
IMDb member since February 2015
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Avengers: Endgame

A Satisfying Conclusion to the Infinity Saga
Pros + Incredible performances from the Original 6 Avengers + Strong Emotional Impact + Unexpected Surprises + Incredible Direction from the Russo Brothers (Seriously, hats off to these guys who did the impossible) + Solid Humor + Strong Pacing (except the 1st Act which at some times is a bit slow) + Cinematography (Lots of Great Shots that I want to frame them on my wall) + Sound Effects & Mixing + Alan Silvestri's Best Score + Easter Eggs & References from previous MCU movies + The Entire 3rd Act + Strong Rewatchability + Taking Risks on its characters, that ultimately works + Amazing payoff for the characters and this universe

  • A Plot Element that set up its rules, but kinda broke them especially in the end. (Overall, I didn't care that much because that element will always have Convoluted Mess in movies that can easily be nitpicked)

In conclusion, this is definitely my favorite MCU movie. This is a thank you letter for the fans who stuck with this franchise for 10+ years and this is their reward. Highly recommend watching more than once because it gets better each viewing.

My score : 9.2/10

Lazer Team

Another Sci-Fi cliché Adventure...
Plot- This movie is filled with tons of cliché's with lazy writing. The characters are so annoying and forgettable.The only pros I give this movie is the humour, they're not great but good.

Acting- Burnie Burns performance was good, while the other side character performances are weak

Music- Nothing Memorable, it's the same type of music you hear in a teenage Sci-Fi movie

Cinematography- Camera work was OK, but there are few shaky cams that are so annoying. The special effects looks mediocre and you can easily detect it in certain scenes

Overall, this movie is still fun to watch even there is a lot of clichés.

So I'm giving this movie a 4/10


A Satisfying Bond Movie
Plot- The only thing I would like to criticize is the script, the script is weak and bland, especially how the script handles the villains in this movie. They are really underused in this film. The First Act of the movie was great, The Second Act was a meh, and the third and final act is bad. Despite that, there are plenty of enjoyable moments in this movie.

Acting- Craig and Seydoux performance were great, Fiennes, Naomie and Whishaw's performances were also good too. Christiph Waltz's scenes were amazing ,but too bad he was underused in this film. Bautista's was actually good , but he spoke only one 'word'. ONE WORD!!!.

Music- The soundtrack by Thomas Newman was great, it has Bond feel into it. I loved 'Writing's on the Wall' by Sam Smith, I know some people hate the song, for me I like it. The song fitted to the title sequence.

Cinematography- The Camera work by Hoyte van Hoytema was Amazing! Especially around the opening scene. No shaky camera around the fight scenes.

Overall: If I describe Spectre as a whole, this movie is a satisfying bond film with great performance, music, and beautiful camera work. Despite the flaws of the script, there.

are plenty of enjoyable moments

My final score is a 7/10

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