IMDb member since December 2014
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Evil Bong

A Cross Over Between Porn And Main Stream Movies
This franchise often features Porn Stars in small roles , either nudity roles or soft core kinks , my idea about this is probably motivating Porn Stars that they can eventually land on an acting role in movies . The scripts are always as cheesy as porn scripts and the style of filming is pretty similar to how porn movies were before Gonzo style took over the industry , probably shot with cheap digital cameras and cast that was mostly paid with promises . That is probably all about this franchise . The problem with these kinds of movies is that they were designed to be produced and just thrown away , they have no real value but motivating the cast . As a viewer you can't really find quality in which as they fail to either act as porn movies or as comedies , they are some mutation in between that doesn't deliver .

Doom Patrol

The echo of "This is so Lame!!!" will haunt you through out it
Despite this being a Super Hero show , it manages to portray itself as a Black Comedy the majority of the time .

The source of the Black Comedy itself revolves around the idea : Every body is corrupt but the corrupt themselves .

Will you see epic battles and ground breaking CGI ?

Hardly , the majority of battles revolves around how lame these heroes powers are and how lame their opponents are , yet how dire the battle may get , yet unfolds into something very lame .

And yes apparently the show runners decided to come up with a show that is all about the spectators repeating endlessly "This is so Lame!!!" Or "This is so Absurd!!!" Or least , "This is Ridiculous!!!" .

After few episodes as you acquire the mentality behind things listed up , everything starts becoming predictable , like if they throw at you "If an obese jelly guy decided to fight Cyborg with all his cutting edge STAR labs nano tech , who would win ?" rest assured the answer would be "The jelly guy would express some extra ordinary fighting skills , sweep the floor with what is left of Cyborg's face as a mop then get beaten by his own mother for staining the floor with Cyborg's blood" or similar (Being rhetorical here , no spoilers) .

High Heat

Slow Paced And Nothing New
Despite the run time is 1h24m which is in movie terms a little above being a short , you'd still feel the pace is really slow that you can do errands at time of watching and not miss much .

As for the plot , basically the upcoming hints are incorporated in trailers , so hardly a spoiler yet at least not from my behalf .

So they tried to kill her "kitchen" so this ex spy go on a hunt to kill all Mafia elements involved in this plot , they keep throwing at her multiple assassins but she get rid of them all .

If this doesn't remind you of John Wick (a lite version of him perhaps) then you probably haven't seen John Wick (Needless to say they do not reach the fight scenes level) .

Funny enough even both are Russians in their plots .

The Moderator

Its Good But Its Propaganda
So basically the movie is trying to sell the idea those two Scandinavian girls that were killed in Morocco were not killed by ISIS but rather snuff producers from the west and a Russian girl slash vigilantly slash serial killer killed them all , and now Morocco is safe , look at all those good sight seeing spots , come back soon !

Well I don't blame them if they are that desperate , but I hate watching two hours ads ...

A side notice , the plot holes are more than you can count , you will just stop counting right after they talk about a girl that was raped 24 hours earlier that she lost her case on trial and committed suicide out of shame , so yea they do not preserve a logical timeline either .

Last Seen Alive

Why the low ratings ?
So every body is trying to compare this movie to Taken then see it fail miserably . This is because this is hardly Taken what so ever , it's about an ordinary guy , not an ex elite force of some sort who has his wife kidnapped and realize if he does not involve himself in the search he might not get to see her again as the usual police routines to handle such cases were demonstrated to be slow and ineffective .

Now this is sort of a pun set to reveal how the system is flawed on handling missing persons and how easy it is people may get captured and it being covered up by primitive means despite all the hype about modern technology of tracking people , and this is on one's backyard not an overseas third world country .

Now the two missing stars in my review are for the fact that the movie keeps throwing at you hints that there are going to be twists , major twists about to happen then pull that carpet right away and return to the plot which happens to be highly straight forward without any sense of guilt from script authors .

P. S There is even an awkward character who keeps floating around half way through the movie wearing nothing but a tighty whitey shooting random bullets without reason and the movie ends without tackling that character any . But I am assuming they might have attached that useless guy in the script for them having something to use in case the movie ever gets a sequel which I doubt judging all the bad ratings .

Bottom Line , Engaging and won't Bore you .

MacGyver: The Rising
Episode 1, Season 1

Weirdest reboot ever
So basically the only thing they bring over from the 80s show is the weird hair cut MacGyver had that do belong to the 80s giving you the constant feeling this thing don't blend right with the scene .

The rest is , they just analyzed MacGyver's virtues and leverage points and gave the new character the exact opposite of which .

And even though both characters do deal with whatever surrounding them in environment to escape the situation , in the 80s show it was more like escape rooms while in the reboot is more like Jackie Chan's environmental boxing where he tries to weaponize the environment around him while fighting .

And oh , they give him a team , the 80s guy never had one (Just a friend or two who appear now and then) , and yet that team is so horny about him for no valid reason in my opinion , not unless its the hair cut of the 80s that do it for them .

So nah , this reboot is off .


They had everything yet they made it boring
Simply this movie had a grand budget , a list of actors that never failed a movie , not a bad music score but yet it was constructed in a very boring way that till day I fail to watch it fully . Weather its the script writers fault or the director , Sony should really dodge that formula again .

Moon Knight

Few takes on what would have been great
The show starts by hinting that Moon Knight have enormous powers / combating skills where most fights starts then mysteriously end after the protagonist recover his consciousness to some massacre he caused while unconscious .

However as the plot unveils and the protagonist start entering battles on screen , his combating skills appear of lesser than expected quality , which is strange as we all know its a C. G. I suite so basically they have no limits to what they can do with it .

Also while you are expecting to see vast spaces and feel the luxurious environment of ancient Egypt the entire show is shot in narrow spaces like one room apartments , narrow building rooftops , which might render us claustrophobic by the end of the show (Even the scene where the gods meet at the pyramids feels rendered in a very narrow space) .

Finally while the theme sound track seems epic , it is often substituted by Egyptian gang music which prevents from making the theme track stick in . Even the pace of the music used is often either more intense than the amount of action dealt or more calm and soothing than the scene is .

Finding Ola

Needs better marketing ...
This mini series is well thought of , it wads through the types of men and understanding the emotions of women yet not as a boring scientific presentation but as a light comedy .

This type of series is really hard to achieve and reminds me much of "The Good Place" where they try to simplify so much by modulating what they want to say in an act and this is exactly what happens here (Of course there is no similarity what so ever to "The Good Place" plot) .

This series comes as follow up to a similar successful one that aired in Egypt in 2010 with the same mindset that was named "I need to get married" but seems 12 years managed to give the author of the script more depth and professionality to achieve this more smooth and simple than earlier attempt .

Definitely a must watch for the amount of experiences you gain from it .


The best lines I have heard in a while .
This is more of a comedy than an action / superhero show , and the lines they cram in are genuine and hilarious beyond belief .

So if you are coming to this show expecting Marvel grade battles , you'd be disappointed , but if you lower expectations to a comedy you'd be highly satisfied .


My mind kept nagging "The Boys" the entire movie
Ever since the movie started and I couldn't un-notice the high resemblance between Richard Madden as Ikaris and Antony Starr as Homelander from The Boys series , the did look the same and acted the same that I could even anticipate he'll end up a bad "Supe" like they call them at "The Boys" , of course I know that the "Eternal Comics" go way back than "The Boys" but however the "Eternals" still did not seem like a genuine idea revolving around similar concepts once on the big screen .

Also Angelina Julie and Salma Hayek were such big names and acting capabilities , their roles were mediocre and almost marginal in that movie to my disappointment , I was highly expecting good acting from these 2 where one of which was mostly CGI and the other mostly smiling like a grandmother .

The Book of Boba Fett

Another Legend by Jon Favarro
This series is a masterpiece to follow the Mandalorian , the acting and story telling is exceptional , Jon Favreau strikes again , thumbs up for the hard work invested by everybody .

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Yea from childhood to this . How many years have passed , we miss you guys , God rests Harold's soul . And now the story is really wrapped up thanks to Dan Aykroyd (Wish that word was valid for scrubble).

Bullets of Justice

script written on acid
I cant believe this thing gets rated by some above minimal rating . I have managed to watch this nonsense over several sessions because I couldn't bare watch it all together for its pure nonsense . At a point I hoped there would be some cunning ending to make sense of all that fragmented story , but no they just let you down under alias this was all just a day dream of someone high on drugs trying to imagine a life of being a hero blending all the elements of his pathetic life into some heroic story where he fails to even do that judging his poor state of mind . Now any attempt of reading this movie other wise shown in other ratings are all mere attempts to feel less ripped off of those 70 something minutes of their lives watching such nonsense .

Don't Look Up

Odd that this is a Netflix production
This movie is surprisingly against Netflix political agenda however I believe the script was so good they couldn't just turn it down .

Despite this movie likes to pose as a black comedy I still believe the forecasted reactions were all precisely accurate that renders this not a comedy at all , just that people reactions are being funny for real .


Skimmed series with diet sugar and lots of plot holes
So this series started about a grand heist by a gang trying to locate a mysterious watch that was lost from the avengers' tower without explaining motives , then all of a sudden they just forgot that plot and it became all about running from a funny russian mafia gang lead by an asian girl with a grudge against Hawkeye , so you hope for the plot to unfold , then a meaningless fight happens that ends with no specific outcome than that everybody runs away , then Hawkeye returns to his wife giving her the watch that I can't seem to specifically track how he recovered while saying "Here is your watch" , and seriously that's about it ...


I don"t understand why the bad ratings
The reviews make it seem like a disaster and a final nail on Girard Butler career's coffin . This was actually a good movie for what it was with some good acting from all the cast that took part in it despite them not being A class . It definitely upgraded their values and is really a satisfying movie despite the moderate budget and all the bad ratings !

The Matrix Resurrections

2+ Hours of an advertisement to a game launching next year than a movie
Basically the story of the Matrix ended by 3rd installment however this saga remains the most relevant one for promoting for virtual realities which is getting all the hype at the moment so they had to unseal that coffin .

Despite it kept people dazzled of what exactly are they seeing let me briefly explain :

  • They had to instate the Matrix is still running for the open world game take over from there

  • They had to introduce the concept of Bots (NPCs) for that the morality of killing real people trapped inside a virtual reality is always bad but killing bots is ok for game play

  • They increased the number of villains so you are no longer being haunted by two or three agents manifesting the bodies of others but a whole horde of villains you can get kill frenzy at

  • Trinity gets super powers too as the main lead of the game is a female mind you they wanted to instate that its not a man's world any more for the open world multiplayer to attract females as well

But here is what they actually throw at you watching this movie :

  • Very incoherent story

  • The idea of the enormous fire power the Bots shoot at Neo's gang gets you pissed at how they all miss , judging that they are being fired by a governing AI that powerful and supposedly mathematically accurate

  • There is no green anymore , they removed the green filter or made it lite , I am not sure but that alone made it feel less related to the Matrix

  • The new AI running the Matrix is so powerful yet he keeps sparing Neo just for the story to continue

  • Trinity gets to have more powers than Neo for the new wave of girls power movies despite her being out of the loop for so long mind you no valid explanation is given for that particular detail

  • No character development what so ever with Neo's gang , they are just faces you see shooting around where they sometimes even change those faces and introduce new ones without explanation (Maybe that cast you remember had a day off that day)


It's James Bond and John Wick taken to the blender
First of all I'd like to hint that synopsis is unrelated what so ever to the movie so I don't know who exactly added that but it has to be revised A. S. A. P

Also stating a fact , if this movie was dubbed and released to the U. S theatres it would have made it to a block buster .

This movie has a grand budget , wadded through several countries , fight choreography was pretty similar to John Wick's , an original OST , nothing that could have been done was spared , and all that for an Egyptian movie where I wonder how on earth will they be able to collect that budget back .

Fahmy despite being a comedian nailed the role and gained the hate he deserved , Ezz on the other hand have shown athletic and flexibility traits never seen on Egyptian actors before that made the fight scenes convenient most of the time .

Well done everybody , keep up the good work .

P. S I can't believe all those people who rated it 6 , I mean what are they comparing it to anyways ?

Army of Thieves

A spin off than rather a prequal
Basically I skipped Army of the Dead as I am not a big fan of zombie movies but after watching this one it had me research the whole franchise only to come across the following findings :

Basically Zack Snyder wanted to do a black comedy about people getting so much accustomed to the idea of the Apocalypse that they'd even use it to orchestrate a money heist non or less .

The idea totally flew everybody's head but yet it was hard to miss how cute the character Dieter played by Matthias Schweighöfer which posed like purity in a ruined world , which without it might have lead to an utter failure for that movie and most probably Zack Snyder's career .

This kind of risen the idea to re-use that character in a spin-off to try and give the whole story some sense , giving it purpose and replay-ability by focusing on the cute character Deter .

The new author to this spin off script did an amazing job of turning a tuna sandwich into a birthday cake , somehow now with this addition everything starts to make sense .

In sense of gratitude from Zack Snyder towards Matthias Schweighöfer he was handed the movie to direct and to everybody's surprise this thing came out as a master piece compared to the original Army of the Dead .

So basically I am even more keen to await a sequel for this movie than to the Army of the Dead .

Well done Matthias Schweighöfer and hope Hollywood remains kind to you a little bit more in this franchise or any .


They bring in everybody then kill in everybody
Basically like the title suggests they hired everybody that worked on Marvel, DC and Starwars . Then kill em all like they were cast . If this was just to show off a grand production they succeeded .

The only problem is I doubt there might be enough actors left in Hollywood for a sequel .

As for the story itself as it concludes you"d end up spitting sand . They'll suffocate you with sand and not offer you much .

Finally this thing would have worked better as series . Movie format doesn't suit it one bit ...


Under-rated Movie
This movie is yet another absolute . Too bad Disney stopped doing things that well invested in any more . And I mean thoughts wise . Another thing to contemplate on Athina return would have been more up beat than her gone .


Fun Weird Movie
The Movie tries to tap on extravagant events and opens doors to areas you might not have thought about before . But here are few takes to some of what makes this movie a little off :

Kristen Bell lack of makeup as desperate house wife made her look exhausted the entire movie .

Paul Walter (Ken) did his best but the lines they gave him were super cheesy.

Vince Vaughn had a poker face most of the movie despite him being the top celebrity in the entire cast so one would expect more of him .

Paul and Vince relation build up is pretty awkward and inconvenient .

Too many stuffed agendas tossed at you in what is supposed to be a brainless flick .

Miss Farah

Very engaging series
While this series put it clear that it is an adaptation of Jane The Virgin it comes quite a surprise that they are doing it much better than the original . The production is not cheap . The adaptation seamlessly integrates Egyptian culture to it without feeling quite out of norm like usually most cross culture adaptations feel . And finally the selected junior cast except for one or two actors give out their best performance considering that their experience aren't so big . Well done all .

Afterlife of the Party

Was pushed to watch this movie and here goes ....
Honestly I would have never watched this movie on my own since I know non of the cast on it . But then there was this one friend (girl) who kept nagging I should see it.

So basically its about a brat who tries to correct her bad deeds after she died , and to be honest I was least thrilled to follow that as she was posh and mean so she never established the connection for viewer to sympathies with her to follow her odd quest .

I gather it's a shallow movie but if it does it for girls so at least it did good for some but .. not all (Honestly I even watched it over few days , I couldn't handle watching it over one session being bored of it mostly) .

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