
IMDb member since February 2015
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Buddy Games

A rude grown ups that isn't nearly as funny
I'm only giving this a two because there are a few funny moments but apart from that this is probably the worst film I've ever seen


Good choice of actors but a rushed storyline
I get that when you are turning a book into a film you have to cut a lot out and make things go quicker but every part of this story was rushed. I was so excited to watch this but now so disappointed


Loved it
For me a good film is a film that can make me cry like a baby at the end. This film definitely made me sob.

The Usual Suspects

I guessed the ending but when it panned out even better than I thought
Throughout the film I kept thinking I bet this is how it ends, but then there are so many twists that I started convincing myself I was wrong! But then the ending changed the game. I think this is now one of my favourite films

Charlie's Angels

Everything you expect Charlie's angels to be
Don't watch this film expecting it to be the best spy movie you've ever seen. We all love the original movies but they were just as silly as this! If you want an easy silly it's funny movie to watch then give this a try

The Man Who Cried

I thought it was odd that I'd never heard of this film and yet it stars Christina Ricci, Cate Blanchett and Johnny Depp. Half an hour in I realise why. It's boring. I love historical movies and this seemed like a film I would love but I was just so bored. Two of the main characters barely even speak! And you forget what the point of the story is until 15 minutes before the end!


The original is always better the aesthetics in this and the chemistry between Aladdin and Jasmine make this film beautiful
When I first heard they were making another version of Aladdin I was worried about who would play the Genie and how could they ever compare to Robin Williams. Will Smith I have to admit does a pretty good job. The aesthetics are absolutely gorgeous

Lady and the Tramp

Not as good as the original but it tries with an added bit of comedy
The original will always be my all time favourite Disney film so this new version was never going to completely compare but I watched this for the nostalgia and I wasn't disappointed. Definitely give this version a try, even if you immediately want to the original straight after like I'm doing

His Dark Materials

I think I'm rare in saying I preferred the movie
If I didn't know the story then I would enjoy this more. I'd do anything to have Dakota blue Johnson as Lyra again. I'm not sure on this new girl as Lyra. I find her more annoying than appealing as a main character, Ruth Wilson does well though as Mrs Coulter. Ma Costa I feel has been turned from a strong leader type into a sobbing mother. I am forgetting the story so that I can enjoy this more. But time will tell

Downton Abbey

When I first heard Downton Abbey was coming back as a film I was quite fearful that it would be written wrong or feel forced. But I was so wrong. Everyone is back to where they belong with the same drama and wit that we all loved about the series. I honestly can say I didn't want it to end. I hope one day they will bring back the series but for now I'm more than content with this film bringing it all to an end

St. Trinian's

I forget how hilarious this film is every time!
Every time I watch this film I fall in love with it all over again. Absolutely hilarious with some stellar British actors and actresses!

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

Fantastic ending to an amazing trilogy
I was so worried when I first heard about this because the third film in a trilogy is never as good as the first but I love love loved this The Hidden World! Finished off the series in a perfect way

Mary Poppins Returns

Nothing will ever compare to the original but saying that Mary poppins returns tries its hardest, Jack may not be Burt but Lin Manuel Miranda is funny to watch and Emily Blunt just looks like she is loving every minute of being Mary Poppins, and I loved watched her as Mary Poppins too


I enjoy watching this and would recommend
I don't even care that this show isn't completely accurate anymore because I like the characters and their storylines. I look forward to seeing the third season and which direction it goes in

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

I was worried but I didn't need to be
When I first heard that a sequel to Jumanji was being made I was terrified. The original to me is a true cinema classic but this one has done the job of complementing it so well. Funny and clever for all the family. Definitely give this one a watch

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

I didn't watch this film expecting an award winning masterpiece. I came for the nostalgia, seeing these characters again and learning a little about their past. The songs were amazing, as they should be and the characters young and old brought something new to this film. Meanwhile I'm crying in the cinema. Will be watching over and over again

Moulin Rouge!

Wacky and Brillaint
I recently watched this film for the second time in what must be years, I forgot how much I love this film! The chemistry between Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGreggor is just enchanting! The sound track is just amazing and the story dramatic but yet hilarious at the same time. Watch this film, then rewatch it then again. "The greatest thing you will ever learn is to love and be loved back"


Hilarious, lovely and easy to watch
I've rated this film 9/10 because I just love it, a brilliant classic that will be forever funny. One of those films that I can just watch again and again or whenever I'm bored. Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell are both hilarious and their chemistry is so real, it's no wonder they are together in real life. Not to forget the stellar cast including the brilliant late Edward Herrmann and Roddy McDowall, Katherine Helmond and Bad Billy Pratt Mike Hagerty. Watch this film and then watch it again and again

Parks and Recreation

I loved the office but I may have loved Parks and Rec even more
I would recommend this show to anyone, family friendly and funny with a diverse personality of characters who grow into a loving yet slightly dysfunctional family. You've got Leslie, an overly enthuastic leader who starts off slightly annoying but eventually you realise is the kindest women this world has to offer that you needas your best friend. Ron is probably the best character, playing a loveable, no nonsense, government hating, privacy loving, awesome mustache wearing, man who becomes your favourite uncle. Tom starts and ends as slightly self centred but is so loveable. You can't forget Chris Pratt as the hilarious idiot Andy, Aubrey Plaza as April a self proclaimed goth/ vampire, Retta as the fabulous Donna amongst many more. A definitely must watch.


The problem is, Riverdale is just so addictive
This is a show I refer to as one of my guilty pleasures. I watch this show because even though the dialogue is awful (who in real life says "we are living in sin" or "now now mother we don't want to be like the Montagues and the Capulets") and some of the storylines are just far to ridiculous this show is still enjoyable to watch.

Just Go with It

One of his better films
Adam Sandler doesn't always make the best movies but this one is good, very predictable of course but good nonetheless. Nicole Kidman's storyline was annoying and in no way is Jennifer Anniston the ugly chick but this is an easy fun to watch movie


Over too quickly
In all honesty I did like this movie. Saoirse Ronan's acting was beautiful as always but the movie ended too quickly for me. Suddenly there was 10 minutes left and not enough has happened for me. But I give this film 7/10 because this film is sweet, not a masterpiece but enjoyable to watch.


Brilliant Documentary
I've watched this documentary so many times and yet every time I'm left devasted and with a deep hate for Orca capture. Every interview is powerful and moving alongside with home videos that just helps you to see that these beautiful, intelligent animals should never have been put in captivity.

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