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Queen of Outer Space

Sexist City
Film begins with typical 1950s Sci Fi fare complete with hospital bed spaceship seats and stock NASA footage of an early rocket piloted by white men spewing bad dad jokes and some of the most sexist lines ever captured on screen. After they crash land on Venus. A planet run by skimpily clad white women, the sexist talk goes off the cringe chart. A bad Forbidden Planet ripoff, without the brains or class of that Film (although sexism is still found there as well). Add Zsa Zsa in this mix for a truly hard to watch film. Featuring more lipstick ever found in a Film and the most stereotypical 1950s macho men who all seem to spew the same sexist talk that thankfully is not accepted anymore. Some TV level special effects and hand drawn laser beams and of course plenty of reel to reel tape recorders that seem to run aimlessly.

The Beverly Hillbillies: The Clampetts Meet Mrs. Drysdale
Episode 4, Season 1

A classic episode
Season 1 rolls on and the characters settle in to their classic roles. Granny still doesn't have her trademark glasses and over acts a bit but the rest of the cast are all fully their characters. The absurdity of the theme of this comedy is fully exploited as the Clampetts discover the tel e fone, women's swimwear and Palm Springs. Some jokes are dated but the heart of this show and the sincerity to which it is played is timeless and really kind of refreshing in today's cynical age. And hey who doesn't want a millionaire fantasy and hang out with some crazy people for a half hour? If you can, watch the sponsor in show ad from Winston cigarettes and see Granny smoke a pipe and the 'rest of the story' if this episode. It's on the Official First season DVD and restores this show to film quality.

Every 40 Years

Fascinating finale to a piece of Rock history.
The band Gunhill Road's big hit was the 70's anthem 'Back when my hair was short'. If you had long hair in the 70's this song spoke to you like no other. It was a real voice with a real message plus a catchy quirky song. The only visual we had of this band was the album cover, that is why this film is so fascinating. It reveals a simple yet complex storyline of this band and it's quick rise and slow fall in the music industry and their triumphant comeback. A well done documentary with a vast library of archival assets. I felt like I got to know old friends in a way, having their personal photo album opened up for us. A unique and historically important film.

If You Give a Mouse a Christmas Cookie

Original and entertaining Christmas fun!
An original Christmas show based on the characters from the 'If you guve a mouse a cookie' book series. Innocent and musically fun with songs written by rock star Lisa Lobe and sung by an excellent voice cast. Superb animations that replicate the books perfectly. Plus this show ebraces the values of frienship and diversity so parents can relax when their kids watch. Original entertaing holiday fun!

Hollywood: The Golden Years

Nostalgic look at Hollywood early years
This 1961 television documentary is a unique look at early Hollywood through the use of early film clips, rare backstage footage and the perfect storytelling style of legend Gene Kelly. The doc moves right along at a fast but thorough pace and covers the birth and early development of the film industry.

It's very interesting to see how classic Hollywood was perceived in 1961 ("DW Griffith's 1916 classic Intolerance came on nearly 50 years ago" Gene Kelly says) but remains honest by telling the real stories of these classic films. Birth of a Nation's portrayal of the KKK is revealed to be shrouded in controversy with it's racist approach. Most of the real issues are glossed over or committed though-hey this was 1961 broadcast television. There really is though some great information here and much footage that is not available elsewhere.

A fun trip through truly the golden age of Hollywood!

Peter Green: 'Man of the World'

The Definite Peter Green Documentary
Like most Americans, I grew up hearing the music of Fleetwood Mac from "Rumors" on. I thought that Fleetwood and McVie started the band because their names are right in the title. Before the Internet, the only way to learn anything about your favorite band was to read something in a music magazine or newspaper, look at the album cover or listen to the music.

Artists in the 60's and 70's had a more mythical quality due to, in part, the lack of information 'out there' about them. We didn't know every little detail about your favorite band's lives unless something big happened. To a large chunk of America, Peter Green was relatively unknown. The overwhelming bombardment of the 1976 Fleetwood Mac had overshadowed anything that came before "Rumors". The perception was THAT was the beginning of the band.

The BBC's Peter Green: "Man of the World" reveals the real beginnings of one of Rock's biggest bands in the most honest way. Almost every key player in the early life of Fleetwood Mac is featured in very direct interviews. There is nothing fancy in this documentary. It is a straight forward story told by everyone who was there. The only missing players are fellow guitarist Eric Clapton and B.B. King, who both play a major role in Green's life.

Most of the story is told by Peter Green himself. He comes across as a modest, yet talented artist, who tells his story in a low-key very real way. Most of the early members of the Mac also contribute engaging stories that gives a new understanding to the founder of Fleetwood Mac.

Peter Green: "Man of the World" is an emotional reveal like very few Rock documentaries have achieved before. This documentary will stick with you and make you think about your own life thanks to the heart of it all, Peter Green's music.

It will also give you a truthful understanding of a unique under appreciated artist. The great music, the demons, the regrets…they're all here in a captivating package.

Harry and Tonto

A movie that can change your outlook on life…and death
If you want to positively change your outlook on your life..and your views on death…watch this great film! Art Carney so deserved the Oscar he received for this role. He brings such a real and positive presence to the screen that will ingrain itself in you (hopefully!).

Kudos to the filming team for creating such a true and steady pace in the storyline that almost seems like it is occurring in real time. The script couldn't be more original and fascinating, the cinematography captures every location with a unique style and the acting is perfect though out.

I happened to catch this film on a streaming service and it turned out to be one of the best movie experiences I have ever had. Many films of this era seem dated, but Harry and Tonto has a theme and a tone that is timeless.


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