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Best. Christmas. Ever!

How is this a family movie?
Let me start by saying I cannot ever not watch the end of a movie I've started watching. No matter how bad a movie is, I have to see the end.

But for the first time ever, I quit. We got 20 minutes in, and decided that was more than enough torture.

We picked this movie for Christmas Day as it was classed as a family Christmas movie. Watching with my parents in their 60s and teenage sons. It was weird. Sooooo weird. Married couple eyeing off another married couple. Weird sexual undertones between the husband of one couple and the wife of the other. Beds banging into the wall late at night. The teens declared it weird, creepy, and bizarre. The adults agreed

Paused at 20 minutes, read reviews on IMDb, and decided to bail and salvage our family Christmas movie time while we still could.

Would not recommend. The reviews here are not exaggerating. We lasted 20 minutes and even that was torturous.

Hidden Strike

Enjoyably insane
Look, this movie is not a high quality, Hollywood blockbuster. If you go in expecting that then you will be sorely disappointed.

What it is, is pure insanity! The storyline is crazy, completely unbelievable, and full of plot holes. The CGI is so over the top is laughable. The fight scene are ridiculous, back to the old days where you watch a movie and just think "how on earth did they survive that?!" But the on screen chemistry with the two main leads works. There's some funny moments, and the sheer crazy of the action scenes also made us laugh.

This movie was a fun, reality-suspended way to spend almost two hours. It got the tick of approval from the teens and the adults in this house.

If they made a sequel I'd watch it!

Long Story Short

Good premise, fails on chemistry and pacing
I was really looking forward to this one. The premise seemed fairly solid, perhaps predictable, but generally enjoyable. I love a good romcom, so was hopeful. The inclusion of Noni Hazelhurst was also a big draw card!

Unfortunately I just found it so difficult to watch because of the lack of chemistry between the main character and almost all the supporting cast. From the very beginning when the characters met, I found it difficult to buy into the love story. Same with the friendship between the main character and his best mate. They seem more like acquaintances than anything.

The pacing of the movie also felt off. It very rapidly jumped into the main part of the main characters life jumping through the years, with not enough time to lay the foundation of getting to know the main character. It then felt like a quick succession of year jumps with the main character freaking out.

The resolution of the movie was good, predictable but good, but just didn't have the same impact it would have if there was a little more pre-main storyline character development.

Overall, a good premise, but just fell short.

A Tourist's Guide to Love

Poorly executed romcom
I don't mind wasting time watching a cheesy romcom from time to time. Unfortunately this was not one of those.

This movie has every possible cliche character jammed in. We had the jilted, upright middle aged woman who needed a fresh start, the young handsome love interest, the clueless ex, the slightly quirky sidekick character, and just for good measure, all the supporting characters were cliche - the nerdy solo guy, the angsty Gen Z with a phone addiction, the older couple reigniting their love, the sweet but stern grandma.

Beyond that, the chemistry between the characters was seriously lacking. The main female character suffered a combination of poor writing and bland acting.

The only upside of this movie was seeing Vietnam portrayed so beautifully, and the inclusion of some lovely Vietnamese music. Also, despite the characters being cliche, the cousin Ahn and the grandmother were the only mildly relatable characters!

Give this one a miss!

Half Brothers

Heartwarming comedy
Was a little unsure about how this movie would be, as the reviews seemed to be very mixed. But I found it to be an enjoyable watch! Found moments of genuine laughter, as well as a few tears here and there.

The development of the main character, Renato, was done well. Rather than a single moment of revelation and change that is unbelievable, as found in many movies, the changes came subtlety and in multiple parts through out the movie. The actor did a great job in portraying this!

The developing relationship between the brothers was comically realistic!

Also, the soundtrack to the movie was fantastic and made it feel as though we were on the road trip with them.

I was delightfully surprised by this one!

Footy Legends

Heartwarming, funny underdog story
I had never heard of this one, despite being a big Anh Do fan. Decided to give it a go when it popped up on Netflix, and was pleasantly surprised! The story line is very much your typical underdog story. Reminiscent of movies like Cool Runnings or Mighty Ducks. Group of people from the rough side of town, struggling, who band together.

But mixed in with it is some very Australian humour! Found ourselves laughing throughout.

Also has an excellent soundtrack, with many good Aussie classics featuring.

You don't need to be a rugby fan to enjoy this one! Would highly recommend giving it a watch!

The Peanut Butter Falcon

Highly recommend
A fantastic movie that challenges the stereotypes people with disabilities can face, particularly the notion that those with disabilities are unable to exercise self-determination and see their hopes and dreams eventuate. Both male leads do a fantastic job, and the relationship between the two is very believable and feels natural. Some sweet moments between the two, as well as a nice amount of humour.

I loved the cinematic style of the movie, slightly muted colours and a different style to many other movies, but done well. The soundtrack is also excellent.

Would highly recommend this one! Heartwarming and entertaining.

True Memoirs of an International Assassin

Decent fun action flick
Reasonably funny, and a good level of action! Kept adults and teenagers entertained. Fairly predictable, but an enjoyable watch! Not sure why this movie isn't more popular? I'd never heard of it until we stumbled across it on Netflix, but fit perfectly in the genre of movie we love - mindless unbelievable action comedy.


Well worth the watch
Found this movie very enjoyable! Was funny, heartwarming, and full of good music. Would definitely watch again. Highly recommend.

Really found the lead actor amazing, very talented.


As a big fan of musicals, I have been waiting for the time to watch this, with great anticipation.

Well, that's a couple of hours of my life I can't get back.

While it wasn't the worst musical I've seen, it definitely left a lot to be desired. The musical pieces were reasonably okay, but the character development was nil. The songs weren't good enough or memorable enough to drag the rest of the movie along. If you are going to have such a weak movie in every other sense, then the musical numbers need to be top shelf!

Raising Dion

Season 1 was awesome, season 2 was not
We (adult and teen boys) loved season 1. So much suspense, we binge watched it. Have been waiting season 2 for ages!

And what a disappointment it was. The story went in a weird angle, Dion was exceptionally annoying, and there were major plot holes all throughout. Felt like it was a waste of my time watching.

Would give season 1 a 9/10, and season 2 a 1/10.

Back to the Outback

Badly done Australian version of Madagascar
Given the amazing line up of Australian actors, I was really looking forward to watching this movie! Was very much disappointed. It's essentially Madagascar, but set in Australia. Unfortunately, despite the voice actors being top quality, the script was poor. I'd assume this movie was written for an American audience, because I can't see how this would appeal to most Australians.

The only time I heard either of my kids laugh at this was when the bazooka made an appearance.

The Holiday Calendar

Look, the movie itself wasn't unenjoyable. It just wasn't amazing either. The premise of the movie had good ambitions, it could have been so much better.

The male lead (character of Josh) was great. The actor fitted the role well, and he was a believable character who was easy to like. The actor playing gramps did a great job as well. The supporting character Fernando added the not-subtle, not real world comic relief that's expected in movies like this.

Aside from the expected cheesy nature and obvious plot, the main issue I had with the movie is the female lead/character. I don't know if it is a combination of bad writing, bad direction, and bad acting, or just one of those things. The longer the movie went on, the more I disliked her. Rather than portraying the anguished, impoverished photographer I suspected we were supposed to see, the female lead came off as spoilt, rude, self-centred, and generally unlikeable. Even the romance felt forced from her end, and many scenes felt stilted and awkward.

So, not a horrible movie, but not the best either.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

Amazing story of triumph
An amazing story of triumph during times of severe struggle. The movie captures the emotions, conflicts, struggles, and successes of the family in an incredible way. An amazing story portrayed in a beautifully heartbreaking way.

Love Hard

Sweet romcom
A sweet, funny romcom. Of course there's obvious cliches throughout, and the plot is exceptionally predictable, but it was a fun movie to watch. The two lead characters are very likeable, and play their roles well, which helps in a movie with an obvious plot. The supporting characters play their cliche roles in a way that make the movie enjoyable!

Would recommend!

Virgin River

Season 1 amazing, downhill from there
I originally rated season 1 10/10. I loved it and waited for season 2 to be released. Unfortunately it was all downhill from there. It went from being a poignant, sweet look into life and love, to a remote town version of days of our lives. I still persisted, and would have rated season two a 5 or 6/10.

Season 3 came out and I was hoping for redemption. But redemption was nowhere to be seen. It was so bad that I gave up after a few episodes, and just read the episode summaries to find out what happens. Based on the summaries, I decided to not bother watching the rest of the season. The few episodes I saw would have got a rating of 2/10.

So sad, this series had such a great start. So much wasted potential!

Blue Miracle

Heart-warming family movie
A feel good movie, with just enough humour and action to keep teenage boys entertain. Thoroughly enjoyed this one, and has a good message about living with integrity, faith, and hope.

To All the Boys: Always and Forever

Each movie gets worse...
I thoroughly enjoyed movie #1. But it's all downhill from there. This movie was unenjoyable and boring


Fun, lighthearted family movie
A stereotypical coming of age moving, much like karate kid, but still enjoyable despite the predictability. Has a nice soundtrack, and the visuals are amazing. Was enjoyed by the teen boys in our house.

Finding 'Ohana

Fun family movie
Was enjoyed by the adults, teenagers, and pre-teens in our house. Fun, adventurous movie with a sweet morale about family.

Hillbilly Elegy

Why the hate?
Another one confused by the bad reviews and press this movie is getting. I decided to war hit despite the negativity, and glad I did. I can't say I "enjoyed" it, as the content of the movie isn't exactly pleasurable, but it was a well done movie. It was a heartbreaking look at generational dysfunction, especially when it coincides with poverty.

All Together Now

Heartwarming story
This is a beautiful story about hope, family, relationships, life, and friendship. The lead actress was amazing, and brought a lot of depth to her character.

The Sleepover

Great family movie!
Thoroughly enjoyed this one, as did the teenage boys. Obviously there's some major logical plot holes, but if you suspend belief, and take it for what it is - a fun, light-hearted, semi-action, family movie - then you'll enjoy it. The two young boys are quite comical, and add a lot to the movie, along with the dad. Will watch this one again.

The Shack

Loved it
When this came out, there was lots of debate over the heresy of the portrayal of God. So I was interested to see exactly how this was done in the movie. I actually appreciated the way God was portrayed, as coming in the form that is most needed at that point in time, for someone to truly grasp the love and care God has for them. I also appreciated the way the movie handled things such as anger, grief, suffering, and forgiveness, along with a more realistic portrayal of the struggles Christians go through. I am a Christian, but usually find Christian movies gloss over the doubts and struggles we have. This one felt more realistic. I cried my way through this movie, and there were many beautiful, profound moments. I feel like I need to watch it again sometime, to truly grasp it all. Sam Worthington also did a brilliant job in his role, was a good fit for the character.


Fun watching
Part comedy, part action. Easy to watch, enjoyable way to spend a few hours.

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