know the original story when I watched it so I spended all the time at the edge of my seat beging that they make it out of the prision. I give it a 9 simple because sometimes it's a little slow paced but for the most part it's amazing.

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