
IMDb member since April 2015
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The Brittany Murphy Story

2 thumbs way down
I have heard about this film for awhile and hesitated to watch it after hearing such bad reviews, but gave it a shot anyways. Like most, I was a Britney Murphy fan. She had this bubbly sweet personality, this contagious laugh and was able to play any role. Let's start with the casting shall we? Whomever is in charge of casting for roles, should be fired, like now. The girl chosen to play Britney didn't even resemble her in the slightest. I forgot through out the film that I was watching a bio pic because I couldn't see Britney at all. She sounded more Jersey than anything which Britney didn't and where was that great Britney laugh? The eggs were awful. And I feel they didn't give to much insight in her life. Just all the drama. They made it seem as if she was a D list actress who nobody knew, like she was struggling for roles, when she was in so many great films. Films I grew you loving to watch. How can one forget Riding in cars with boys? Or girl interrupted or Uptown girls so on so forth. They skipped years at a time and you couldn't catch up. If you have not yet seen it I don't recommend it.

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