
IMDb member since January 2015
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    9 years



Solid film, have some reservations
Very good performances, pacing and direction. An important side of abuse that needs more highlighting, I congratulate and thank everyone involved for committing to making this work.

For me, the ending was a disappointment. I didn't buy Dalva's sudden acceptance of her Mother against her Father. I didn't see this transition or a real development of Dalva's character in the final third of the film.

For me, the narrative needed more expansion. The role of the Mother was one dimensional Dalva was so well drawn as a character that I found it hard to believe that she would willing move in with her Mother and his new family.

Does she believe her father abused her?

Bo Burnham: Inside

NOT a 'Masterpiece'.
I am not a long-time fan. I've seen two videos clips of his on UT. I read the reviews and thought I'd give Inside a go.

He is a talented songwriter and musician - but so are the technical production team who no-doubt pulled all his material together into this ultra slick output.

The technical elements were strong. It raised a few wry smiles for me. But it is certainly no 'masterpiece'. I can't believe the word masterpiece is being used to descirbe this mostly average piece of writing.

But he is acting. The whole thing is kinda shoddy artifice made slick with a massive production budget. It added very little to the 'lockdown' art genre. I was happy to go a long with most of it until it got to the faux poor mental health stuff. I found this completely offensive. This was not his experience of lockdown, it probably was very few people's real experience of lockdown.

He's a very canny, shrewd creative industry operator who knew how this would land with 'critics'. Hopefully, he will go away for a few years and develop some geuninely original insights into the human condition before assaulting us with this one-dimensional content.

Make space, Bo. Make space.

Hillbilly Elegy

Ignore the critics on this one
I mostly admire art-house films. I tend to avoid commercial USA films. I watched this for Glenn Close and to my surprise - it is indeed a good movie. Great performances. Strong story. Sharp script. I identified strongly with the scenario - I've been in a similar situation. This is realistic and very well portrayed. Highly recommended - this is real.

Un amour impossible

Ending felt forced and inauthentic
I was certainly gripped by the set-up. Fine performances, nicely directed and stylish portrayal of events. My issue was with the sudden and what seemed to me, convenient/unearned simplistic ending. I simply did not 'buy' the ending. I agree with another user review which suggests we are simply presented with a 'one-note villain. Are we really to believe a Mother/woman who never responds vocally to a man such as Phillipe is a reliable narrator ? Is the Mother as innocent and worthy/decent as the character suggests? It has many strengths - but ultimately, it sloppy, rushed, convenient ending frustrated me and really had me wondering what exactly the director wants us to take away from this epic tale which covers 60 years.

25th Hour

Melodramatic, underwritten with sweeping music score interference.
Acting is solid. Some cheap tricks included to make you feel this is a better, more profound, deeper film than it actually is. Some stylish moments of cinematography but weak backstory and lacks any real depth.

After the Wedding

Poor remake of 2006 Danish original
Performances are solid given the mediocre script. It lacks the subtly and suggestiveness of the original.

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