
IMDb member since December 2014
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    IMDb Member
    9 years


Avalanche Sharks

This is the best shark film made.
When I first heard of the film I had much doubt, I was thinking a shark that swims through the snow is an awful idea. After I watched the film I was definitely wrong. This film is even better than the original jaws films. The suspense is surreal and the acting is outstanding that I am surprised such a film has not won numerous Oscars so far. People who give this bad reviews point out the tiny obsolete flaws that they can find. When I watch this I ignore those minor flaws and focus on the great camera angles and shots, the brilliant acting, the fantastic story. This is one of my all-time favourite films and I highly recommend it to anyone.


Great special effects
To start off with this film, I would like to say that the special effects are absolutely stunning. That is the only real great thing about such a movie. From watching the trailer I had such high expectations, but I was let down. This movie has a budget of $160 million. They put most of that into the special effects and not into the acting, story, etc. The only actor worth mentioning for another great performance but rather brief is from one of the best actors of today, Bryan Cranston. This film is awful and I would not go out of my way to watch it again. This is a film that I wasted my money to go and see and I would very much like that money back to go and see a good film such as Guardians of the Galaxy or Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Goodbye.

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