
IMDb member since February 2015
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    IMDb Member
    9 years


King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

I watch it 2-3 times a year since the release
This movie is brilliant! If you like Guy Ritchie's movies you'll like this one as well. It's funny, amazing actors, it's very nicely shot, great special effects, spicy fight scenes.

Tiny Pretty Things

Great trailer, beautiful dancers but plot and lines, God!
The plot, acting and dialogues are awful. Flesh and bone was much better.


I watched "the loudest voice" just recently and TV show was so mich better than a movie
I found the story very interesting, but I think it was absolutely impossible to fit all the interesting details that actually help you to comprehend the story in 1,5 hours movie. In TV Show "The loudest Voice" you get to live the story through. You actually see what kind of person RA was, especially towards women. For me it was TV show of a year. So, the movie for me felt way too short and way too fast. It's hard to follow and understand what was actually going on. It was like watching on rewind. The acting was fantastic, I think everyone did a great job, but the story was too superficial. Not deep enough for my taste.

Saint Judy

A beautiful and inspiring movie!
Beautiful and touchy movie! I got Erin Brockovich vibes. Very inspiring, it's a shame that it didn't get more hype. I accidentally noticed it in my AMC Theatre app and decided to give it a try. Haven't seen a trailer either. Defined deserve more attention that it gets. Story is heartbreaking, there are thousands of women around the world who have no voice, who are not allowed to learn, to read, to speak out. It's horrifying.

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