Reviews (7)

  • When I heard that Dragonball came back, I wasn't a fan that was until I watched the Battle of the Gods and Resurrection F films. They make a part of this show and it's so easy to follow, you don't get lost as much as I did with Dragonball Z and Dragonball. In fact, what Is excellent is the development in character particularly Vegeta, the cold Saiyan Prince who we see his redemption in a sometime hilarious and kick ass way. Goku is a fun and unique as ever. The best arcs to watch is the Future Trunks arc which introduces the audience to a fearsome, terrifying foe that is full of darkness. The universal survival arc seems to get the blood pumping for more action for the Z fighters. What I hope is that Gohan redeems himself from the Great Saiyaman fiasco and becomes the Saiyan/human hybrid warrior that he should be. It's an triumph of a reboot for Dragonball and worth watching.
  • When I first watched the anime, I totally fell in love with it. It had the right amount of comedy, story, sadness, friendship and most of all violence. (Come on, it has zanpukutos (swords), bow/spirit arrows and human might what were you going to expect?). But then I realised something: there are a lot of plotholes, filler arcs which are bland and then as you get to the later arcs, the story is something that we have seen before and thus loses that original feel that Bleach first had at the beginning. I know that when drawing the manga, Kubo Tite is amazing and his artwork is sublime but storyline is not his forte. Beyond the weapons, status of the characters, there is no way to see them in a different and deeper light or even shade when a revelation occurs. If I think of an anime that does that very well, it would be Cowboy Bebop. I think that it may be due to the large ensemble of characters in the story. We may never get to see the final Thousand Year Blood War arc but Bleach deserves better. What Bleach desperately needed to make it an epic story was literally a soul.
  • I have watched Pokèmon since I was 13, I absolutely loved the first series but then I lost interest when it got to the Johto (Gold and Silver) and Hoenn (Ruby and Sapphire) arcs. However it came back to me in the Sinnoh (Diamond and Pearl) arc where Ash has a tense rivalry with another trainer called Paul and no one could ever match their rivalry, not even his rival Gary Oak. It went downhill in Unova (Black and White) but was saved by X and Y as it became the beginning of Ash's finest adventure and continues further in Sun and Moon. If you love Pokèmon watch it, relieve it, believe in Ash and Pikachu as he goes on a quest to become a Pokèmon master. Yes the animation in Sun and Moon is simple but the characters and the Pokèmon make it worth watching and addictive for more adventures in Alola.
  • It is based on the Journey to the West story but it is masterfully funny, crude, silly, violent. It is everything you want in an anime. The story of Goku begins with the quest to find the Dragonballs. Yes it was made in the 80s so some of the content should be controversial to today's standards but it is excellent. Goku is so adorable and you will be cheering for him every time he fights.
  • I really did enjoy season 1. It started off to become something big and epic to the X-Men universe. Episode 7 is the cherry on top as it is masterful acting by the cast specifically Aubrey Plaza. However, season 2......What happened? Why is it is so confusing? What are these crappy infomercial narration? When did they make David become Eleven from Stranger things? Why is he on a goose chase? I know they say there is method to his madness but this is confusing and not good. If I was to introduce Legion to anyone, I would say this: Stick to the X Men movies, Logan is the best one to watch, watch the X-Men cartoon from the 90s don't watch this one unless you want to spend your time asking questions. Dan Stevens is awesome and deserve to be part of the films not this drivel.
  • I was really looking forward to what the MCU will do with the Punisher, following a lack lustre show that was Defenders. What I must say is when a show or a film has the perfect lead it makes a huge difference eg. Charlie Cox as Daredevil. Jon Bernthal not just plays The Punisher he makes us believe that he is the anti hero himself. But the one for me who stole the show is Ben Barnes. He is Billy Russo and was supurb, cool, cold hearted, manipulative and sexy. One of the best villains of the MCU with Kilgrave and Wilson Fisk. The story was okay but it was so hard to watch the first few episodes without having to be bored. But it is worth watching, the title theme suggests a vibe of danger or even get in my way and I'll f**ck you up with my weapons. The action is great but it is just mainly shooting or stabbing.
  • I have watched anime since childhood and it has always been captivating more so than live action TV programmes. I have watched some where filler episodes let the actual programme down. I heard about Fullmetal Alchemist since it's first anime in 2004 but didn't pay attention until a couple of years later when Brotherhood appeared. Do not be fooled by the complicated beginning of the story because like an excellent show it gets better and makes you feel so many emotions from feeling happy via the humorous and heartfelt scenes to feeling devastated. What I love about the show is the music, the magic of alchemy, the action/drama, humour, animation, characters and most importantly the story are beautifully crafted and on point. What I love is how the Edward and Alphonse Elric remain focal to the story but they also move the story to new heights as they delve deeper into reaching their objective of getting their original bodies back but at the cost of a terrible price.

    It deserves to be recognised as an iconic animation that can stand tall with the best television series or even motion picture.