
IMDb member since February 2015
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    IMDb Member
    9 years



Really like this show
The first review I read of this show was not positive, and I don't agree. It seems quite authentic to me, and I like the idea that the cast is not exactly scripted. Obviously the actors have to be taught some police lingo, and have probably been coached on how to handle certain types of people. I like the actors, and any hesitations or camera movements don't bother me. I watch primarily British crime and mystery shows (as well as those from Canada, Australia and New Zealand), because those made here aren't nearly as well done or interesting. Crime shows here feature, it seems to me, only beautiful women and handsome men. That's not how life is! Women in their 30's are not likely to be police superintendents. Helen Mirren, a stunning actress, did a fantastic job in the Prime Suspect series. She was shown without a lot of makeup, a bit tired, and it felt so real, not fake. That's how I think of Suspects as well. And many other British crime shows. Keep them coming! I'll give it a 10!

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