
IMDb member since April 2015
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Easter Parade

Great Easter Movie
What a classic film. We have a tradition of watching Easter films over the long weekend in Australia and this is always a top pick! Fun, bubbly movie featuring two great talents. Enjoyable little musical, even if the musical numbers aren't the most memorable. The movie makes a huge mistake though; near the end it gives the (supposedly) 2nd string Ann Miller the better musical numbers, and give Garland and Astaire only one musical number together, "A couple of swells." A terrible number to portray Astaire and Garland's couple dance chemistry. And Garland's character falls totally in love with Astaire though their dancing. There's no questioning their individual talent, and together Garland and Astaire are a great all-time dance couple. Ann Miller surprisingly gets the best dance numbers, and the music is very memorable. Easter Parade is probably the best of the musicals I've watched; but I think I can watch anything with either Astaire or Garland in it. Their personalities are able to elevate the material that's given to them, in Easter Parade and also pretty much in every movie of theirs that I've seen.

Dinosaur Island

Awesome family movie
I bought this for my kids to have over the Easter Holidays and they just love this film. We saw it at the cinema in the Blue Mountains where it was the number 1 film for weeks. The kids begged me to get them the DVD as soon as it came out. It really is a lovely film. The kids adore the bird character, "Mimos" and all the other creatures in the film. Its nice that everything is so colourful and the story although simple has some lovely themes consistent with a good family movie. Although it is targeted towards young audiences the adults in our home enjoyed the quick pace and great visual effects. We looove the fuzzy t-rex and the music is just beautiful. Lovely to hear the Aussie accents in a kids film for a change and I think the acting wasn't too bad. I have read the negative reviews on this site and they clearly are incorrect. This movie should be in every families DVD collection. Cute story and cute characters - it doesn't need to win an Acadamy Award, it just needs to entertain and it has certainly done that.

Big Hero 6

My family got tickets to an early showing. The movie was excellent. The atmosphere was refreshingly different, the characters fleshed out, the plot touching, and the humor was rich and consistent . I would recommend this one to anyone, and especially to couples and families with children.Big Hero 6 really blew me away, I expected it to be good since Disney is having another animation renaissance but once the credits began to roll all I could do was wish it was longer. This movie has something for everyone, comedy, action, some despair. In fact, surprisingly the only thing missing was romance, which is fine with me. If you love superheroes, robots, and animated films, I think you've found your holy grail.

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