
IMDb member since January 2015
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Life in Colour

Really interesting and brilliantly educational
Recently lost my tolerance for there climate change stuff due to realising it's all lies, but this particular documentary is amazing and very little points about it, the way I prefer nature documentarys, empty of propaganda based off of lies and filled with almost nothing but educational information, the way I enjoy David Attenborough documentary nowadays. My personal favourite point in the show is the parts about the tigers, always enjoy seeing predators do what they do to survive off what they have adapted to eating, tigers are my fathers most favourite species of animal, so his love for them had an impact on which educational points of shows are, I do not have favourites in terms if individual species because I love them all equally, but in terms of extinctions I have recently started thinking that without extinctions and adaptations life would not be able to survive, if life can't adapt or die they'll all die, it's all based on as Darwin said survival of the fittest, humans are a part of nature so us having an impact on other life is a part of nature, so other animals must adapt better ways of avoiding us or go extinct, but our compassion has caused the number of habitat recovery and species returning to old habitats to outnumber the amount of one's declining or damages. But due to this still having a rather small piece about "climate change" I have not given it a 10. It would've been a 10 if it had zero instances of "climate change" or biodiversity loss, I do not include the symbols at each side of biodiversity loss like I do with climate change cause to me biodiversity loss can be a crises but we currently are not experiencing such a crises as off yet.


Fantastic telling of one of many tipping points in the war that failed to end nazism
This movie was one of the best military history movies of all I've

Graphics; I honestly can't really compare to others but regardless they were pretty good This movie was was one of the last good movies before the film industry started producing agenda filled rubbish, the events this movie was about was one of the tipping points in world war 2 that tipped the scale in the allies favour, although the war didn't end it it is a testament to the americas peoples strength in its free will which is again at risk but let's leave that for now and focus on the movie.

The actors did fantastically in there portrayal of the individuals in the events, seeing the Pearl Harbor scene and the sinking of the Arizona that took 1,177 men with it (which was a good choice in naming a character in greys anatomy) always gets to me, cause so many men (the true sex that is oppressed the most) lost there lives.

The Japanese general may never have said that popular phrase in the movie but I know he may potentially have actually thought it I would have it isn't just america and it's people that is such a force to be reckoned with.

Necromunda: Hired Gun

Great game one of my new top 10
This game is absolute fun to play easy to understand controls despite accidental wrong button pressing which I do with every game, gruesomeness is just the way I prefer my games at a lever expected from a warhammer game, first character in choosing how you want your character to look is fantastic a hair style I've been wanting to be honest.

All in all I'm giving it a 10 out of 10 cause this game is so fun, the graphics is also really good, would've preferred a bit of frequent bad language. One thing I didn't like about the game is further customisation on your character, wouldve preferred to customise my character which for all games that allows you to choose between the two genders is female a bit more like scars, tattoos, varied clothing, weapon customisation and some differant facial features but I can live with that.

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