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Why the main character has an ability of superman? He can't be killed by cutting, physical trauma, and exhaustion. What irrate me more is, he is arrogant mf that only use small baton to beat like 100 guys and refused to change his silly weapon not until the half of the movie.

I know I've watched tons of similar genre but this one is simply infuriating.

The Night Comes for Us

We did it Indonesyia!
I'm not Indonesian but I want to used that catchphrase I saw on social media. For me this is the most well crafted film produced in Indonesia, so raw and brutal even in my standards!

Elcano y Magallanes. La primera vuelta al mundo

Bit higher rating in response to those "specifics" who doesn't even bother to watch the film!
The other reviewer was right, the scene that "specifics" cry about last only a couple of minutes, well maybe not the most accurate portrayal of their appearance but this is Spanish kids show not a accurate account of historical piece that shove to general public. Of course the logic of the film is Spanish - good; everyone else - bad. Isn't that a common practice on most movies in Hollywood?

If there are injustices I think the one who should complain are the Portuguese, they are portrayed as straight bad guys but they are not crying like those "specifics". As if the "specifics" has concrete basis and knowledge on their ancient history, what happened is they let their neighbors wrote their own history for them?

The movie was entertaining, the animation was average and the characters were likeable (except Yago). Don't listen to the haters they just hopped on hate train without seeing the movie first and the bias that "butchered their history". How can you 'butchered' that something that doesn't exist?


Boring movie
When I first saw the trailer I thought it was "Black swan with swimming asian girls" but I forced myself to finish this for the sake of watching it. The story was predictable and uninspiring and I am not exaggerating when I said I fell asleep in the middle of movie. The plot twist was weak and there is no scenes that justified its genre as "thriller". This is not for everyone and watch it only if nothing left to do.

His House

His House opinion
I waited for this movie since I saw the trailer month ago, it seems promising and interesting because I like the hunted house plot lines and His House barely satisfy the expectations. The story was simple, straightforward and seems a commentary on social issues like immigration. There is a recent trend on horror film makers where it is 'woke' thing to incorporate certain socio/political/philosophical topics as a storyline, but this one was hardly entertaining. It was forgettable and very basic but still I gave it a OK rating because I like the shots and imagery of the film.

The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)

Forget Serbian film, Human centipede 2 is the real deal
In terms of obnoxiousness, Serbian film seems a disney compared to this one. It was revolting, offensive and dehumanizing. The rape, newborn scenes and constant screaming were got to my nerve and I feel violated finishing this. HC2 shouldn't exist and possible considered crime against humanity. the film makers should face charges!

3 stars for credits for acting and effects, some elements looks realistic.

Jiong ma

The whole movie seems a love story - between mother and son. Well I don't bother to watch the trailer first so I don't have an idea what was this all about. Lost in Russia is more a family drama than comedy, it has barely genuine funny moments and most of the scenes are the struggling relationship of a full grown man to his mother and ex wife.

Interesting because I often avoid the genre of comedy because its stupid and shallow, but this one keeps me hook from beginning to end.

The Assistant

Nothing to see here
I heard this movie is all about Harvey Weinstein and the allegation surrounding the film making industry. But in the end, nothing actually happens. It is very foolish to think they actually made a full length movie to tell the audience "the boss is a pervert" but fails to put that on end or brings justice to the victims.

The reason why I gave it 5 stars is because Julia Garner is a convincing actress. I like her style and playing as helpless office worker.

Harcheck mi headro

Slow and Boring
Very slow and boring. A lot of shots about mundane things like cooking, cleaning, self loathing, binge eating and of course the incest shenanigans between a father and daughter.

Should add more than relying on shocking theme like incest. This can be better I believe.

Nos années folles

Danish Girl carbon copy
This is almost the same movie as Danish Girl (2015) but without the transgender arc. Here, Paul (Pierre Deladonchamps) is a coward deserter who leaves the battlefield and dress as a woman to hide from authorities.

Golden Years just keep me reminding of Danish Girl with Eddie Redmayne, it is very similar and seems deja vu watching the two movies. Even the actors of two movies looks identical - in and out of drag.

Idi i smotri

We will get some hate for hating this movie
Every opinion matters but when someone pushes their belief and treated it as absolute fact rather than opinion, it is a messy business. Like what I read on this movie reviews are very different from what I saw, it seems the movie was hyped and overrated and audience was conditioned to call it "masterpiece". The only right about Come and see is it is pointless, from the action of the characters to the theme of movie itself, war is pointless.

I'm Thinking of Ending Things

I'm thinking of ending things
This is like the movie "Us", it tries very hard to be weird, philosophical and unconventional but after you "unlock" its mystery, you will just move on and proceed to do the next chore.

The story is somewhat easy to decipher, if you will pay close attention to dialogue and visual cues.

Hoe duur was de suiker

MINI MINI should be the focus of story
In my opinion, Mini mini story is more interesting than to her mistress, which is selfish, promiscuous, ruthless and miserable. I mean who wants to watch a toxic character making herself and the people around her miserable? At least mini mini has a decency and more ladylike than sarith. I agree on one review here, the antics and story were tiresome it would be better if its formatted as mini series. Also Dutch cinema has a different style of story telling, very different from what we saw in Hollywood which is effective and fresh for someone who is not familiar in Dutch movies.

Na-reul chaj-a-jwo

Janggeum was beaten
I hate to see Jang geum being abused and almost beaten to death. Contain a lot of violence including to a child. This is decent movie if you are a fan of Lee Yeong ae but seriously I won't bothered if she was not the main character. Disappointing to think she was gone for almost decade in big screen and when she's back she choose to starred on this average film. Jang geum wake up!

The Grudge

Surprisingly Good!
Set your expectations low and you'll never be disappointed.

The Grudge 2020 was surprisingly good and the hate probably came from people who anticipate more ghostly presence from original. The film-makers actually do a great job setting a different plot and deflecting from Japanese source, nothing is worse than a forced crossover.

Cheap jumpscare was there as usual, like most modern horror suffers from. But the scene where Detective Muldoon hug her 'son' in the room turn out to be Melinda was genius. It was jump scare done right.

It was decently made reboot or remake of a remake. The acting was convincing especially Riseborough.

The Queen's Corgi

Rocky's Corgi
With the reference to Rocky and Fight Club, this movie really make it further than Her Highness presence. Maybe the original story is all about sports and fighting later the writers scrap it all and make him Queen's top dog instead.

This is not kid's movie. I was surprised with dark theme it portray. I just curious because this movie might be get popular if the queen pass away and hyped escalated very quickly.

Not too bad nonetheless

Room for Rent

Weird,creepy and depressing
Room for rent is a movie of mental illness, isolation and peculiarity. It is story of Joyce, a senior citizen who's husband was recently died. Actress Lin Shaye who played Joyce said "it is story of decline, a helpless woman who has no life skills who find herself desperately longing for attention and love. She must navigate her own life after a personal tragedy. . .She's a loner and lives in loneliness house, she saw a magazine 'BNB' she doesn't even know what does it mean and suddenly she looks it up, 'let's have a bed and breakfast maybe I can earn some money'. So that's where the problem starts."

Personally, I like this movie despite a lot of people complaining on how crappy it is. It is cringey on most part because it successfully capture the feeling of uneasiness on how an old person slowly drifting away from reality. How she became obsess and her agony for Bob's attention.

Lin Shaye's acting is always been excellent having a title of 'scream queen'. Other supporting actors are emotionless and amateur, they nearly ruined the movie, if not because of Shaye's brilliant acting.

Das Sommerhaus

A shocksploitation film

Based on my observation, very few people seen this German movie. I'm going to give my honest opinion and curiosity after I finished watching Das sommerhaus. The premise of the story is centered on Markus-- a family man with deviant taste on his sexuality. A bisexual and pedophile. Basically his preference doesn't do any good for his wife, Christine and 12 year old daughter Elisabeth. Enter this 12 year old boy Johannes the son of Markus business partner. So Markus and Johannes get along pretty well when something nasty happened between them. At the end of the film, the kid blackmail Markus and we can see Johannes was killed by Elisabeth.(Is that really happened?) In the whole 100 minutes many strange events takes place that I don't want to elaborate because it's confusing and doesn't make sense, we only focus on Marcus and his attraction to the boy that backfired on him. What annoyed me is that, the writer seems enjoying making a scenario then left the audience hanging without establishing a clear ultimatum. They always make a grey area when you asked yourself "What happened....?". Anyway if you like watching almost trashy and surprising movie this is for you.

PS: I'm happy with the choice of the actors. They suit well for their respected characters. That the reason why I gave it slightly higher rating.


The movie with most beautiful zombies
I'm really happy with this thriller/action/horror zombie Korean flick Train to Busan, its really different from Hollywood zombie movie that we normally used to, with it new style of terrorizing the audience you can feel its thrill from beginning until the end. Unlike in American counterpart where the scare factor are heavily dependent on graphics ( blowing zombies brains, victims eaten alive with their insides hanging out on their tummy , explosion , etc) TTB zombies looks like just wounded people with seizure and cataract (but they bites!) which is refreshing. Actually Its funny that even some of them are already infected, they still good looking! I don't know if that's a good thing or a biggest flaw for a zombie flick. After I watched it, I suddenly have urge to binge on zombie themed movies. So I learned that TTB MIGHT similar to quarantine where people trap inside airplane instead! (kind of) and there's a kid too. Is possible to have a sequel "Plane to Busan"? Because I feel we need a closure for this wonderfully made zombie thriller. If you're zombie fan you certainly don't want to miss this masterpiece!


Another airplane thriller
Well I've never been in airplane and I hope such commotion will never happen to me.

One of my favorite genre of movie is thriller particularly when the settings is all about airline or commercial flights.And NON STOP is really great well yeah its flawed but still amazing. suspense and acting overshadow imperfection.

The success of NON STOP means Im still looking for a such brilliant kind of movie-shot inside on flying airplane 30K above our heads.

I think it would be better if they change a little bit the plot line, like for example one of the crew is also a hijacker and the side of the plane will not going to rip apart in landing.Well just saying hehe.

The Exorcist

Honor for an epic film
Maybe its late but I just want to express my admiration on this real work of art. Personally I regard The exorcist as 'the most creepiest movie ever made' even the fact that it's 1973 still it can par with contemporary horror we have now.

I should say this classic is more 'traumatic' than dreadful.You know after you seen this you wonder what if its real, what if it's going to happen to someone you know or on you yourself,well that's really a nightmare.

I remember after I watched it I was shaking and suddenly became interested in bible I read it and pray every night,which is I never done usually. funny well Im just a kid.

The actors are great especially Linda Blair. She deserves a life time award for being the adorable but ghastly as the same time.

Well that's it perfect 10/10. I hope Hollywood do such similar thing in the future, a remake.And shock the future generation.

The Fault in Our Stars

don't bother just pass to the next review
don't bother just pass to the next review.My English is BROKEN and unpolished your eyes were going to hurt.

So if you rate this movie a "perfect 10" and "A+++" im going to give you my boo button, silly enough to rate this totally overrated teen movie that depicted or should I say encourage underage sex. Also think about it without a consequence? good way to get a herpes or unwanted pregnancy.

On the greener side, I rate it 2 because it has a good message also for people who suffer from illness that love is possible.

Overall, 2 stars out of ten.

Girl, boy, bakla, tomboy

Mixed reaction
Seeing a actor in four different characters is pretty hilarious.That's the fun factor of the film and how Vice Ganda executed his performance. However some skits and jokes are just dull.

Filipino cinema especially the mainstream that presented during MMFFF are notoriously known for being a box office bomb.Same and over and over formula are being used just for the sake of profit that the main movie studios can earn without prioritizing the quality of film.

This movie however is just one of those worth to try. the movie is fun and average.And its a top grosser for 2013 MMFFF for a unique idea and effective humor that the audience enjoy.

All Screwed Up

A very different comedy
Teenisha(Chyna Layne) is a high school student who is constantly bullied by her fellow classmates because of her odd behavior and exotic interest on insects. A Namibian elephant beetle, which she ordered online has a mystical power that can switches souls if they're bitten by it. Unfortunately she and her neighbor Pete(Jake Waldman), who is also her schoolmate and very popular on school, are the victim by the mystical beetle. Being trapped on each other bodies Teenisha must save or she further ruined Pete's career on basketball.

I think the movie done pretty well despite on actors awful acting and idiotic plot.I notice the prevalence of interracial relationship thought out the film and I actually like it. All screwed up is infamous comedy fantasy that worth give a try. 5/10

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