
IMDb member since March 2015
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Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Lame Movie
The acting was honestly pretty bad. Too many predictable lines like "oh my mom packed us 3 tupperware containers b/c we're asian" or "how much more asian can I be - i'm an economics professor whose lactose intolerant" (haha?) Also, the main actress seems utterly vacuous as she assumes that there's no cultural difference between her and someone in China. I knew i'd never be able to relate to my Asian relatives at age 16.

I've lived in NYC all my life and I haven't met asians with heavy British accents. I do know mostly American-Asians and Chinese-Americans but these don't represent them. The folks this movie depicted were "new money" folks trying way too hard to show off wealth. I will say that I have noticed that some of my American-South Asian friends do tend to demonstrate this characteristic as soon as they get any money so that part seems legitimate.


Promising but...
This reminds me so much of the Spanish Netflix show "Money Heist". In other words, it's a foreign TV show and the camera work, sound, and story are so good that i'm surprised. But then all those subtle attempts to emulate American TV start to get really annoying and come across as overdone. For example, they just NEEDED to have that dark, brooding cop who drinks too much and gets physical and it's all due to (flashback) something dark and unclear that happened in the past AKA the most cliched character over the past 30 years of American TV and film.

Additionally, all the actual actors who play these characters have 15 letter long Indian names, but their screen names are "Josh" and "Danny" and "Steven Desoto" and "Mikey" and "Paulie" or some names that sound like they belong on an Italian American TV show based in Brooklyn or New Jersey. While they're calling each other these names in their foreign accents, I'm just picturing Apu from The Simpsons and wondering what it would be like if he was named Squi or Tobee or Bart and still spoke in his Indian accent.

That said, i'm pleasantly surprised by how good of a story line i'm seeing. I haven't watched an Indian movie since I was about 8 years old back when my parents watched Amita Bacchan. Although they were impossible to get through with their numerous musical sequences, they were still authentic and great in their own way. This show is easier to watch thanks to that fact, i'm finally watching an Indian TV show and hopefully preserving my ability to speak Urdu/Hindi.

La casa de papel

This show is SO corny but entertaining
This is the type of show you can zone out and watch for pure entertainment. It's just so fake and difficult to believe that it's more like a fantasy movie. Who believes that a country's (Spain) national mint has 4 cops guarding it and no one responding to a robbery for 10 hours? The federal reserve in NYC has about 200 armed security and thousands more within a mile.

This show also gets to me because they are trying too hard to be "cool" and pretending to be a hollywood movie and it comes across as just lame. For example, a bunch of cops hanging out near a forensics scene - nowhere near a dangerous area - will be wearing full protective gear and black helmets in order to look cool. A bunch of cops inside a tent will hear "Alright, let's get ready to go in" and they'll unlock the safety on their rifles with a loud click for dramatic effect. It's ridiculous.

La casa de papel

This show is SO corny but entertaining
This is the type of show you can zone out and watch for pure entertainment. It's just so fake and difficult to believe that it's more like a fantasy movie. Who believes that a country's (Spain) national mint has 4 cops guarding it and no one responding to a robbery for 10 hours? The federal reserve in NYC has about 200 armed security and thousands more within a mile.

This show also gets to me because they are trying too hard to be "cool" and pretending to be a hollywood movie and it comes across as just lame. For example, a bunch of cops hanging out near a forensics scene - nowhere near a dangerous area - will be wearing full protective gear and black helmets in order to look cool. A bunch of cops inside a tent will hear "Alright, let's get ready to go in" and they'll unlock the safety on their rifles with a loud click for dramatic effect. It's ridiculous.

The X Files: Babylon
Episode 5, Season 10

What a feat of Engineering
It is fascinating seeing the progression of this show. I grew up on X- Files and I was always impressed by the incredible intelligence of not only Mulder & Scully but the show creators. Original, real, sci-fi along the lines of Twilight Zone. A show that made one question the status quo. And now I watch this episode. Starting out, I was SURE there would be a "plot twist" and the obvious terrorists would turn out to somehow - for the first time in American television history - FOIL a terror attack. But no - every single Muslim on the episode was pure evil, possessing unexplainable hatred, while every single Caucasian American was unequivocally "good". The scenes with the Muslims were all foreboding scenes involving either explosives, religion, or the release of massive amounts of kinetic energy. What a challenge to the status quo! This season has been disappointing but the show has finally sunk to a new low. A 10 year old could have written this episode. Disappointed that Fox Mulder would star in a moronic episode like this.

The Slap

Fake Accent Annoys Me
This Rosie character is the worst thing since that other character who (deservedly) slapped that wild kid. I'm debating who the more annoying character is - Rosie or her doctor friend, or the "violent" guy who looks like he weighs 120 pounds. I don't know who came up with this Rosie character but she's obviously a recent transplant to Brooklyn - friends with all these yuppies. Living in north Brooklyn, she's picked up in a few years a fake, heavy, ridiculous accent from bay ridge. How did that happen?? I haven't met a single yuppie or hipster or whatever with a bay ridge accent. They usually don't even go south of cortelyou or know any native Brooklynites! HORRIBLE CASTING!!

Indian Summers

Excellent and Atmospheric
The setting is beautiful and the audio and visuals and costumes really bring you into the series. I can almost smell the air of the mountains. There are several themes running through the series and you can see things starting to come together into a more coherent whole by the 3rd episode. I would rate this series as one of the best i've seen - along the lines of Downton Abbey or The Wire. There are also some really great actors and actresses like Jemima West and Henry Lloyd- Hughes. Jemima West really carries the show. Little subtleties add a lot of flavor to this series. Highly recommended and great for unwinding after a long week.

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